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(#5577) Guidelines for Winter Recreation near Wolverine Dens in Montane Western North America
(#5533) Report on the Progress of Management Plan Implementation for Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi), British Columbia Population, in Canada for the Period 2017 to 2021
(#5531) KCP Strategic Priorities 2024-2029
(#5529) Columbia Basin Management Plan 2024-2034
(#5527) Preliminary Report on the Physical and Geological Features of that Portion of the Rocky Mountains
(#5525) Synthesis of habitat models for management of wolverine (Gulo gulo): Identifying key habitat and snow refugia in the Columbia and Rocky Mountains, Canada
(#5523) Fuel types misrepresent forest structure and composition in interior British Columbia: a way forward
(#5522) Wetlands on the Western Benchlands of the Columbia Valley – Video
(#5520) The importance of groundwater to the upper Columbia River floodplain wetlands
(#5514) Recovery Strategy for the American Badger jeffersonii subspecies (Taxidea taxus jeffersonii) Western population and Eastern population in Canada
(#5509) Recovery Strategy for White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in Canada – Amendment 2023
(#5507) Recovery Strategy for the Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) in Canada 2022
(#5505) Recovery Strategy for the Lewis’s Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis) in Canada
(#5501) Corridor-based approach with spatial cross-validation reveals scale-dependent effects of geographic distance, human footprint and canopy cover on grizzly bear genetic connectivity
(#5499) Modern dextral strain controls active hydrothermal systems in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera
(#5497) Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan – Village of Radium Hot Springs
(#5495) Golden Landfill Conformance Review 2019
(#5493) Solid Waste Management Annual Operations and Monitoring Report Golden Refuse Disposal Site MR-17006 2020
(#5491) 2021 Hydrogeological Characterization Reasessment Golden Refuse Disposal Facility
(#5489) Solid Waste Management Annual Operations and Monitoring Report Golden Refuse Disposal Site MR-17006 2021
(#5487) Solid Waste Management Annual Operations and Monitoring Report Golden Refuse Disposal Site MR-17006 2022
(#5485) Columbia Shuswap Regional District: Invasive Plant Report Inventory, Treatments, Monitoring and Public Outreach
(#5483) Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan Columbia Shuswap Regional District Electoral Area A
(#5481) Climate Action Plan Engagement Summary
(#5478) Columbia River Access Feasibility Report
(#5476) Fairmont Creek 2022 Annual Dike Inspection Report
(#5474) Cold Spring Creek 2022 Annual Dike Inspection Report
(#5472) Cold Spring Creek Diversion – Stage 2
(#5470) Cold Spring Creek – Debris Basin Design
(#5468) Cold Spring Creek Debris Flood Mitigation Cold Spring Creek Hazard Assessment
(#5466) Fairmont Creek Debris Basins May 31, 2020 Flood Assessment Final Report
(#5464) Fairmont Creek Debris Flow Hazard and Risk Assessment
(#5462) Overview-Level Hazard Assessment of Cold Spring Creek
(#5460) Cold Spring Highway 93 Crossing
(#5458) Fairmont Hot Springs Resort Area Terrain Hazard Assessment Draft
(#5456) Debris Torrent Concerns Cold Spring and Fairmont Creeks
(#5454) Cold Spring Creek Fan Debris-Flow Quantitative Risk Assessment
(#5452) Summary of Columbia Lake Stewardship Society’s 2022 Water Quantity Monitoring Program
(#5450) Summary of the 2022 Water Quality Monitoring Program for Columbia Lake
(#5448) Columbia Lake Stewardship Society Annual Report 2023
(#5446) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2023 Town of Golden and Columbia Shuswap Regional District Electoral Area A
(#5444) Timber Ridge mussel salvage summary
(#5442) Bugaboo fish salvage summary
(#5440) Hospital Creek Bank Restoration and Protection: Fish Salvage
(#5438) Mapping the Snow Sensitive Zone in the Upper Columbia River Basin, Canada. Water Science Series
(#5436) Integrated Hydrological Model for Windermere Creek Watershed: Groundwater Dynamics and Connectivity with Surface Water eek Watershed: Groundwater Dynamics and Connectivity with Surface Water.eek Watershed: Groundwater Dynamics and Connectivity with Surface Water. Water Science Series, WSS2023-02.
(#5434) Gorman Creek fish presence/absence sampling at 13.3 km on the Dogtooth FSR
(#5432) Animals crossing this highway in southeast B.C. will soon get their own overpass
(#5429) Wildsight Golden’s Community Invasive Plant Program Annual Report 2023
(#5427) Movement ecology of endangered caribou during a COVID-19 mediated pause in winter recreation
(#5425) Berries and bullets: influence of food and mortality risk on grizzly bears in British Columbia
(#5421) Whitebark Pine Planting in East Kootenay Wildfire Areas
(#5419) Final Report: NTBC Land Stewardship Activities F23 – Conservation Field Crew Program
(#5417) Kootenay Connect: Columbia Wetlands Summary Report – Mapping the vegetative communities in Columbia Wetlands
(#5415) Toward natural asset management in Kootenays British Columbia: Summary of inventory results and recommendations
(#5413) Kootenay Connect: Science – YR4 2022-2023 FINAL REPORT
(#5411) Wetland hero helps Kootenay scientists mitigate climate change
(#5409) 4CW Project Report for CWSP and Kootenay Connect 2022-2023 Conservation of Cottonwood Trees in Columbia Wetlands: saving important wildlife trees
(#5407) The Columbia Wetlands and Climate Disruption: A Preliminary Assessment
(#5405) The drying of the Columbia Wetlands
(#5401) Kootenay Connect: KCP and Science Advisor 2021-2022 FINAL ANNUAL REPORT
(#5399) Kootenay Connect: Bat Conservation in Kootenay Connect Focal Areas Year 4
(#5397) Bat Conservation in Kootenay Connect Focal Areas Year 3 Final Report
(#5395) Old Growth Tree Roost Enhancements for Endangered Myotis bats in the Columbia Wetlands
(#5393) Heron Inventory and Stewardship Final Report 2020
(#5391) Kootenay Connect: 4CW Columbia Wetlands: Restoration of habitats and Species at Risk in Columbia Valley Final Report for Year 4. Summary Overview of Projects in Columbia Valley
(#5389) Kootenay Connect: Riparian Wildlife Corridors for Climate Change Year 4 Summary Report
(#5387) Lake Windermere Aquatic Invasive Plant Inventory 2023
(#5385) Secretive marsh bird occupancy across a spectrum of hydroelectric reservoir management in western montane Canada
(#5383) Natural and human-made nesting habitat use by Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) in Canada
(#5381) Abundance Estimates for Marsh Bird Species in the Columbia Wetlands, British Columbia, Canada
(#5378) Upper Columbia Swallow Habitat Enhancement Project Year 2 (2022-2023)
(#5367) Columbia Wetlands: Restoration of habitats and species at risk in the Columbia Valley. Year 4. Final Report – Species at Risk
(#5365) Columbia Valley Recreation Planning Initiative Forster Landscape Unit – Inventory of Public Recreation Uses and Values DRAFT
(#5363) Hospital Creek Fish and Fish Habitat Assessment
(#5311) Lake Windermere Recreational Impact and Ecoscape Environmental Consultants Ltd. Sediment Quality Assessment Windermere Lake
(#5308) Upper Columbia Wetland Vulnerability Assessment –Final Report, Year 3 (2021-2022)
(#5304) Conservation and Climate Change Mitigation in Columbia Wetlands: the role of beaver
(#5302) 3CW Cottonwood Project Report for CWSP and Kootenay Connect-2021-2022
(#5287) Presentations at CWSP AGM 2022
(#5266) Albino Dark-eyed Junco at Canal Flats, British Columbia
(#5264) Breeding Range Expansion of White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) into Southeastern British Columbia
(#5258) Autumn Occurrence and Expansion of the Breeding Range for Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana) in Southeastern British Columbia
(#5256) Microbial EPS-mediated amorphous calcium carbonate–monohydrocalcite–calcite transformations during early tufa deposition
(#5254) Potential Wet-Cool Refugia in Southeastern BC – Draft
(#5252) Climate Disruption and Ecosystems of the Northwest Columbia: A Brief Overview
(#5220) Steamboat – Jubilee Mountain Area Official Community Plan
(#5216) Panorama Area Official Community Plan
(#5214) Ecosystem Services Assessment for British Columbia’s Interior Temperate Rainforest, Upper Columbia Region, and Southern Mountain Caribou Populations
(#5212) Exploring Ethical Space for land use planning in the Upper Columbia region of British Columbia
(#5210) Considerations for furbearer trapping regulations to prevent grizzly bear toe amputation and injury
(#5208) Geochemical Assessment Report On Kymar Silver Project
(#5206) Columbia Lake Stewardship Society Annual Report 2022
(#5204) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2022 Town of Golden and Columbia Shuswap Regional District Electoral Area A
(#5202) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Annual Report 2022
(#5200) Management of the Conservation Lands Program: An Independent Audit Report
(#5198) A century of transformation: Fire regime transitions from 1919 to 2019 in southeastern British Columbia, Canada
(#5196) Whitebark Pine Planting in East Kootenay Wildfire Areas
(#5194) Whitebark Pine Planting in East Kootenay Wildfire Areas
(#5192) Strategic Plan for Kootenay Boundary Region: Ecosystem Mapping To Support Wildlife And Habitat Stewardship
(#5190) Staubert and Bush Arm Loon Platform Monitoring
(#5188) Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) 2021-22 Final Report
(#5186) Kicking Horse Canyon Habitat Enhancement Project – 2021 Final Report
(#5184) Wildlife Tree Effectiveness Monitoring 2022 – Summary Report
(#5182) Upper Columbia Swallow Habitat Enhancement Project – Year 1 (2021-2022)
(#5180) North Columbia Bull Trout Population Monitoring 2021 Final Report COL-F22-F-3544
(#5178) NTBC Land Stewardship Activities F22 – Conservation Youth Crew Program
(#5176) Timber Ridge fish salvage summary
(#5174) Columbia Shuswap Regional District Golden, Electoral Area A Mosquito Control Program Mid-Season Update July 2021
(#5172) Columbia Shuswap Regional District – Town of Golden Mosquito Control Program 2021 Year-End Report
(#5170) 2022 Early Season Report Columbia Shuswap Regional District Golden and Electoral Area ‘A’ Mosquito Control Program
(#5168) Regional District of Columbia Shuswap Golden and Area ‘A’ Mosquito Control Program 2022 Year-End Report
(#5166) Town of Golden Flood Risk Mapping Assessment
(#5164) Winderere Creek Hydrotechnical Assessment
(#5162) Kicking Horse River Access Feasibility Study
(#5159) Golden Flood Study and Mapping Columbia River, Kicking Horse River, and Hospital Creek Town of Golden, British Columbia
(#5157) Update to Kicking Horse River Hydraulic Model Golden, British Columbia
(#5154) Town of Golden 2021 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
(#5152) Fairmont Creek 2020 Annual Dike Inspection Report
(#5150) Cold Spring Creek 2020 Annual Dike Inspection Report
(#5148) Protection status, human disturbance, snow cover and trapping drive density of a declining wolverine population in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
(#5146) Lake Windermere Community Based Water Quality Monitoring Program 2021 Final Report
(#5144) Lake Windermere and Columbia Lake Shoreline Fisheries Assessment, August 2021
(#5142) Lake Windermere Aquatic Invasive Plant Species Inventory 2022
(#5140) Windermere Preliminary Hydrogeological Characterization
(#5138) Upper Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program 2020 Data Collection Summary
(#5136) Geospatial Analysis for the Pilot Priority Matrix to Expand Water Monitoring in the Upper Columbia Basin
(#5134) Columbia Lake Foreshore Integrated Management Planning – 2021
(#5132) Foreshore Development Guide Columbia Lake
(#5129) Columbia Kootenay Headwaters Hydrologic Region Inaugural Meeting Summary Report: Expanding Water Monitoring in the Canadian Columbia Basin
(#5127) Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework: Pilot Implementation Report 2022
(#5122) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2021 Town of Golden
(#5120) Recovery Strategy for the Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) in Canada (Proposed)
(#5118) Wildsight Golden’s Community Invasive Plant Program Annual Report 2022
(#5116) Kootenay Conservation Program Stewardship Framework 2017-2022
(#5110) KCP 20 Year Report. Celebrating 20 Years of Conservation Partnership 2002-2022.
(#5107) Final Report for Columbia Wetlands Yr 3 projects for Kootenay Connect and Environment Climate Change Canada
(#5105) Kootenay Connect: Columbia Wetlands, Year 3 (2022) Conservation Action for Species at Risk in the Columbia Wetlands. Final Report
(#5086) Wetland and Riparian Enhancement Project 2019-20 (F20) Activity Report
(#5084) Terrestrial Ecosystem and Wildlife Habitat Mapping for the Columbia National Wildlife Area
(#5082) Summary of Activities for the day of sampling conducted July 24, 2020
(#5080) East Kootenay Ecosystem Enhancement Project 2019-20 (F20) Activity Report
(#5078) Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring: Columbia Lake East
(#5076) Ducks Unlimited Canada FWCP Columbia Region Partnership
(#5074) State of Climate Adaptation Regional District of East Kootenay Area F – 2017
(#5072) Town of Golden Mosquito Control Program 2020 Year-End Report
(#5070) Mosquito Control Management Plan for Golden, Revelstoke & Scotch Creek
(#5068) Columbia Lake Management Plan – Draft
(#5066) Marion Creek Benchlands Forest Restoration Project
(#5064) Golden Area Ungulate Winter Range Project Development
(#5062) Final Report: NTBC Land Stewardship Activities for F21 COL-F21-W-3343 (Conservation Youth Crew)
(#5060) NCC Luxor Linkage Forest Restoration Project F21
(#5058) Final Report from Grizzly Bear Coexistence Solutions 2020-21
(#5056) Invasive Plant Management and Restoration of Protected Areas
(#5054) Wetlands Inventory and Stewardship in the North Columbia Seed Project – Final Report
(#5052) Foreshore Inventory Mapping for Aquatic Species at Risk Final Report
(#5050) Golden’s Community Invasive Plant Program Annual Report 2020
(#5048) Golden’s Community Invasive Plant Program Annual Report 2021
(#5046) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica in Canada
(#5044) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus in Canada
(#5042) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Annual Report 2021
(#5040) Data Analysis and Source Apportionment of PM2.5 in Golden, British Columbia using Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF)
(#5038) Columbia Lake Stewardship Society 2021 Annual Report
(#5036) Summary of Columbia Lake Stewardship Society’s 2021 Water Quantity Monitoring Program
(#5034) Summary of the 2021 Water Quality Monitoring Program for Columbia Lake
(#5032) Summary of Columbia Lake Stewardship Society’s 2020 Water Quantity Monitoring Program
(#5030) Summary of the 2020 Water Quality Monitoring Program for Columbia Lake
(#5028) Lake Windermere Ambassadors Strategic Plan – 2021
(#5026) Lake Windermere Ambassadors 2020 Annual Report
(#5024) Lake Windermere Ambassadors 2021 Annual Report
(#5022) Windermere Creek Facilitation Project
(#5020) Lake Windermere Community Based Water Quality Monitoring Program 2020 Final Report
(#5018) Windermere Lake Foreshore Development Guide
(#5016) Windermere Lake Foreshore Integrated Management Planning
(#5014) Lake Windermere Aquatic Invasive Plant Species Inventory 2021
(#5012) Developing a Priority Matrix to Expand Water Monitoring in the Upper Canadian Columbia Basin Steps for Pilot Implementation
(#5010) Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program
(#5008) Columbia Basin Water Hub: A Transboundary Water Data Solution for the Columbia Basin
(#5006) North American Bat Monitoring Program in British Columbia. Kootenay Connect 2020 Species Detection Summary. Year 2 Final Report
(#5004) Kootenay Connect: Riparian Wildlife Corridors for Climate Change. Year 1 Annual Report
(#5002) Kootenay Connect: Riparian Wildlife Corridors for Climate Change, Year 2 Annual Report
(#4998) Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) 2020-21 Final Report
(#4996) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2021 Columbia Valley
(#4991) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Annual Report 2020
(#4971) Kootenay Connect: Columbia Wetlands, Year 2 (2020-2021) Conservation Planning for Species at Risk in the Columbia Wetlands Final Report
(#4969) A remote sensing observation-based assessment of floodplain hydroperiod and wetland vulnerability along the Upper Columbia River; A feasibility study.
(#4967) Hydrologic Mapping of Wetland Communities to Determine Which Ones are most likely to Lose Water that Species at Risk Depend Upon. Year 2 (2020-2021) Project: 2CW Hydrologic Mapping
(#4965) Wetland Hydroperiod Change Along the Upper Columbia River Floodplain, Canada, 1984 to 2019
(#4963) Interim Report – Upper Columbia Wetland Vulnerability Assessment
(#4960) Management Plan for the Western Toad (Anaxyrus boreas), Calling and Non-calling populations, in Canada
(#4956) First Nations Forest Enhancement Society Service Delivery Model Pilot Project – Southeast
(#4954) First Nations Forest Enhancement Society Service Delivery Model Pilot Project Report
(#4946) Kootenay Region 2016 Wildlife Tree Creation Project
(#4944) Identification Guide to Species of Interest Occuring or Possibly Occuring in Tembec’s Operating Area in Southeastern British Columbia
(#4942) Surveys for terrestrial gastropods in the Kootenay region of British Columbia, with new records and range extensions
(#4940) Ambient air quality monitoring report : Radium Hot Springs, British Columbia
(#4938) Southern Interior Air Zone Report (2012-2014)
(#4936) Southern Interior Air Zone Report (2013-2015)
(#4934) Southern Interior Air Zone Report (2014-2016)
(#4932) Southern Interior Air Zone Report (2015-2017)
(#4929) Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Report: Radium, British Columbia Particulate Matter – 1998 to 2007
(#4927) Grassland Monitoring Manual: A Tool for Ranchers
(#4923) An Assessment of Grazing Capacity in the Forster-Horsethief Range Unit
(#4921) Toby – Horsethief Range Unit Forage Assessment Research Project
(#4919) An Assessment of the Carrying Capacity in the Findlay Basin Range Unit
(#4917) An Assessment of the Carrying Capacity in the Steamboat Range Unit
(#4915) An Assessment of Grazing Capacity in the Frances Creek Range Unit
(#4913) A Field Guide to Ecosystem Classification and Identification for Southeast British Columbia: The South-Central Columbia Mountains
(#4911) ?Akisqnuk Land Use Plan – Draft Version
(#4909) Repeat Photography in Southeastern British Columbia: 100 Years of Landscape Change
(#4907) Calculation of Forest Ingrowth and Resulting Forage Impace in BC’s Rocky Mountain Trench
(#4905) Redstreak Benches Restoration Prescribed Fire Report
(#4903) Monitoring Ecosystem Restoration Treatments in Kootenay National Park. 2009 monitoring
(#4901) Monitoring Ecosystem Restoration Treatments in Kootenay National Park. Year three restoration effects monitoring
(#4899) Monitoring Ecosystem Restoration Treatments in Kootenay National Park Site Establishment Report
(#4897) Vegetation Change Following Burning and/or Thinning in Rocky Mountain Forest District 1997-2016
(#4895) 2017 Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring: Columbia Lake Site Establishment
(#4893) Hoodoo East Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring Report 2013
(#4891) Monitoring Ecosystem Restoration Treatments in Kootenay National Park: Year one post-fire monitoring
(#4889) Vegetation responses to thinning and prescribed fire restoration treatments in the Southern Interior Rocky Mountain Trench
(#4887) Strategic Ecological Restoration Assessment (SERA) of the Nelson Forest Region: Results of a Workshop
(#4885) Silviculture and Restoration in NDT 4 Ecosystems: Recommendations to Promote Ecological Integrity
(#4883) Addressing Forest Encroachment And Understory In-Growth In NDT 4 Ecosystems in the Southern Interior Forest Region Short-term Priorities, Information Gaps and Management Recommendations
(#4881) Forage Use on Crown Rangeland in the East Kootenay
(#4879) The Effect of Thinning and Burning on PPdh2 Understory Plant Cover
(#4877) Five Year Fire Plan for Invermere Forest District
(#4875) Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosytem Restoration Interim Report – Enhanced Forest Management Pilot Project – Project Summary
(#4873) Adapting natural resource management to climate change in the Kootenay Boundary Region: Considerations for practitioners and Government staff
(#4871) Kootenay Region Bighorn Sheep Management Plan
(#4869) Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Habitat and Population Assessment for the East Kootenay Trench
(#4866) Columbia Valley Swallow Project – 2020
(#4864) Carnivore Contact: A Species Fracture Zone Delineated Amongst Genetically Structured North American Marten Populations (Martes americana and Martes caurina)
(#4862) North Trench Restoration Plan
(#4860) Findlay Basin Range Unit Forest Ingrowth Management Strategy
(#4858) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2019 Invermere
(#4856) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2019 Golden
(#4854) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2020 Town of Golden
(#4852) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2019 Radium Hot Springs and RDEK Areas F & G
(#4850) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2020 Columbia Valley
(#4848) Detecting the Effects of Sustained Glacier Wastage on Streamflow in Variably Glacierized Catchments
(#4846) Virtual Golden Conservation Action Forum Summary Report
(#4842) Board briefing – Dam Safety Quarterly Report
(#4840) WLR Monitoring Study No. CLBMON-07 Kinbasket Reservoir Rainbow Trout Life History and Habitat Use Assessment (Final Summary Report)
(#4838) Kinbasket Reservoir Juvenile Bull Trout Life History and Habitat Use Assessment Study Period: 2014 – 2019
(#4836) CLBMON 05 Kinbasket Reservoir Burbot Life History and Habitat Use Assessment Final Report – 2019
(#4834) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring Year 9 (2016) Progress Report
(#4832) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity and Kokanee Population Monitoring 2008-2016 (Years 1 to 9) Synthesis Report
(#4830) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Kokanee Population Monitoring Year 9 (2016)
(#4828) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Kokanee Population Monitoring Implementation Year 10 (2017)
(#4826) Invermere Timber Supply Area Biomass Availability Estimation
(#4824) Aerial Insectivorous Birds Inventory & Research – Kootenays
(#4822) Advancing Wetland Stewardship & Restoration in the Kootenays
(#4820) Advancing Wetland Stewardship & Restoration in the Kootenays
(#4817) Advancing Wetland Stewardship & Restoration in the Kootenays
(#4815) Assessing the Impact of Hydro Development: A Case Study of the Columbia River Basin in British Columbia
(#4813) A Field Guide to Ecosystem Classification and Identification for Southeast British Columbia: the East Kootenay
(#4810) East Kootenay bighorn sheep inventory January-February 2019
(#4808) Fault-hosted geothermal systems in southeastern British Columbia
(#4806) A history of mining in the East Kootenay district of British Columbia
(#4804) Trans‐Canada Highway Wildlife and Monitoring Research, Final Report. Part B: Research.
(#4802) Trans-Canada Highway Yoho National Park: Mitigation and opportunities assessment for wildlife. Final report
(#4800) Mitigation assessment for the Trans-Canada Highway (Revelstoke to Golden): Improving motorist safety and meeting wildlife movement needs across the Columbia Mountains, British Columbia. An Assessment of Potential for Mitigating Impacts on Wildlife
(#4795) Natural salt licks as a part of the ecology of the mountain goat
(#4791) Regulation of water yield and quality in British Columbia through forest management
(#4789) Ski Operations Managers’ Decision Making Under Uncertainty
(#4787) The distribution of manganese in British Columbia soils
(#4785) Skid road rehabilitation techniques for restoring productivity in the B.C. interior
(#4781) Examination of the Canada Land Capability Classification for forestry.
(#4779) Ecology of certain terrestrial snails and their relationship to the lungworm of Bighorn sheep
(#4777) Molecular analysis of hybridization between native westslope cutthroat trout {Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) and introduced rainbow trout (O.mykiss) in southeastern British Columbia
(#4773) Treaty negotiations related to Kootenay National Park, an opportunity for reconciling the interests of the Ktunaxa/Kinbasket Tribal Council and Parks Canada?
(#4771) A study of the hydrology of the Kootenay River drainage basin
(#4769) A comparative study of five soil profiles from the east Kootenay district of British Columbia
(#4767) Complex Effects of Human-Impacted Landscapes on the Spatial Patterns of Mammalian Carnivores
(#4765) Wildlife Ecosystem Resilience in the Context of Climate Change: A Kootenay Case Study on Stakeholder Perspectives on Conservation Interventions
(#4763) Toward an ecosystem reserve complex for the Canadian Rockies
(#4761) Summary of Columbia Lake Stewardship Society’s 2017 Water Quantity Monitoring Program
(#4759) Summary of the 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program for Columbia Lake
(#4757) Summary of the 2018 Water Quality Monitoring Program for Columbia Lake
(#4755) Summary of Columbia Lake Stewardship Society’s 2019 Water Quantity Monitoring Program
(#4753) Summary of the 2019 Water Quality Monitoring Program for Columbia Lake
(#4751) East Kootenay Invasive Species Council Annual Report 2019
(#4748) East Kootenay Invasive Species Council Annual Report 2018
(#4746) Preliminary Reintroduction Action Plan for Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse at Wycliffe and Kimberley BC
(#4745) An Examination of Recovery Options for Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus) in the East Kootenay
(#4743) The Long-billed Curlew in the East Kootenay and Creston Valley
(#4737) Artificial old growth trees provide roosts for bats in Golden area
(#4735) Columbia Wetlands Marsh Bird Monitoring Project (CWMBMP) Final Report 2020
(#4732) Sustainability and Hydro Development in the Columbia River Basin
(#4730) Factors Limiting an Isolated Bighorn Sheep (Ovis Canadensis Canadensis) Population in South-Eastern British Columbia, Canada: A Case Study with Recommendations
(#4728) Shuswap Indian Band Land Use Plan
(#4726) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Olive-sided Flycatcher Contopus cooperi in Canada
(#4724) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor in Canada
(#4719) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Northern Rubber Boa Charina bottae in Canada
(#4717) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Wolverine Gulo gulo in Canada
(#4715) American White Pelican. Wildlife at Risk in British Columbia
(#4713) Management Plan for the Flammulated Owl (Otus flammeolus) in Canada
(#4709) Columbia National Wildlife Area Management Plan 2018
(#4707) Management Plan for the Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus) in Canada
(#4703) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Western Grebe Aechmophorus occidentalis in Canada
(#4701) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Horned Grebe Podiceps auritus
(#4699) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Black Swift Cypseloides niger in Canada
(#4697) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor in Canada
(#4695) Recovery Strategy for the Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) in Canada
(#4691) Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife. “Columbian” Sharp-tailed Grouse Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus
(#4689) Sharp-tailed Grouse – Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus subspecies
(#4687) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Whitebark Pine Pinus albicaulis in Canada
(#4685) Recovery Strategy for the Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus), the Northern Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis), and the Tri-colored Bat (Perimyotis subflavus) in Canada
(#4683) Technical Summary and Supporting Information for an Emergency Assessment of the Little Brown Myotis Myotis lucifugus
(#4681) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Little Brown Myotis Myotis lucifugus
(#4679) Multi-species Action Plan for Kootenay National Park of Canada
(#4673) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the White Sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus in Canada
(#4671) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica in Canada
(#4669) Tree Farm Licence 14 held by Crestbrook Forest Industries Limited Rationale for Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) determination
(#4667) Demographic fragmentation of a protected wolverine population bisected by a major transportation corridor
(#4662) Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Wastewater Treatment 2010 Annual Report
(#4659) British Columbia Utilities Commission in the Matter of the Utilities Commission Act RSBC 1996, Chapter 473 and British Columbia Transmission Corporation Application for A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Columbia Valley Transmission Project
(#4655) Kicking Horse Mountain Resort 2019 Wastewater Treatment Plant Annual Report
(#4653) Our Oral Histories are our Iron Posts: Secwepemc Stories and Historical Consciousness
(#4651) Northern Leopard Frog Project: 2017 Field Season Report
(#4649) Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Construction, Maintenance, and Deactivation
(#4648) Forestry Audit: BC Timber Sales Program Rocky Mountain Forest District
(#4646) Forestry Audit: BC Timber Sales and Timber Sale Licence Holders: Kootenay Business Area Rocky Mountain District
(#4644) Audit of Fire Protection Practices:British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Occupant Licences to Cut
(#4642) Audit of Range Planning and Practices: Rocky Mountain Natural Resource District
(#4640) Adapting Community Tree Management to Climate Change
(#4638) NCC Land Stewardship Activities F20
(#4636) NTBC Land Stewardship Activities for 2019-20
(#4634) Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) 2019-20 Final Report
(#4632) Invasive Plant Management and Restoration of Protected Areas
(#4630) Inventory and Project Development for Wiseman Lakes Fen
(#4628) Northern Leopard Frog Project Spring 2019 Report
(#4626) Northern Leopard Frog Project: 2016 Field Season Report
(#4624) Northern Leopard Frog Project: 2015 Field Season Report
(#4622) Northern Leopard Frog Project: 2014 Field Season Report
(#4620) Northern Leopard Frog Project: 2013 Field Season Report
(#4618) Whitebark Pine Restoration in the Kootenay – Columbia – Draft
(#4616) Kootenay Mule Deer Monitoring Project: 2018-19 Final Report
(#4614) Upper Kootenay River Burbot Conservation Strategy
(#4612) Evaluation of Current Westslope Cutthroat Trout Hybridization Levels in the Upper Kootenay Drainage
(#4610) Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) 2018-19 Final Report
(#4608) NCC Land Stewardship Activities F19
(#4606) Akisqnuk Slashing, Piling and Burning 2018-2019
(#4604) Invasive Plant Management & Restoration of Protected Areas
(#4602) Foreshore Inventory Management Planning
(#4600) Survey of the State of Education in the Upper Columbia
(#4598) Columbia Valley Environmental Resource Database Analysis
(#4596) Developing a Strategic Plan for the CWSP
(#4592) Summary of Columbia Lake Stewardship Society’s 2016 Water Quantity Monitoring Program
(#4590) Columbia Lake Water Quality Monitoring 2016
(#4588) Groundwater Contribution to Columbia Lake in the Vicinity of Canal Flats
(#4586) Summary of Columbia Lake Stewardship Society’s 2018 Water Quantity Monitoring Program
(#4584) Lake Windermere Ambassadors 2019 Annual Report
(#4582) Lake Windermere Ambassadors: Lake Management Committee Work Plan Version 2.0 (2019-2021)
(#4580) Windermere Lake, BC: State of the Lake Report 2010-2019
(#4578) Lake Windermere Community Based Water Quality Monitoring Program 2019 Final Report
(#4576) Preliminary DNA Data Windermere Creek, BC Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring Project – Windermere Creek
(#4574) Expanding Water Monitoring Within Canada’s Upper Columbia Basin
(#4570) Upper Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program 2019 Data Collection Summary
(#4568) Water Monitoring and Climate Change in the Upper Columbia Basin – Guidance Information for Planning Monitoring Programs
(#4566) Glaciers in the Canadian Columbia Basin
(#4564) Landfill Water Quality Update
(#4562) Solid Waste Management Annual Operations and Monitoring Report Golden Refuse Disposal Site MR-17006 2019
(#4560) Golden Landfill Design, Operations and Closure Plan Update
(#4558) 2019 EARLY SEASON REPORT Columbia Shuswap Regional District Golden, BC (Area ‘A’) Mosquito Program
(#4557) Columbia Shuswap Regional District Electoral Area ‘A’, Town of Golden Mosquito Control Program Mid-Season Update
(#4555) 2020 EARLY SEASON REPORT Columbia Shuswap Regional District Golden, BC (Area ‘A’) Mosquito Program
(#4553) Golden Landfill Environmental Monitoring Plan
(#4550) KCP Strategic Priorities 2017-2022
(#4548) Kootenay Conservation Program Annual Report 2019-2020
(#4546) KCP Partner Profiles 2019
(#4544) Securing Private Land for Conservation in the Kootenays. Frequently Asked Questions
(#4542) Kootenay Connect: Science Science and GIS applied to Kootenay Connect’s 4 Focal Areas. 2019-2020 FINAL REPORT
(#4537) Kootenay Connect: Columbia Wetlands Literature Review of Species at Risk in the Columbia Valley
(#4535) Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey 2015-2019
(#4533) Reflection Lake Restoration Project Final Report
(#4531) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Bank Swallow Riparia riparia in Canada
(#4529) Human Use and Boating Traffic on the Upper Columbia River, Canada, 2019
(#4476) Preliminary Evaluation of Enhancement Opportunities on Six Columbia River Tributaries
(#4473) 2017/18 Rocky Mountain Trench Elk Inventory
(#4471) Reintroduction and monitoring of northern leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens) in the Columbia marshes, 2019
(#4469) Northern leopard frog reintroduction to the Columbia Marshes Report on Year 3
(#4467) Northern leopard frog reintroduction to the Columbia Marshes Report on Year 2
(#4464) Translocations and monitoring of Northern Leopard Frogs, Lithobates pipiens, at Brisco, BC.
(#4462) Rubber boas in Radium Hot Springs: Inventory of habitat, record of sightings, and suggestions for management
(#4458) The summer ecology of Myotis species bats in the interior wet-belt of British Columbia
(#4456) British Columbia Rare Bird List: Casual and Accidental Records
(#4454) Status of the Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus) in British Columbia
(#4452) Kootenay Bank Swallow Survey: History, Purpose, and Accomplishments
(#4444) Hydrologic Assessment of the Upper Columbia River Watershed
(#4437) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus in Canada
(#4429) Land Description for Columbia Lake Indian Reserve No. 3 ?akis’qnuk First Nation
(#4381) Akisqnuk Wildlife Habitat Restoration Plan
(#4374) Columbia Wetlands Conservation Action Framework 2020-2025. Strategy Document for Conserving and Managing the Columbia Wetlands of the Upper Columbia Valley
(#4368) Living Lakes Canada 2018-2019 Annual Report
(#4364) Effects of Human Activities and Natural Processes on Wolverine Reproduction and Connectivity. 2019 Summary Report
(#4362) Transportation Association of Canada 2007 Environmental Achievement Award Submission Kicking Horse Canyon Project
(#4360) Management Plan No. 8 Spiliimacheen Forest Tree Farm License 14
(#4358) Prospecting Report on a Magnetometer Survey on the Legacy Claim Group
(#4356) British Columbia Transmission Corporation (BCTC) Supplement to the Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for the Columbia Valley Transmission (CVT) Project – Project 3698591 Toby Creek Diversion
(#4354) Effects of roads and motorized human access on grizzly bear populations in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada
(#4352) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Annual Report 2019
(#4346) Considerations for modeling burn probability across landscapes with steep environmental gradients: an example from the Columbia Mountains, Canada
(#4343) Golden Backcountry Recreation Access Plan (GBRAP) Amendment # 1
(#4341) Lake Windermere Aquatic Invasive Plant Species Inventory 2019
(#4339) Mechanisms influencing the winter distribution of wolverine Gulo gulo luscus in the southern Columbia Mountains, Canada
(#4337) The Sustainability of Wolverine Trapping Mortality in Southern Canada
(#4335) Drones and Dens: Using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to search for wolverine (Gulo gulo) reproductive dens in the South Columbia
(#4333) Overview fisheries Impact assessment and recommendations for impact minimization of proposed stadium, parking, and Daylodge development at Dawn Mountain
(#4305) Windermere Creek water quality monitoring report 2015 to 2017
(#4299) American Badger Burrow Survey; Brisco Mineral Claim #1042750
(#4297) Columbia Basin Great Blue Heron Inventory and Stewardship: Final Report 2016-2017
(#4295) Summary Report Field Work on the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Die-off From November 1965 to April 1, 1966
(#4293) Detecting Female Wolverines: Pilot Fieldwork in the Columbia Mountains: 2017 Field Season Report
(#4291) British Columbia Dragonflies (OdonataJ, with Notes on Distribution and Habits
(#4276) Implications of body condition on the unsustainable predation rates of endangered mountain caribou
(#4274) An Historic Perspective of Mountain Caribou Distribution and Abundance
(#4272) Changes in landscape composition influence the decline of a threatened woodland caribou population
(#4264) Comparing Population Growth Rates Between Census and Recruitment-Mortality Models
(#4262) Next steps for Southern Mountain Caribou recovery in planning Unit 3A, the Revelstoke Shuswap Region
(#4260) Grizzly Bear Selection of Avalanche Chutes: Testing the Effectiveness of Forest Buffer Retention
(#4242) Resident Attraction and Retention Strategy for the Columbia Valley
(#4240) Village of Radium Hot Springs 2018 Annual Report
(#4238) Radium Hot Springs Resort Municipality Initiative Annual Report 2018
(#4236) Climate Action Revenue Incentive (CARIP) Public Report for 2018
(#4234) Village of Canal Flats Zoning Bylaw Draft Version 2
(#4232) 20 Year Capital Plan: the Village of Canal Flats
(#4230) Village of Canal Flats Official Community Plan Draft 2.0
(#4227) Kootenay Rockies Destination Development Strategy 2019-2029
(#4225) Columbia Valley Destination Development Strategy Highlights
(#4223) Village of Radium Resort Development Strategy 2019-2022
(#4219) Columbia River Access Feasibility Study
(#4217) Restoring hydro-impacted wetlands for secretive marsh birds
(#4215) Columbia Wetlands Marsh Bird Monitoring Project (CWMBMP) Final Report 2018
(#4213) Insight into the Waterbirds of Lake Windermere
(#4211) Lake Windermere Aquatic Invasive Plant Species Inventory 2018
(#4186) East Kootenay Bighorn Sheep Transplants: 2005 – 2009 Summary Report
(#4187) Kicking Horse Canyon Project Phase 4: West Portal to Yoho Bridge
Environmental Synopsis Report
(#4188) Resource Management Issues in the Columbia River Big Bend Region
(#4189) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Annual Report 2018
(#4190) Kootenay Connect: Riparian Wildlife Corridors for Climate Change, A Preliminary Report
(#4191) Columbia Valley Priority Conservation Actions Summary Report
(#4192) Effects of Human Activities and Natural Processes on Wolverine Reproduction and Connectivity. 2018 Summary Report
(#4193) Cumulative effects of climate and landscape change drive spatial distribution of Rocky Mountain wolverine (Gulo gulo L.)
(#4194) Columbia River Project Water Use Plan. Kinbasket Reservoir Fish and Wildlife Information Plan. Kinbasket Reservoir Fish Stranding Assessment Implementation Year 2 Reference: CLBMON-4
(#4175) WildSafeBC Final Report: Invermere and Radium Hot Springs
(#4176) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2015 Columbia Valley
(#4177) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2015 Town of Golden
(#4178) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2016 Town of Golden
(#4179) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2017 Town of Golden
(#4180) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2017
District of Invermere
(#4181) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2016 Columbia Valley
(#4182) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2017 Radium Hot Springs and Fairmont
(#4183) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2018 District of Invermere
(#4184) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2018 Radium Hot Springs and RDEK Areas F & G
(#4185) Survey of Early Post-Natal Habitats of Bighorn Sheep and Mountain Goats on the Kicking Horse Canyon Project:
April 2008 – July 2008
(#4164) Columbia Headwaters Community Forest Business Plan
(#4165) Upper Columbia Valley Community Forest Prospectus
(#4166) Tree Farm Licence 14 held by Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Rationale for Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) Determination
(#4167) Management Plan No. 8 Spiliimacheen Forest Tree Farm License 14
(#4168) TFL 14 Spillimacheen Tree Farm Licence Management Plan No. 8. Timber Supply Analysis Report and 20 Year Spatial Feasibility
(#4169) Twenty Year Plan Spillimacheen Forest Tree Farm Licence 14
(#4170) Tree Farm License 14 Management Plan 9 Analysis Report
(#4171) TFL 14 Spillimacheen Management Plan No. 9 Timber Supply Analysis Information Package
(#4172) Environmental Desktop Review: Kicking Horse Mountain Expansion Golden, BC
(#4173) WildSafeBC Annual Report 2018 Town of Golden
(#4174) WildSafeBC Golden Annual Report 2014
(#4152) Historical frequency, intensity and extent of mountain pine beetle disturbance in British Columbia
(#4153) 1974-1975 Classified Big Game Counts in the East Kootenay
(#4154) 1975-1976 Classified Big Game Counts in the East Kootenay
(#4155) Augmentation Plan for the Purcells-South Mountain Caribou Population
(#4156) Trumpeter Swan Recolonization of the Columbia River Wetlands of Southeastern British Columbia
(#4157) Columbia Shuswap Operational Plan for Invasive Species 2020-2025
(#4158) Degree of saturation with respect to CaCO3, CaMg(C03)2, and CaSO4, for some thermal and mineral springs in the Southern Rocky Mountains, Alberta and British Columbia
(#4159) Regional Trail Strategy Executive Summary – Golden and Electoral Area A
(#4160) Golden Backcountry Recreation Access Plan (GBRAP) Amendment # 2
(#4161) Protected Reserves Analysis For Canfor’s Operating Area In the Invermere TSA
(#4162) Forest Health: Silvicultural options for the Endangered Whitebark Pine
(#4163) Effects of nitrogen source and season of application on the nutrition and growth of lodgepole pine
(#4141) Annual Reports Forest Biology Rangers British Columbia (Interior Area)
(#4142) A Tapestry of Place – A Place Based Cultural Strategy for the Columbia Valley
(#4143) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions British Columbia and Yukon, 1986
(#4144) Spatial Analysis of Bighorn Sheep Movement in the Radium Hot Springs Area, British Columbia: Modelling and Management
(#4145) Report of the Superintendent of Forestry. Part X, Annual Report
(#4146) LITHOPROBE seismic reflection imaging of Rocky Mountain structures east of Canal Flats, British Columbia
(#4147) Blue Stain Fungi in Lodgepole Pine (Pinus Contorta Dougl. Var. Latifolia Engelm.)
(#4148) Cambrian Geology and Paleontology. Geological Formations of Beaverfoot-Brisco-Stanford Range, British Columbia, Canada
(#4149) Colours of Natural Waters: 2.. Observations of Spectral Variations in British Columbia Rivers
(#4150) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions British Columbia and Yukon – 1990
(#4151) Development of Cleavages within Diamictites of Southeastern British Columbia
(#4130) Noteworthy Distributional Records of Birds from the Mackenzie Region of Central British Columbia 1995-2009
(#4131) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region
(#4132) Improving Dam Safety Analysis by Using Physically-Based Techniques to Derive Estimates of Atmospherically Maximum Precipitation
(#4133) A study of pedogenesis in the Rocky Mountain Trench region of South-Eastern British Columbia
(#4134) Technical Report of the Voyageur Industrial Minerals Ltd. Exploration Stage Barite Projects Province of British Columbia, Canada
(#4135) Habitat selection by moose in the East Kootenay, British Columbia, 2001–2002 progress report
(#4136) Kutenai Indian Subsistence and Settlement Patterns
(#4137) Network dynamics and origin of anastomosis, upper Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada
(#4138) Forest, Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region
(#4139) Management and Planning of Recreation Access on Crown Land in British Columbia
(#4140) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region
(#4124) A Black Army Cutworm Infestation near Golden, BC
(#4125) Prediction and assessment of bark beetle-induced mortality of lodgepole pine using estimates of stand vigor derived from remotely sensed data
(#4126) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions
Nelson Forest Region
(#4127) “Beetle-proofed” lodgepole pine stands in interior British Columbia have less damage from mountain pine beetle
(#4128) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region
(#4129) Forest Insect & Disease Conditions British Columbia & Yukon
(#4115) A Fisheries Investigation of Silent Lake
(#4116) Fire Risk of Environmentally Sensitive Sites Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks – BC Part 1: Fire Regime Analysis of Greater MRGNP
(#4117) Geology of the Canadian National Parks on the Canadian Pacific Railway between Calgary and Revelstoke
(#4118) Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Fire and Fuel Management Program in the Contiguous Mountain National Parks Final Report
(#4119) Assessment of Pest Damage in Managed Lodgepole Pine Regeneration near Spillimacheen, Nelson Forest Region
(#4120) The Black Army Cutworm in British Columbia
(#4121) Black army cutworm infestation near Golden, Nelson Forest District, B.C.
(#4122) Forest, Insect, and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest District
(#4123) Forest Tent Caterpillar Infestations near Golden, BC
(#4107) TFL 14 Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (T.E.M.) Project Volume I: Expanded Legend to Ecosystem Units
(#4108) Glacial Marine Sedimentation and Stratigraphy of the Toby Conglomerate (Upper Proterozoic), Southeastern British Columbia, Northwestern Idaho and Northeastern Washington
(#4109) VMT & Neighbouring Claims Geological Mapping
(#4110) Variations in natural levee morphology in anastomosed channel flood plain complexes
(#4111) Prospecting Report Covering McMurdo Creek, Golden
(#4112) Notes on Western Grebe in British Columbia
(#4113) Are there genetic links between carbonate-hosted barite-zinc-lead sulphide deposits and magnesite mineralization in southeast British Columbia?
(#4114) Annual District Report Forest, Insect, and Disease Survey Part V, Nelson Forest District
(#4096) Forest, Insect, and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest District
(#4097) Upstream control of river anastomosis by sediment overloading, upper Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada
(#4098) Fate of N-labelled fertilizer applied on snow at two forest sites in British Columbia
(#4099) Regional District of East Kootenay Community Wildfire Protection Plans, Recommendations and Implementation Plan
(#4100) Regional Flood Hazard Study: Phase 1
(#4101) Winter habitat selection by female moose in western interior montane forests
(#4102) Annual District Report Forest Insect and Disease Survey British Columbia, 1976 Part V, Nelson Forest District
(#4103) Lecidea rubrocastanea, a new lichen species from conifer bark and wood in interior western North America (Lecanorales, lichenized ascomycetes)
(#4104) Validation of the Hydrological Processes in a Hydrological Model
(#4105) Visual Impact Planning for Timber Management in British Columbia
(#4106) Nitrogen fixation in Sitka alder by 15N isotope dilution after eight growing seasons in a lodgepole pine site
(#4085) Mountain goat survey in the East Kootenay, British Columbia, August 2005
(#4086) Evaluating Ecosystem Management in the Columbia Mountains of British Columbia
(#4087) Golden Timber Supply Area Southern Interior Beetle Action Coalition Forest Sector Trend Analysis – Fact Sheet
(#4088) Pilot Audit of Soil Conservation in the Columbia Forest District
(#4089) Audit of Forest Planning and Practices – Canadian Forest Products Ltd Tree Farm Licence 14
(#4090) Archaeological Overview Assessment of Golden Landscape Units G6, G7, G8, G9, G10, G11, G12, G13, G14, G15, G16, G17, G18, G19, G22, Golden Timber Supply Area and R5 and R17, Revelstoke Timber Supply Area Interim Report
(#4091) Archaeological Overview Assessment of Golden Landscape Units G6, G7, G8, G9, G10, G11, G12, G13, G14, G15, G16, G17, G18, G19, G22, Golden Timber Supply Area and R5 and R17, Revelstoke Timber Supply Area Final Report
(#4092) Investigating the effects of topography on glaciers in the Purcell and Rocky Mountain Ranges during the LIA and in 2005
(#4093) Assessment Report for the Toby Creek Area Claims
(#4094) Geological Report on the Black Diamond Project
(#4095) Spillimacheen Project: Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics and Diamond Drilling on the DEB Claims
(#4073) NCC Land Stewardship Activities F18 FWCP Project No. COL-F18-W-2536-DCA
(#4074) NCC Land Stewardship Activities F17 FWCP Project No. W-F17-05
(#4075) 2018 Kootenay Mule Deer Composition Surveys
(#4076) Status Review of Upper Columbia and Kootenay River Burbot Populations
(#4077) Determining the circulation depth of thermal springs in the southern Rocky Mountain Trench, south-eastern British Columbia, Canada using geothermometry and borehole temperature logs
(#4078) A seismic refraction survey along the southern Rocky Mountain Trench
(#4079) Gravity and seismic studies in the southern Rocky Mountain trench
(#4080) Application of a land use planning decision support tool in a public participatory process for sustainable forest management
(#4081) Regeneration and small tree height increment in the interior Douglas-fir zone of the Rocky Mountain trench
(#4082) Development of a technique for sampling mountain pine beetle populations in lodgepole pine.
(#4083) Comparative limnology of lakes in the Southern Rocky Mountain Trench, British Columbia
(#4084) Natural salt licks as a part of the ecology of the mountain goat
(#4061) Well Construction, Testing, and Assessment Draft Report
(#4062) Invermere Adapting to Climate Change:
Addressing local vulnerabilities with knowledge and adaptation
(#4063) District of Invermere 2012 Water Quality Summary
(#4064) District of Invermere 2013 Water Quality Summary
(#4065) Invermere 2010 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
(#4066) District of Invermere Official Community Plan 2014 – 2015 Update
(#4067) District of Invermere Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Strategy
(#4068) Spatial Deployment of KBHLPO Biodiversity Objectives for the Invermere TSA Rocky Mountain Forest District
(#4069) Invermere Timber Supply Area Rationale for Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) Determination
(#4070) Review of Groundwater in Vicinity of Unnamed Springs, Windermere Creek Area on D.L. 8 Kootenay Land District
(#4071) The Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Toby-Horsethief Creek Map Area, Northern Purcell Mountains, Southeast British Columbia
(#4072) Impacts of climate change in three hydrologic regimes in British Columbia, Canada
(#4051) District of Invermere Water Conservation Plan
(#4052) District of Invermere Groundwater Protection Strategy
(#4053) Water Treatment & Distribution System Annual Report District of Invermere
(#4054) District of Invermere Water Treatment & Distribution System 2017 Annual Report
(#4055) District of Invermere Source Protection Plan for the Goldie Creek Watershed – Draft Report
(#4056) District of Invermere Source Protection Plan for Paddy Ryan Reservoirs
(#4057) District of Invermere Water Supply and Treatment Strategy Effectively Managing Available Water Sources
(#4058) District of Invermere Drought Management Plan
(#4059) Invermere Water Model Update and Analysis – Draft
(#4060) Imagine Invermere: Integrated Community Sustainability Plan
(#4040) Ktunaxa Nation Community Report 2015. Summary of Recent Research on Ktunaxa Diet, and Ktunaxa Interests and Use
(#4041) Regional Stream Sediment and Water Geochemical Data Golden, Brazeau Lake, Canoe River, and Mount Robson, Southeastern British Columbia
(#4042) FWCP Columbia Region Annual Report 2016-2017
(#4043) Fish and Wildlife Compensation (FWCP) Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2013
(#4044) FWCP Columbia Region Annual Report 2017-2018
(#4045) Gravel-bed river floodplains are the ecological nexus of glaciated mountain landscapes
(#4046) Upper Columbia River watershed hydrometric analysis phase 1
(#4047) Recent changes in glacier area and volume within the southern Canadian Cordillera
(#4048) Background Review and Conceptual Hydrogeological Model of the Deep Municipal Aquifer
(#4049) Water Quality:Ambient Water Quality Objectives For Columbia Lake And Windermere Lake Overview Report
(#4050) Water demand management and adaptations for mountain resort communities in the Canadian Columbia Basin
(#4027) Déjà View Trail and Power Wagon Trail Wildlife Assessment
(#4028) Vegetation of the DejaVu and PowerWagon Bike Trails
(#4029) Capture of Free-Ranging Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) with a Combination of Medetomidine(, Azaperone, and Alfaxalone
(#4030) Effectiveness Monitoring of Badger Wildlife Habitat Areas: Summary of Current Areas and Recommendations for Developing and Applying Protocols
(#4031) Fact or Fantasy? Damage to Livestock and Agricultural Machinery by American Badgers and Other Burrowing Mammals in
British Columbia, Canada
(#4032) Survey of Badger Burrow Damage to Machinery and Livestock
(#4033) Badger-Human Conflict: Resolution and Translocation Recommendations
(#4034) The influence of variable snowpacks on habitat use by mountain caribou
(#4035) Ecotypic variation affects the conservation of North American badgers endangered along their northern range extent
(#4036) Columbia National Wildlife Area Management Plan (proposed)
(#4015) East Kootenay Elk Monitoring Project Final Report 2011
(#4016) Restoring and Maintaining Rangelands in the East Kootenay
(#4017) Wildlife and Cattle Grazing in the East Kootenay
(#4018) Follow-up Report on Wildlife and Cattle Grazing in the East Kootenay
(#4019) Northern Columbia Basin – Kinbasket Aerial Ungulate Surveys
(#4020) Golden’s Community Invasive Plant Program
Final Report 2016
(#4021) Golden – Wildsight Community Weed Program 2015
(#4022) Golden – Wildsight Invasive Weed Report
(#4023) Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey 2016 Final Report
(#4024) Lake Windermere Management Plan Report Card
(#4025) CVGTA Trails Vision 2017
(#4026) Deja View and Power Wagon Trails Environmental Screening Report
(#4003) Lake Windermere Official Community Plan Survey Summary
(#4004) Annual Water Systems Report Regional District of East Kootenay
(#4005) Annual Water Systems Report Regional District of East Kootenay
(#4006) Annual Water Systems Report Regional District of East Kootenay
(#4007) Annual Water Systems Report Regional District of East Kootenay
(#4008) Annual Water Systems Report Regional District of East Kootenay
(#4009) Regional District of East Kootenay Water Conservation Plan
(#4010) RDEK Agricultural Plan
(#4011) Climate Action Revenue Incentive (CARIP) Public Report for 2017
(#4012) A Snapshot of Community Based Water Monitoring in Canada.
(#4013) 2002 Population Survey for the South Purcell Subpopulation of Mountain Caribou
(#4014) British Columbia’s Grassland Regions
(#3992) Invermere Timber Supply Area Vegetation Resources Inventory Phase 2 Project Implementation Plan
(#3993) Characteristics of Historical Forest Fires in Complex Mixed-Conifer Forests of Southeastern British Columbia
(#3994) On the edge : a spatial and temporal analysis of genetic variation for endangered, peripheral American badger populations
(#3995) Changes in blister rust infection and mortality in whitebark pine over time
(#3996) Trends in Canadian streamflow
(#3997) Twentieth-century decline in stream flows from the hydrographic apex of North America
(#3998) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Rubber Boa Charina bottae in Canada
(#3999) Status of the Bobolink in British Columbia. Wildlife Working Report
(#4000) Wildsight Annual Report 2017
(#4001) Non-timber forest products (NTFP) Review for the Invermere TSA
(#4002) Resource Roads and Grizzly Bears in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada
(#3980) Groundwater Contribution to Columbia Lake
In the Vicinity of Canal Flats
(#3981) Rubber Boa Monitoring in Kootenay National Park
(#3982) Management Plan for the Northern Rubber Boa (Charina bottae) in Canada [Proposed]
(#3983) A Significant Range Extension for the Northern Alligator Lizard in British Columbia
(#3984) Identifying Critical Habitats for a Vulnerable Snake Species, the Rubber Boa
(#3985) Terrestrial Gastropods of the Columbia Basin, British Columbia Robert G. Forsyth, Volunteer, Royal British Columbia Museum
(#3986) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Magnum Mantleslug Magnipelta mycophaga in Canada
(#3987) Habitat Supply Modelling for the Invermere and Cranbrook Timber Supply Areas: Preliminary Estimates for Large Snags and Down Wood
(#3988) Invermere Timber Supply Area Vegetation Resources Inventory Strategic Inventory Plan
(#3989) Prognosis BC Calibration in the IDFdm2, Invermere Forest District: Field Sampling and Preliminary Results
(#3990) Conservation Feature Responsibility Analysis for Kootenay National Park in the Invermere Timber Supply Area
(#3991) Small Tree Height Increment Models for Prognosis BC, IDFdm2 Subzone Variant, Invermere Forest District
(#3968) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Aquatic Invasive Surveys 2016
(#3969) North Columbia Priority Aquatic Invasive Species Surveys 2015
(#3970) Evaluation of Project #0-451. BC/TNT Joint Conservation Land Management Program Kootenay Region
(#3971) Mammalian responses to windrows of woody debris on clearcuts: Abundance and diversity of forest-floor small mammals and presence of small mustelids
(#3972) COSEWIC Asssessment and Status Report on the Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) in Canada
(#3973) Status of the Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) in Alberta
(#3974) COSEWIC assessment and update status report on the Coeur d’Alene Salamander (Plethodon idahoensis) in Canada
(#3975) Columbia Basin Western Skink (Eumeces skiltonianus) Inventory and Assessment.
(#3976) Management Plan for the Coeur d’Alene Salamander (Plethodon idahoensis) in Canada
(#3977) Fish Passage & Reintroduction into the U.S. & Canadian Upper Columbia Basin. A Joint Paper of the Columbia Basin Tribes & First Nations
(#3978) No Way Up. First Nations’ legal options for loss of the Columbia River fisheries
(#3979) Loss of the Columbia River First Nations Fishery: Review of the Potential for Legal Action Against the Federal Government
(#3955) Protected Reserves Analysis for Tembec’s East Kootenay Operating Area
(#3956) Movements of the Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentiles atricapillus) In A Fragmented Forest Landscape. Preliminary Results from the
East Kootenay Northern Goshawk Research Program
2004/2005 Annual Report
(#3957) Spatial Deployment of Old and Mature Seral Requirements in Tembec’s Canal Flats Division
(#3958) Tembec-Canal Flats and Canfor-Radium High Conservation Value (4) Forests – Preliminary Assessment
(#3959) Stand Structure And Structural Element Projections For The Invermere TSA
(#3960) Community Engagement in Watershed Governance: Case Studies and Insights from the Upper Columbia River Basin
(#3961) Watershed Report Columbia
(#3962) Water Monitoring in British Columbia- Scanning the Data Landscape Public Report
(#3963) Green Boating Guide for Everyone Who Loves the Water in the Upper Columbia River Basin, British Columbia
(#3964) Water Data Hub: Cracking the Code in 3-D. An Open Source Data Dialogue Towards a Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework
(#3965) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Strategic Plan 2019-2024
(#3966) Canadian Columbia Basin Regional Framework for an Aquatic Invasive Species Program: 2015-2020
(#3967) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Year End Report 2017
(#3943) WLR Monitoring Study CLBMON-05 (Year 4) Kinbasket Reservoir Burbot Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
(#3944) WLR Monitoring Study No. CLBMON-06 (Year 2) Kinbasket Reservoir Bull Trout Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
(#3945) WLR Monitoring Study No. CLBMON-06 (Year 3) Kinbasket Reservoir Bull Trout Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
(#3946) Kinbasket Reservoir Rainbow Trout Life History and Habitat Use Assessment Year 1
(#3947) Kinbasket Reservoir Rainbow Trout Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
Implementation Year 2
(#3948) Kinbasket Reservoir Rainbow Trout Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
Implementation Year 3
(#3949) CLBMON-56 Addendum #1 to CLBMON-3 Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring Program – Mica Project Units 5 and 6 Addendum
(#3950) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring. Progress Report Year 5 (2012)
(#3951) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring Implementation Year 6
(#3952) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring –Year 7 and Year 3 (2014)
(#3953) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring Implementation Year 8
(#3954) Integrated Riparian Assessment for Tembec’s East Kootenay Operating Areas
(#3935) Terms of Reference for the Columbia River Project Water Use Plan Monitoring Programs Kinbasket Reservoir Fish and Wildlife Information Plan
(#3936) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring – Progress Report Year 1
(#3937) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring – Progress Report Year 2
(#3938) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring – Progress Report Year 3
(#3939) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring – Year 5 (2012) Progress Report
(#3940) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring –Year 6 and Year 2 (2013)
(#3941) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity Monitoring –Year 8 and Year 4 (2015)
(#3942) WLR Monitoring Study CLBMON-05 (Year 3) Kinbasket Reservoir Burbot Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
(#3931) Kinbasket Fish and Wildlife Information Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2017
(#3932) Kinbasket Fish and Wildlife Information Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2018
(#3933) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Ecological Productivity and Kokanee Population Monitoring
(#3934) Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Kokanee Population Monitoring – Year 8 (2015)
(#3928) Kinbasket Fish and Wildlife Information Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2014
(#3929) Kinbasket Fish and Wildlife Information Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2015
(#3930) Kinbasket Fish and Wildlife Information Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2016
(#3924) Kinbasket Fish and Wildlife Information Plan Annual Report: 2009
(#3925) Kinbasket Fish and Wildlife Information Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2011
(#3926) Kinbasket Fish and Wildlife Information Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2012
(#3927) Kinbasket Fish and Wildlife Information Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2013
(#3917) Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan Monitoring Program and Physical Works
Annual Report: 2012
(#3918) Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan Monitoring Program and Physical Works
Annual Report: 2013
(#3919) Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan Monitoring Program and Physical Works
Annual Report: 2014
(#3920) Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan Monitoring Program and Physical Works
Annual Report: 2016
(#3921) Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan Monitoring Program and Physical Works
Annual Report: 2017
(#3922) Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan Monitoring Program and Physical Works
Annual Report: 2018
(#3923) Kinbasket Fish and Wildlife Information Plan Annual Report: 2008
(#3906) Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) 2016-17 Final Report
(#3907) Management and Restoration of Invasive Plants in Protected Areas
(#3908) Water Quality Assessment of Columbia River at Nicholson (2003-2006)
(#3909) Lake Windermere Official Community Plan
(#3910) Spatiotemporal patterns and reliability of bobcat and Canada lynx occurrence records in British Columbia
(#3911) Long-Billed Curlew
(#3912) Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Plan – 2012 Revision
(#3913) Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan Annual Report: 2007
(#3914) Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan Annual Report: 2008
(#3915) Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan Annual Report: 2009
(#3916) Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan Monitoring Program and Physical Works
Annual Report: 2011
(#3894) East Kootenay Invasive Species Council 2016 Annual Report
(#3895) East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council 2013 Annual Report
(#3896) Education Report
(#3897) Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species Field Activities 2016
(#3898) EAST Kootenay Invasive Species COUNCIL Strategic Plan 2016 to 2020
(#3899) Final Report: TNTBC Land Stewardship Activities for 2017-18 COL-F18-W-2357-DCA (Conservation Youth Crew)
(#3900) Evaluation of Current Westslope Cutthroat Trout Hybridization Levels in the Upper Kootenay Drainage
(#3901) Kootenay Conservation Crew 2016/2017 Year End Report
(#3902) Kootenay 2017 Wildlife Tree Creation Project
(#3903) Fish survey in unnamed tributary to Lillian Lake
(#3904) 2016 Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring: Hawke Road. Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program
(#3905) 2016 Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring: North Stoddart. Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program
(#3882) Predicting grizzly bear food – Huckleberries – across the Columbia Basin
(#3883) Management of Invasive Plants in Protected Areas
(#3884) Lake Windermere 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Results
(#3885) Shuswap Land Use Plan
(#3886) Dry Gulch Provincial Park Purpose Statement and Zoning Plan
(#3887) Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species Field Activities 2017
(#3889) Kootenay Mule Deer Monitoring Project: 2015-16 Final Report
(#3890) Kootenay Mule Deer Monitoring Project: Year 1 Progress Report
(#3891) Kootenay Mule Deer Monitoring Project: 2016-17 Final Report
(#3892) Kootenay Mule Deer Monitoring Project: 2017-18 Final Report
(#3893) Upper Kootenay Amphibian Monitoring Project
(#3870) Upper Kootenay Small Wetlands at Risk Restoration Project
Seed Funding Final Report
(#3871) Education and Communication 2017 Summary
(#3872) 2018 Invasive Plant Priority Lists by IPMA
(#3873) Upper Kootenay Ecosystem Enhancement Plan
(#3874) Northern Leopard Frog Project: 2016 Field Season Report
(#3875) Birds of the Lower Blaeberry Valley-Moberly Area (Columbia River Valley) North of Golden, B.C. to February 28, 2006
(#3876) Predation of a Columbia Spotted Frog by an American Robin
(#3877) South Rockies & Flathead Grizzly Bear Monitoring Final Report 2006-2011
(#3878) Population status of the South Rockies and Flathead grizzly bear populations in British Columbia, 2006-2014
(#3879) Management plan for Bugaboo Provincial Park
(#3880) Mitigation Efforts to Reduce Mammal Mortality on Roadways in Kootenay National Park, British Columbia
(#3881) The Grizzly dance between berries and bullets: relationships among bottom-up food resources and top-down mortality risk on grizzly bear populations in southeast British Columbia
(#3858) Village of Radium Hot Springs Official Community Plan
(#3859) Marl Creek Provincial Park Purpose Statement and Zoning Plan
(#3860) Thunder Hill Provincial Park Purpose Statement and Zoning Plan
(#3861) Town of Golden Official Community Plan Bylaw No.1222, 2008
(#3862) CP Rail 2015 Integrated Vegetation Management Plan
(#3863) Institutional factors affecting fish passage in the Columbia River Treaty renegotiation
(#3864) ?akisqnuk Slashing, Piling and Burning 2017-2018
(#3865) Moberly Marsh Habitat Restoration Seed Funding Report
(#3866) East Kootenay Urban Deer Translocation Trial
(#3867) Master plan for Purcell Wilderness Conservancy Provincial Park
(#3868) Wolverine harvest sustainability in the Kootenay Region
(#3869) Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) 2017-18 Final Report
(#3846) Columbia Headwaters Invasive Plant Species Project
(#3847) Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey 2015-2017 Progress Report
(#3848) Status of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in British Columbia.
(#3849) COSEWIC assessment and status report on the Western Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta bellii, Pacific Coast population, Intermountain – Rocky Mountain population and Prairie/Western Boreal – Canadian Shield population, in Canada
(#3850) Assessment and Update Status Report on the Western Screech-owl (Otus Kennicotti) in Canada
(#3851) Canadian species at risk With Particular Emphasis on Fishes (2006-2008)
(#3852) Soil displacement and compaction effects on conifer seedlings in Southeast British Columbia: Study establishment
(#3853) Ten-year results of seedling growth on calcareous soils in the interior of British Columbia, Canada
(#3854) Upper Columbia Basin Water Quality Information Compilation and Review
(#3855) Bats of Kootenay, Glacier, and Mount Revelstoke national parks in Canada: identification by echolocation calls, distribution, and biology
(#3856) Status of the Sharp-tailed Grouse (Tymanuchus phasianellus) in British Columbia
(#3857) Fairmont Hot Springs & Columbia Lake Area Official Community Plan, Bylaw No.2779
(#3840) Summary of Columbia Lake Stewardship Society’s 2015 Monitoring Program
(#3841) Identifying historic vegetation and landscape conditions in the Columbia Wetlands, using historic photos.
(#3842) An analysis of restoration Options on Lower Dutch Creek, January 2011
(#3843) Collaborative Watershed Governance – Lessons Learned from Lake Windermere
(#3844) Lake Windermere Aquatic Invasive Species Inventory 2017
(#3845) Lake Windermere Aquatic Invasive Species Sampling 2016
(#3834) Distribution of Poisonous Plants on Several Farms Located Along the Columbia River North of Invermere
(#3835) Lake Windermere Ambassadors 5-Year Plan
(#3836) Lake Windermere 2016 Water Quality Monitoring Results
(#3837) Lake Management Committee 2017-2021 Work Plan
(#3838) The Development and Testing of a Reconnaissance Level Wetland Assessment Form on the TaTa/Skookumchuck Range Unit
(#3839) Summary of Columbia Lake Stewardship Society’s 2014 Monitoring Program
(#3831) Restoring Options for Cavity Nesting Birds Along the Fairmont Reach of the Columbia River
(#3832) Lake Windermere Ambassadors Terms of Reference
(#3833) Lake Management Committee Terms of Reference
(#3796) The Ecology of Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) Habitat Use, Survival, and Persistence in the Central Rocky Mountains, Canada
(#3779) Burning Questions: Effects of restoration burning on selected PP and IDF zone ecosystems in the Southern Interior Rocky Mountain Trench
(#3777) Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program Integrated Ecosystem Restoration, Wildlife Habitat and Fuel Management Five Year Plan: 2019-2023
(#3775) Kootenay Conservation Program Stewardship Framework 2018-2021
(#3773) Kootenay Conservation Program Annual Report 2018-2019
(#3771) Kicking Horse Sewage Treatment Plan Annual Report 2016
(#3769) Connecting the Upper Columbia Valley III: Habitat Criteria and Conditions
(#3768) Cache Creek to the Rockies Program Trans Canada Highway Golden to Roth Creek (Kicking Horse Canyon) Functional Planning Report
(#3766) Action Plan for the Restoration and Stewardship of Abel Creek, District of Invermere
(#3764) Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Master Plan
(#3761) Golden TSA Forest Stewardship Plan 2017-2021 Draft
(#3759) 2017 Mapping and Sampling on the Golden Frac Sand Property East of Golden, British Columbia
(#3756) Vole feeding damage and forest plantation protection in the Golden TSA: Susceptibility of new plantations PHASE 4 Grass Habitat, Vole Populations and Tree Damage in Forest Plantations
(#3734) Grasses of the Columbia Basin of British Columbia
(#3668) Endangered Species and Spaces
(#3665) Riparian and Wetlands Action Plan
(#3662) Columbia River Wetlands Inventory Report
(#3640) Canadian Rocky Mountains Ecoregion Conservation Assessment Volume 4: Maps
(#3606) Archaeological Investigations at the Salmon Beds
(#3600) Kicking Horse Mountain Utilities Corp 2018 Sewage Treatment Plant Annual Report
(#3598) Kicking Horse Mountain Resort 2017 Sewage Treatment Plant Annual Report
(#3596) Golden Landfill Annual Report 2016
(#3595) Columbia Shuswap Regional District Solid Waste Management Plan Executive Summary 2009 – 2029
(#3593) Golden Landfill Annual Report 2012
(#3591) 2013 Golden Waste Characterization Study
(#3589) Golden Landfill Environmental Monitoring Report 2014
(#3586) Golden Refuse Disposal Site Annual Report 2014
(#3584) Golden Landfill Environmental Monitoring Annual Report 2015
(#3582) Golden Landfill Environmental Monitoring Report 2017
(#3580) Golden Landfill – Hydrogeological Characterization Report 2018
(#3578) Solid Waste Management Annual Operations and Monitoring Report Golden Refuse Disposal Site MR-17006 2018
(#3576) Golden Landfill Environmental Monitoring Report 2018
(#3574) 2018 Waste Characterization Study Golden Refuse Disposal Site
(#3572) CSSIS Invasive Plant Surveys: CSRD Lands 2017 Inventory Summary
(#3570) Columbia-Shuswap Regional District, Mosquito Control Program for Electoral Area ‘A’/Town of Golden, B.C. 2018 Final Report
(#3568) Columbia Shuswap Regional District Electoral Area ‘A’ – Town of Golden Mosquito Control Program Mid-Season Update June 2018
(#3566) Columbia Shuswap Regional District Golden, BC (Area ‘A’) Mosquito Program
(#3564) Columbia Shuswap Regional District Golden, BC (Area ‘A’) Mosquito Program
(#3562) Synthesis of Local and Regional Conservation & Management Goals & Objectives for The Columbia Wetlands
(#3552) Golden’s Community Invasive Plant Program Annual Report 2019
(#3549) Columbia River Treaty 2018 Community Meetings Summary Report
(#3546) Moberly Marsh Habitat Restoration Seed Funding Report
(#3544) Glacial Marine Sedimentation and Stratigraphy of the Toby Conglomerate (Upper Proterozoic), Southeastern British Columbia, Northwestern Idaho and Northeastern Washington
(#3537) Predicting grizzly bear food – Huckleberries – across the Columbia Basin
(#3343) Where to Find Birds in British Columbia
(#3341) Highlights: Water Monitoring and Climate Change in the Upper Columbia Basin
- Carver 2017 124.pdf
(#3337) Survey Results for Long-Billed Curlew, Flammulated Owl, and Lewis’s Woodpecker on the Shuswap Reserve.
- Gillies 2009.doc
(#3339) Wildlife habitat area effectiveness evaluations. Protocol for monitoring the effectiveness of badger wildlife habitat areas.
- Newhouse et al 2007.pdf
(#3335) Shuswap Indian Reserve Badger, Ground Squirrel and Wildlife Tree Survey 2009
- Kinley & Gillies 2009.pdf
(#3331) Assessments of the Impacts of Recreation and Recreational Infrastructure Upon the Conservation Values of Columbia Lake Provincial Park at Warspite Creek
- Tipper 2015.pdf
(#3333) Columbia Valley Transmission Project Environmental Overview Assessment
- Turner & Mackin 2009.pdf
(#3329) Management Unit 4-34 Moose Inventory
- Stent 2009.PDF
(#3325) Recovery Strategy for the Southern Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) in Canada
- Sadler 2013.pdf
(#3327) 2014 Site Establishment at North Stoddart
- Schadeli 2014.pdf
(#3323) Range Use in the East Kootenay
- Ross & Wikeem 2002.pdf
(#3321) COSEWIC Assessment and Update Status Report on the Grizzly Bear Ursus arctos in Canada – Prairie population, Northwestern population
- Ross 2002.pdf
(#3317) Limber Pine in British Columbia Factsheet
- Pigott & Moody 2013.pdf
(#3319) Trench Society 2009 Report
- Rocky Mountain Trench Society 2009.pdf
- Rocky Mountain Trench Society 2009 132.pdf
(#3315) Mountain Goat Management in the Kootenays
- Phelps 1975.pdf
(#3311) Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring Compilation
- Page 2014.pdf
(#3313) COSEWIC status appraisal summary on the Long-billed Curlew Numenius americanus in Canada
- Perkins & Gratto-Trevor.pdf
(#3309) 2016 Westside Legacy Trail stream crossings and in stream construction windows
- Oliver 2016.pdf
(#3305) Management and Protection of Badgers in the East Kootenay of British Columbia – Draft
- Newhouse 2001.pdf
(#3307) Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife. Long-Billed Curlew
- Ohanjanian 2004.pdf
(#3303) Scoping Document to Assess the Feasibility, Impacts, and Benefits (FIBs) of Restoring Anadromous Salmon to the Canadian Reaches of the Upper Columbia River
- Neilitz et al 2007.pdf
(#3301) Status of the Least Chipmunk (Tamias Minimus) Subspecies T.M. Oreocetes and T.M. Selkirki in British Columbia
- Nagorsen 2004.pdf
(#3299) Conserving Mammals at Risk: The Role of Taxonomy
- Nagorsen et al 1999.pdf
(#3297) Does Invermere Need a Recreation Access Management Plan?
- Morrow 2017.pdf
(#3295) Columbia Valley Transmission Project Construction Environmental Management Plan (EMP) – Rev. 1
- Morellato & Tableman 2011.pdf
(#3293) Aerial-based Inventory Methods for Selected Ungulates: Bison, Mountain Goat, Mountain Sheep, Moose, Elk, Deer and Caribou. Standards for Components of British Columbia’s Biodiversity No. 32.
- Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management Terrestrial Information Branch 2002.pdf
(#3291) North Trench Ecosystem Restoration Plan
- Ministry of Forests & Range Staff 1998.pdf
(#3289) Response of Understory Vegetation to Soil Disturbance in the Interior Douglas-Fir Zone of Southeastern British Columbia
- Marcoux 2007.pdf
(#3285) Relationship Between Vital Attributes of Ktunaxa Plants and Natural Disturbance Regimes in Southeastern British Columbia
- Mah 2000.pdf
(#3287) Kootenay Region 2015 Wildlife Tree Creation Project Final Report
- Manning 2015.pdf
(#3281) Written Evidence of the Ktunaxa Nation Council
- unknown 2010.pdf
(#3283) Evaluation of Current Westslope Cutthroat Trout Hybridization Levels in the Upper Kootenay Drainage
- Lamson 2016.pdf
(#3279) Barbour Rock Recreation Trails Plan
(#3275) Boulder Creek Diversion Project Final Report
- Holmes 2013.pdf
(#3277) Habitat Selection by Bighorn Ewes on Three Winter Ranges in the East Kootenays
- Jalkotzy 2000.pdf
(#3273) Quantifying Emissions Reductions by Using Mastication Treatments for Ecosystem Restoration Projects in the Rocky Mountain Trench: A Market and Non-market Cost-Benefit Approach
- Hobby 2013.pdf
(#3269) Natural History: A Compendium of Environmental and Resource Information
- weasel family.pdf
- Waterbirds.pdf
- Fires and Insects.pdf
- Physical Structure of Aquatic Ecosystem.pdf
- Aquatic Ecosystem Research and Mgmt.pdf
- Amphibians and Reptiles 960.pdf
- Species at Risk Plants.pdf
(#3271) Lewis Woodpecker Nesting Box
- Hoar 2016.pdf
(#3267) Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife – Grizzly Bear
- Gyug et al 2004.pdf
(#3265) The Effect of Physiography and Topography on Fire Regimes and Forest Communities. Draft
- Gray et al 2002 294.pdf
(#3261) Brisco BC, Bugaboos Road Timelapse: land use changes, 1984 to 2016, from space
- Geospeak 2017.mp4
(#3263) Golden Backcountry Recreation Access Plan (GBRAP)
(#3257) Reconnaissance of Upper Columbia Valley
- Gareau 1914.pdf
(#3259) Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife. Lewis’s Woodpecker
- Gebauer 2004.pdf
(#3255) Management Plan for the Lewis’s Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis) in Canada
- Environment Canada 2014 856.pdf
(#3251) Restoration of Fire-Maintained Ecosystems in the East Kootenays. A Case Study
- Egan.pdf
(#3249) Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife. Bighorn Sheep
- Demarchi 2004.pdf
(#3245) Valuing ecosystem services in the Columbia River Treaty
- Cotter 2016.pdf
(#3247) West Bench Wetlands Mapping and Inventory Project
- Darvill 2016 185.pdf
(#3243) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the westslope cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii
lewisi. British Columbia population, Alberta population in Canada
- Costello & Rubidge 2006.pdf
(#3239) East Kootenay Land Use Plan
- Commission on Resources and Environment.pdf
- Commission on Resources and Environment 1994.pdf
- Commission on Resources and Environment 1994 504.pdf
- Commission on Resources and Environment 1994 459.pdf
- Commission on Resources and Environment 1994 407.pdf
- Commission on Resources and Environment 1994 416.pdf
- Commission on Resources and Environment 1994 217.pdf
- Commission on Resources and Environment 1994 718.pdf
(#3241) COSEWIC Assessment and Update Status Report on the Southern Maidenhair Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris in Canada
- COSEWIC 2000.pdf
(#3237) CSISS Priority Species
- Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species 2017.pdf
(#3233) Biophysical Resources of the East Kootenay Area: Outdoor Recreation APD Bulletin 8
- Collins 1981.pdf
- Collins 1981 296.pdf
- Collins 1981 981.pdf
(#3235) 5th Annual Columbia Salmon Festival Event Summaries and Financial Report
- Columbia Salmon Festival Organizers and Steering Committee 2015.pdf
(#3231) Environmental Review Taunton Bowl
- Cascade Environmental Resource Ltd. 2016.pdf
(#3227) Evidence for a climate-driven hydrologic regime shift in the Canadian Columbia Basin
- Brahney et al 2016.pdf
(#3229) Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife. Flammulated Owl
- Cannings & van Woudenberg 2004.pdf
(#3225) Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program Blueprint for Action 2013. Progress & Learnings 1997-2013
- Bond et al 2013.pdf
(#3223) Wildlife Assessment and Recommendations for the Proposed Barbour Rock Recreational Trails
- Boehringer 2017.pdf
(#3219) Panorama Mountain Village Official Community Plan
(#3221) Toby Benches Official Community Plan
- Toby Benches Official Community Plan 2016.pdf
- Toby Benches Overview map.pdf
- Toby Benches ALR map.pdf
- Toby Benches Landuse map.pdf
- Toby Benches Wildfire map.pdf
- Toby Benches Environmentally sensitive areas map.pdf
- Toby Benches Slope Analysis Overview map.pdf
- Toby Benches Slope Analysis Overview map 490.pdf
- Toby Benches Ungulate Winter Range.pdf
- Toby Benches Badger Habitat.pdf
- Toby Benches Irrigated Fruit lands.pdf
(#3217) Lake Windermere Official Community Plan
- Board of the Regional District of East Kootenay 2015.pdf
- Plan area map.pdf
- ALR map.pdf
- Land use overview map.pdf
- Lower Toby Benches map.pdf
- windermere north map.pdf
- Windermere east map.pdf
- Windermere south map.pdf
- Westside map.pdf
- Lyttle lake map.pdf
- ALR exclusions and Subdivisions map .pdf
- Wildlife habitat map.pdf
- Badger habitat and connectivity map.pdf
- Flood and torrent hazards map.pdf
- Interface Fire Hazards map.pdf
- Road Network Plan map.pdf
- Regional Context map.pdf
- Environmentally Sensitive areas Northwest.pdf
- Environmentally sensitive areas Northeast map.pdf
- Environmentally Sensitive Areas southwest map.pdf
- Environmentally sensitive areas southeast map.pdf
- Lake Windermere south map.pdf
- Lake Windermere map.pdf
- Lake Windermere north map.pdf
(#3213) Steamboat-Jubilee Mountain Official Community Plan
(#3215) Fairmont Hot Springs Area Official Community Plan
- Fairmont OCP.pdf
- Fairmont area map.pdf
- Fairmont ALR and Crown Land map.pdf
- Fairmont land use overview map
- Fairmont Land use east map.pdf
- Fairmont land use west map.pdf
- Fairmont Columbia Lake north map.pdf
- Fairmont Columbia Lake south map.pdf
- Fairmont Conceptual Wildlife corridors map.pdf
- Fairmont flood and soil hazards map.pdf
- Fairmont Flood and Soil Hazards map 1.pdf
- Fairmont Interface fire map.pdf
- Fairmont major road network plan map.pdf
(#3211) Akisqnuk Reserve – Slashing, Piling and Noxious Weed Treatments
- Bergles 2015.pdf
(#3207) Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife. “Westslope” Cutthroat Trout
- Bennett 2004.pdf
(#3209) Vegetation Change Following Restoration Treatments Invermere Forest District East Kootenays, British Columbia
- Berg 2003.pdf
(#3205) Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Columbia Valley Transmission Project
- BC Transmission Corporation 2010.pdf
- BC Transmission Corporation 2010 575.pdf
(#3201) Management Plan for the Painted Turtle – Intermountain–Rocky Mountain Population (Chrysemys picta pop. 2) in British Columbia
- BC Ministry of Environment 2017.pdf
(#3203) Management Plan for the Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) in British Columbia
- BC Ministry of Environment BC Freshwaters Program 2014.pdf
(#3199) Grazing Reconnaissance of the Windermere Stock Range
- Bawtree.pdf
(#3195) Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife. Badger
- Adams & Kinley 2004.pdf
(#3197) Grazing Reconnaissance of the Upper Kootenay Stock Range
- Bawtree et al 1957.pdf
(#3193) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Limber Pine Pinus flexilis in Canada
- Achuff 2014.pdf
(#3191) Bird conservation strategy for bird conservation region 10 Pacific and Yukon Region: Northern Rockies
- Environment Canada 2013 809.pdf
(#3187) BC watercraft inspection stations; stopping the spread of invasive mussels!
- Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society 2016.pdf
(#3189) British Columbia Aquatic Invasive Species Survey Methods.
- Inter-Ministry Invasive Species Working Group 2015.pdf
(#3185) Windermere Creek Water Quality Monitoring Report 2009 – 2012. A Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring Project Final Report
- McPherson et al 2014.pdf
(#3181) Ramsar Programme on communication, education, participation and awareness (CEPA) 2009-2015 of the Convention on Wetlands
- Unknown 2008.pdf
(#3183) Fragmentation and Disturbance of the Southern Canadian Yellowstone to Yukon (Y2Y) Wetlands Due to Human Intrastucture
- Bayley et al 2004.pdf
(#3179) Multiscale Habitat Use by Wolverines in British Columbia Canada
- Krebs et al 2007.pdf
(#3175) Identifying and securing hibernation habitat for bats in the Columbia Basin in response to risk of White Nose Syndrome Year 2 End of Season Report
- Lausen 2013.pdf
(#3177) Ecosystem Services Toolkit. Completing and Using Ecosystem Service Assessment for Decision-Making: An Interdisciplinary Toolkit for Managers and Analysts
- Preston & Raudsepp-Hearne 2017.pdf
(#3171) Kootenay Region Management Direction Statement for Columbia Lake Ecological Reserve
- Ministry of Water 2004.pdf
(#3173) Canadian Columbia Basin Regional Framework for an Aquatic Invasive Species Program: 2015 to 2020
- Columbia Basin Aquatic Invasive Species Steering Committee 2016 395.pdf
(#3167) Badger Prey Ecology: The Ecology of Six Small Mammals Found in British Columbia
- Hoodicoff 2006.pdf
(#3163) Genetic Structure of Sensitive and Endangered Northwestern Badger Populations
- Kyle et al 2004.pdf
(#3165) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the American Badger Taxidea taxus in Canada
- COSEWIC 2012.pdf
(#3161) Badger Roadkill Risk in Relation to the Presence of Culverts and Jersey Barriers
- Kinley & Newhouse 2009.pdf
(#3159) Badger. Wildlife at Risk in British Columbia
- Blood 2002 18.pdf
(#3157) Recovery Strategy for the Badger (Taxidea taxus) in British Columbia. British Columbia Recovery Strategy Series
- jeffersonii Badger Recovery Team 2008.pdf
(#3153) Kootenay Conservation Program 2015-2016 Annual Report
- Peterson 2016.pdf
(#3155) Final Report and Recommendations of the East Kootenay Trench Agriculture/Wildlife Committee
- Gayton & Hansen 1998.pdf
(#3149) Kootenay Conservation Program 2015/2016 Stewardship Survey
- Shaw 2016.pdf
(#3151) Kootenay Conservation Program Stewardship Framework
- Kootenay Conservation Program 2014.pdf
(#3147) Kootenay Conservation Program 2014 Stewardship Tracking Report
- de la Salle 2014.pdf
(#3143) Review of Past Partial-Cutting Activities in the Nelson Forest Region (1998 to present)
- Hawe 1996.pdf
(#3145) Conservation Planning in Two Regional Landscapes (RLs): Windermere-Columbia Lakes (RL 9) and Horsethief-Skookumchuck Creeks (RL 10) Draft
- Utzig & Holt 2014.pdf
- Utzig & Holt 2014 893.pdf
- Utzig & Holt 2014 476.pdf
- Utzig & Holt 2014 862.pdf
(#3141) Refining Mixed-Severity Fire Regimes in the Rocky Mountain Forest District
- Daniels et al 2006 449.pdf
(#3139) Climate Change and the Canadian Columbia Basin
- Utzig 2013.pdf
(#3135) Mountain Caribou in the North Columbia Mountains North of Highway 1. Compilation of Information to June 2004. For Final Review
- Pearse 2004.pdf
(#3137) Quantifying forest stand and landscape attributes that influence mountain caribou habitat fragmentation
(#3133) Population Censuses of Caribou The North Columbia Mountains
- McLellan et al 2008.PDF
(#3129) Fragmentation, dispersal and metapopulation function in remnant populations of endangered mountain caribou.
- van Oort et al 2011.pdf
(#3131) 2004 Population Census Of Mountain Caribou In The Columbia Forest District
- Hooge et al 2004.pdf
(#3127) A synthesis of scale-dependent ecology of the endangered mountain caribou in British Columbia, Canada
- Serrouya et al.pdf
(#3123) Spatial factors related to mortality and population decline of endangered mountain caribou
- Apps et al 2013.pdf
(#3125) An adaptive approach to endangered species recovery based on a management experiment: reducing moose to reduce apparent competition with woodland caribou
- Serrouya 2013.pdf
(#3121) Invermere Timber Supply Area Vegetation Resources Inventory Statistical Adjustment Version 2.0
- Carter 2009.pdf
(#3117) Invermere Timber Supply Area Timber Supply Analysis Discussion Paper
- BC Ministry of Forests 2000 267.pdf
(#3119) Integrated Silviculture Strategy for the Invermere TSA Situation Analysis
- Forsite Consultants Ltd. 2017.pdf
(#3115) Forecasting Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: Ecosystem Carbon for the Invermere Timber Supply Area
- Niziolomski & Feigl 2009.pdf
(#3113) Golden TSA Silviculture Strategy (Type 2)
- Cortex Consultants Inc. 2002.pdf
- Cortex Consultants Inc. 2002 373.pdf
(#3109) Invermere Timber Supply Area Interim Silviculture Strategy—Version 1.1
- BC Ministry of Forests 1999.pdf
(#3111) Golden Timber Supply Area Timber Supply Area Interim Silviculture Strategy — Version 1.3-
- BC Ministry of Forests 1999 210.pdf
(#3107) District of Invermere Urban Deer Management Committee Final Report and Recommendations
- Brydon 2011.pdf
(#3103) Golden TSA Timber Supply Review #4 Timber Supply Analysis Report – Draft
- Davis 2009.pdf
(#3105) Golden Timber Supply Area Rationale for Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) Determination Effective June 3, 2010
- Snetsinger 2010.pdf
(#3101) Golden TSA Timber Supply Review #4. Timber Supply Analysis Data Package
- Davis 2008.pdf
(#3097) Golden Timber Supply Area Public Discussion Paper
- BC Forest Service 2003.pdf
(#3099) Golden Timber Supply Area Rationale for Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) Determination Effective June 1, 2004
- Pedersen 2004.pdf
(#3095) Golden Timber Supply Area Rationale for Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) Determination Effective January 1, 2000
- Pedersen 2000.pdf
(#3093) Golden Timber Supply Area Timber Supply Review Summary of Public Input
- BC Ministry of Forests 1998 325.pdf
- BC Ministry of Forests 1998 250.pdf
(#3089) Golden Timber Supply Area Information Report
- BC Ministry of Forests 1997.pdf
(#3091) Golden Timber Supply Area Analysis Report
- BC Ministry of Forests 1998.pdf
(#3087) Golden Timber Supply Area Rationale for AAC determination effective January 1, 1995 until next determination within five years
- BC Ministry of Forests 1994 135.pdf
(#3082) Socio-Economic Assessment of Timber Supply Scenarios for the Golden TSA
- Crane Management Consultants Ltd. 1994.pdf
(#3085) Golden Timber Supply Area. Timber Supply Review Discussion Paper
- BC Ministry of Forests 1994 683.pdf
(#3080) Golden Timber Supply Analyis
- BC Ministry of Forests 1993.pdf
(#3076) Columbia Basin Species of Interest Action Plan – Draft
- Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program 2012 136.pdf
(#3078) Golden Timber Supply Area. Timber Supply Review. Summary of Public Input
- BC Ministry of Forests 1994.pdf
(#3074) A preliminary report on the effects on fisheries of four dams proposed for the Columbia and Kootenay Rivers in British Columbia
- Maher 1961.pdf
(#3072) Wintering Strategies by Mountain Goats in Interior Mountains
- Poole et al 2006.pdf
(#3068) Wildlife and Habitat Prescription for Hoodoo-Hofert Property Management Unit 23 East Kootenay Region, British Columbia
- Klafki 2005.pdf
(#3070) Windermere Lake Data 1971-1973
- Hawthorn.pdf
(#3066) Whitetail Lake Creel Survey
- Hutchinson & Westover 1995.pdf
(#3064) White River, Middle Fork Water Resource Inventory
- Nanrich Water Management Consultants Ltd 2001.pdf
(#3060) Weasel Scent as a Predator Attractant to Reduce Vole Numbers in New Plantations
- Sullivan.pdf
(#3058) Ungulate Monitoring Plan Final Report
- Heaven et al 1998.pdf
(#3054) Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM): Expanded Legend to Ecosystem Units. Draft
- Kernaghan et al 2001.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 259.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 779.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 111.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 896.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 687.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 42.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 740.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 508.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 266.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 774.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 234.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2001 339.pdf
(#3056) Unconsolidated Deposits and Glacial Geology Columbia River; Revelstoke to Golden, B.C.
- Nasmith 1958.pdf
(#3052) Terrain Survey Intensity Level D Mapping Watershed Restoration
- AGRA Earth & Environmental Limited 1997.pdf
(#3048) TSIL D- Terrain Stability Mapping Project. Copper Creek, Glenogle Creek
- Klohn-Crippen 1996 918.pdf
(#3050) Tagged Burbot Recaptured after Six Years Shows Slow Growth Rate in Columbia Lake
- Arndt 2006.pdf
(#3046) TSIL D Terrain Stability Mapping Project No. WR96DGO-010. Cedar, Holt, Gorman, Lang, Cirque and Donald Creeks
- Klohn-Crippen 1996.pdf
(#3044) Status Report East Kootenay Angling Management Plan
- East Kootenay Angling Management Plan Committee B.C. Water 2003.pdf
(#3040) Summary of Fisheries Data Kootenay Rivers Study Fall 1978
- BC Hydro 1979.pdf
(#3042) Survey on 7 East Kootenay Streams – 2005 Quality Waters Strategy (River Guardian Program)
- Heidt 2005.pdf
(#3038) Streamflow in the Kootenay Region
- Obedkoff 2002.pdf
(#3036) Stream Channel Assessment and Prescriptions Middle Fork White River
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 516.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 876.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 340.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 540.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 749.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 536.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 363.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 232.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 269.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 975.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 63.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 667.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 235.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 233.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 355.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 697.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 643.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 150.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 963.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 856.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 267.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 788.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 907.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 111.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 950.pdf
- AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited 2002 381.pdf
(#3032) Sewage Effluent Disposal Akiskinook, British Columbia
- Brown & Reed 1978.pdf
(#3034) Slim Boat Count Data. Small Lake index Management Boat Count data and Angler effort estimates for the Kootenay Region
- Unknown 1996.pdf
(#3030) Seine Net Catch Record – Windermere Lake
- Kistritz & Boisvert 1975.pdf
(#3026) Seine Net Catch Record Columbia River
- Biggs et al 1976 87.pdf
- Biggs et al 1976 222.pdf
- Biggs et al 1976 610.pdf
(#3028) Seine Net Catch Record – Kootenay River
- Kristritz & Boisvert 1976.pdf
(#3024) Seine Net Catch Record Toby Creek
- Biggs et al 1976.pdf
- Biggs et al 1976 339.pdf
(#3022) Report on Columbia-Kootenay Watershed 1961-1962 (1963-1964)
- Engineering Division Health Branch. & Department of Health Services and Hospital Insurance 1965.pdf
(#3018) Golden 2012 Drinking Water Quality Annual Report
- Town of Golden 2013.pdf
(#3020) Radium Hot Springs Resort – Palmer Creek
- Chapman 1990.pdf
(#3016) Town of Golden Municipal Water Supply Contingency Plan, 2014 Update
- Golder Associates Ltd. 2014 228.pdf
(#3012) Conceptual Model, Preliminary Numerical Model and Contaminant Inventory Town of Golden, B.C. Aquifer Protection Plan
- Golder Associates Ltd. 2006.pdf
(#3014) Town of Golden Municipal Water Supply Groundwater Monitoring Plan
- Golder Associates Ltd. 2014.pdf
(#3010) Regional Hydrometric/Climate Network Analysis Kootenay Region Final Report
- Klohn-Crippen 1997.pdf
(#3008) Vowell Glacier Rapid Retreat, Bugaboos British Columbia
- Pelto 2013 162.pdf
(#3004) Conrad Icefield Retreat, Selkirk Mountains, British Columbia
- Pelto 2013.pdf
(#3006) Bugaboo Glacier, British Columbia Retreat
- Pelto 2009.pdf
(#3002) Linking Citizen Science to Action: A Groundwater Monitoring Pilot Project
- Mallinson 2014.pdf
(#3000) A predictive model for bioassessment of streams in the Columbia-Okanagan area of British Columbia using the reference condition approach: 2010
- Gaber 2012.pdf
(#2998) Water Quantity and Quality in the Columbia Basin Trust Region. Water Resources Partnership between the Columbia Basin Trust and The University of British Columbia, Okanagan
- Brahney 2014.pdf
(#2994) Preliminary Analysis of Climate Variability and Change in the Canadian Columbia River Basin: Focus on Water Resources
- Werner et al 2007.pdf
(#2996) Willowbank Mountain Habitat Enhancement Plan
- Adama & Krebs 1996.pdf
(#2992) Canadian Columbia Basin Climate Trends and Projections 2007-2010 Update
- Murdock & Werner 2011.pdf
(#2990) Climate Extremes in the Canadian Columbia Basin: A Preliminary Assessment
- Murdock & Sobie 2013.pdf
(#2988) Climate Change in the Columbia Basin
- Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology 2003.pdf
(#2986) Climate Change in the Canadian Columbia Basin. Starting the Dialogue
- Columbia Basin Trust.pdf
(#2984) Climate Change, Impacts and Adaptation in the Canadian Columbia Basin. From Dialogue to Action
- Columbia Basin Trust 2012.pdf
(#2982) Indicators of Climate Adaptation in the Columbia Basin. How ‘State of The Basin’ Indicators can be used to Measure Climate Changes, Impacts and Progress Towards Adaptation
- Columbia Basin Trust 2015.pdf
- Columbia Basin Trust 2015 483.pdf
(#2980) Summary Report Cows and Fish Workshops
- Hamstead 2002.pdf
(#2978) Evaluation of Community Water Conservation Efforts in the Columbia Basin 2009 to 2015
- Schreier et al 2016.pdf
(#2976) The Role of Large-Scale Climate Modes in Regional Streamflow Variability and Implications for Water Supply Forecasting: A Case Study of the Canadian Columbia River Basin
- Gobena et al 2013.pdf
(#2974) Quantifying the contribution of glacier runoff to streamflow in the upper Columbia River Basin, Canada
- Jost et al 2012.pdf
(#2972) Estimates of future flow, including extremes, of the Columbia River headwaters
- Burger et al 2011.pdf
(#2968) A Reconnaissance Survey of Wiseman Lake
- Burns & Klein.pdf
- Burns & Klein 1973 206.pdf
(#2970) Water Monitoring and Climate Change in the Upper Columbia Basin Summary of Current Status and Opportunities
- Carver 2017.pdf
(#2966) A Reconnaissance Survey of Windermere Lake
- Burns & Grosjean 1974 109.pdf
- Burns & Grosjean 1974 980.pdf
- Burns & Grosjean 1974 434.pdf
(#2962) A Reconnaissance Survey of Wilmer Lake
- Sinclair 1967 54.pdf
- Sinclair 1967 566.pdf
(#2958) A Reconnaissance Survey of Wilbur Lake
- Norris & Grany 1982.pdf
(#2952) A Reconnaissance Survey of Whitetail Lake
- Balkwill 1959.pdf
(#2950) A Reconnaissance Survey of Whary Lake
- Chudyk & Erickson 1971 239.pdf
- Chudyk & Erickson 1971 644.pdf
(#2948) A Reconnaissance Survey of Upper Halgrave Lake
- Harding 1969 544.pdf
- Harding 1969 126.pdf
(#2946) A Reconnaissance Survey of Topaz Lake
- Chudyk & Erickson 1971 398.pdf
(#2942) A Reconnaissance Survey of Templeton Lake
- Griffith 1993.pdf
(#2940) A Reconnaissance Survey of Peter Lake
- Griffith 1994 93.pdf
(#2936) A Reconnaissance Survey of Nixon Lake
- Davidson & Bell 1982 346.pdf
(#2938) A Reconnaissance Survey of Northcote Lake
- Griffith 1994 566.pdf
(#2934) A Reconnaissance Survey of Ninebay Lake
- Davidson & Hutchinson 1982.pdf
(#2932) A Reconnaissance Survey of Mitten Lake
- Davidson & Bell 1982.pdf
(#2926) A Reconnaissance Survey of Loon Lake
- Norris & Grant 1983.pdf
(#2928) A Reconnaissance Survey of McLean Lake
- Griffith 1994 772.pdf
(#2920) A Reconnaissance Survey of Lillian Lake
- JAB & BT 1960.pdf
(#2914) A Reconnaissance Survey of Leadqueen Lake
- Chudyk 1971 426.pdf
(#2912) A Reconnaissance Survey of Lang Lake
- Parkin & Gunville 1974 581.pdf
(#2910) Operational Plan for Terrestrial Invasive Plants in the Columbia Shuswap 2014-2019
- Craig 2013.pdf
(#2908) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018
- Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society 2013.pdf
(#2906) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society: Summary of Activities 2013
- Stafl 2013.pdf
(#2904) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society: Year End Report 2014
- Stafl & Hooper.pdf
(#2902) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Year End Report 2015
- Stafl et al 2015.pdf
(#2900) A Reconnaissance Survey of Horeb Lake #4 (aka Shangri-la Lake, Dunbar Lake
- Griffith 1994 978.pdf
(#2898) A Reconnaissance Survey of Horeb Lake #3 (aka Shangri-la Lake, Dunbar Lake)
- Griffith 1994 889 901.pdf
(#2896) Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Year End Report 2016
- Hooper et al 2016.pdf
(#2892) A Reconnaissance Survey of Horeb Lake #1 (aka Shangri la Lake, Dunbar Lake)
- Griffith 1994 889.pdf
(#2894) A Reconnaissance Survey of Horeb Lake #2 (aka Shagri-la Lake, Dunbar Lake)
- Griffith 1994 210.pdf
(#2890) A Reconnaissance Survey of Hobo Lake
- Norris 1982 639.pdf
- Norris 1982 593.pdf
(#2888) A Reconnaissance Survey of Hall Lakes
- Harding & Offin 1970 647.pdf
(#2886) A Reconnaissance Survey of Halfway Lake
- Harding & Offin 1970 805.pdf
(#2884) A Reconnaissance Survey of Fourteen Mile Lake
- Norris 1982.pdf
(#2882) A Reconnaissance Survey of Enid Lake
- A Reconnaissance Survey of Enid Lake 1960.pdf
(#2880) A Reconnaissance Survey of Dorothy Lake
- Burns & Grosjean 1974.pdf
(#2878) A Reconnaissance Survey of Dogsled Lake
- Harding & Offin 1970 574.pdf
(#2874) A Reconnaissance Survey of Weisman Lake
- Sinclair 1967.pdf
(#2872) A Reconnaissance Survey of Cub Lake
- Harding & Offin 1970 603.pdf
(#2870) Reconnaissance Survey of Columbia Lake
- Reconnaissance Survey of Columbia Lake 1958.pdf
(#2868) A Reconnaissance Survey of Climax Lake
- Griffith 1994 378.pdf
(#2866) A Reconnaissance Survey of Cleland Lake
- Harding 1969 704.pdf
(#2864) A Reconnaissance Survey of Cedar Lake #2
- Klein & Burns 1973.pdf
(#2862) A Reconnaissance Survey of Cedar Lake #1
- Maher 1953.pdf
(#2858) A Reconnaissance Survey of Cartwright Lake
- Chudyk 1971.pdf
(#2856) A Reconnaissance Survey of Bittern Lake
- Davidson & Bell.pdf
(#2854) A Reconnaissance Survey of Big Fish (Dunbar) Lake
- Harding 1969.pdf
- Harding 1969 750.pdf
(#2852) Reconnaissance (1:20000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of TFL 14 in the Spillimacheen River (390-) Watershed and Columbia River (300-) Tributaries Phases IV to VI
- Edeburn et al 2001.pdf
- Edeburn et al 2001 466.pdf
(#2850) Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of the Stoddart Creek, Shuswap Creek, Bornais Creek and Windermere Creek Watersheds
- Phillips 2002 296.pdf
- Phillips 2002 547.pdf
- Phillips 2002 522.pdf
- Phillips 2002 567.pdf
- Phillips 2002 12.pdf
- Phillips 2002 782.pdf
(#2848) Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of the Middle Fork of the White River Watershed
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 219.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 657.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 726.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 736.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 783.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 102.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 988.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 911.pdf
(#2846) Invermere Timber Supply Area Predictive Ecosystem Mapping (PEM) Final Project Report
- Ketcheson et al 2004.pdf
(#2844) Expanded Ecosystem Legend East Columbia Lake Study Area
- Marcoux et al 1998.pdf
(#2842) Snow Avalanche Hazards at Jumbo Glacier Resort
- Schaerer 2014 303.pdf
(#2840) Jumbo Glacier Resort. Snow Avalanche Risk Zoning for a Day Lodge and Service Building
- Dynamic Avalanche Consulting Ltd. 2015.pdf
(#2838) Jumbo Glacier Resort Project Report Volume 5. Part F: Resort Administration Issues. Part G: First Nations Issues. Part H: Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Issues
- Pheidias Project Management Corp. 2003 909.pdf
(#2836) Re: Snow Engineering preliminary review of Glacier Resorts Ltd. project proposal
- Pheidias Project Management Corp. 1999 149.pdf
(#2834) Harley Study Response
- Pheidias Project Management Corp. 1999.pdf
(#2832) Jumbo Glacier Resort Visual Impact Assessment and Mitigation
- Pheidias Project Management Corp.pdf
(#2830) Jumbo Glacier Resort Project Report Volume 4. Part E: Socio-Economic and Community Issues
- Pheidias Project Management Corp. 2003.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corp. 2003 130.pdf
(#2828) Migratory and Non-migratory Birds Jumbo Glacier Resort Development
- ENKON Environmental 2004.pdf
- ENKON Environmental 2004 443.pdf
- ENKON Environmental 2004 249.pdf
- ENKON Environmental 2004 263.pdf
- ENKON Environmental 2004 938.pdf
- ENKON Environmental 2004 693.pdf
- ENKON Environmental 2004 66.pdf
- ENKON Environmental 2004 544.pdf
(#2826) Water Supply and Sewage Treatment System for the Jumbo Creek Alpine Resort
- KPA Engineering 1995.pdf
(#2824) Re: Review of Matt Austin’s Analysis Report: Potential Impacts of the Proposed Jumbo Glacier Alpine Resort on the Central Purcell Grizzly Bear Population and Opportunities for Mitigation/Compensation
- ENKON Environmental 2000 894.pdf
(#2822) Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Plan. Summary of Grizzly Bear Hunt/Mortality Statistics for Jumbo/Purcell
- Pheidias Project Management Corp. 2005.pdf
(#2820) Re: MELP Grizzly Bear Report: Jumbo Glacier Resort Development
(#2818) Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort Development
- ENKON Environmental 2001.pdf
(#2816) Re: New research regarding grizzly bears in the Purcell and Selkirk Mts. and the Jumbo Glacier Resort proposal
- Proctor 2010.pdf
(#2814) Consequences to the Purcell Mt Grizzly Bear for the Proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort
- Proctor 2012.pdf
(#2812) Jumbo Glacier Resort Liquid Waste Management Plan
- Golder Associates Ltd. et al 2003.pdf
- Golder Associates Ltd. et al 2003 445.pdf
- Golder Associates Ltd. et al 2003 184.pdf
- Golder Associates Ltd. et al 2003 665.pdf
(#2810) Letter to Ray Crook, Environmental Assessment Office re: Access Road design speed
- ENKON Environmental 2002.pdf
(#2808) Jumbo Glacier Resort Project Environmental Assessment Screening Checklist Supplemental Information – Forestry
- Al Neal Environmental Consulting 2003.pdf
(#2806) Letter to Greig Bethel, Editor, Coast Mountain Magazine re: Article by Steve Metcalf on Jumbo Grizzlies
- ENKON Environmental 2000 414.pdf
(#2804) Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Plan. Fisheries Resources
- ENKON Environmental 2005.pdf
(#2802) Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Plan Concept Volume 4: Project Components
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 862.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 190.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 807 23.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 557.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 978.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 79.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 882.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 49.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 485.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 112.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 358.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 322.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 94.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 422.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 655.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 829.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 616.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 915.pdf
(#2800) Comments re: specific Jumbo Glacier Resort Documents and Opinions
- Horejsi 2004.pdf
(#2798) Re: Review of Horejsi (2000): The Purcell Mountains Grizzly Bear Cumulative Effects and the Proposed Jumbo Glacier Development
- ENKON Environmental 2000.pdf
(#2796) A Review of the Project Application for the Proposed Jumbo Glacier Alpine Resort Based on the Potential Impacts to Grizzly Bears
- Austin 2004.pdf
(#2794) An Analysis of the Potential Impacts of the Proposed Jumbo Glacier Alpine Resort on the Central Purcell Grizzly Bear Population and Opportunities for Mitigation/Compensation
- Austin 2000.pdf
(#2792) Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Review and Summary Jumbo Glacier Resort, Invermere, British Columbia
- Golder Associates Ltd. 2003.pdf
(#2790) Summary of Jumbo Creek Timber Values
- Hromadnick 2003.pdf
(#2788) Environmental Management Plans Jumbo Glacier Resort
- ENKON Environmental Limited 2003 475.pdf
(#2786) Wildlife Resources Jumbo Glacier Resort
- ENKON Environmental & Limited 2003.pdf
- ENKON Environmental & Limited 2003 2.pdf
- ENKON Environmental Limited 2003.pdf
(#2784) Jumbo Glacier Resort Project Report Volume 3: Part D. Environmental Resource and Technical Issues
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 396.pdf
(#2782) Jumbo Glacier Resort Public Consultation Activities dated Apr 28/04 from Oberto Oberti (proponent)
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 263.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 699.pdf
(#2780) Jumbo Glacier Resort Project Report Volume 2: Part B: Commercial Alpine Ski Policy.
Part C: Specific Technical Resort Design and Management Issues
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 874.pdf
(#2778) Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Plan Volume 8: Map Volume
(#2776) Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Plan Volume 7: Approval Process and Governance
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 900.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 738.pdf
(#2774) Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Plan Volume 6: Socio-Economic And Market Analysis
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2004 827.pdf
(#2772) Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Plan Volume 5: Infrastructure
(#2770) Jumbo Glacier Resort Project. Study by KPA Engineering for Proponent Study Issues include; – Liquid Waste Management – Solid Waste Management – Appendices of Technical Study Results & Tables.
- Jumbo Glacier Resort Project. Study by KPA Engineering for Proponent S 1995.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Resort Project. Study by KPA Engineering for Proponent S 1995 205.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Resort Project. Study by KPA Engineering for Proponent S 1995 665.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Resort Project. Study by KPA Engineering for Proponent S 1995 668.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Resort Project. Study by KPA Engineering for Proponent S 1995 412.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Resort Project. Study by KPA Engineering for Proponent S 1995 824.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Resort Project. Study by KPA Engineering for Proponent S 1995 542.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Resort Project. Study by KPA Engineering for Proponent S 1995 910.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Resort Project. Study by KPA Engineering for Proponent S 1995 117.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Resort Project. Study by KPA Engineering for Proponent S 1995 949.pdf
(#2768) Jumbo Glacier Alpine Resort: Assessment of Destination Resort Proposal on Crown Land in Upper Jumbo Creek, British Columbia
- 1999.pdf
- 1999 11.pdf
- 1999 149.pdf
- 1999 403.pdf
- 1999 385.pdf
(#2766) Implications Assessment of the Proposed Jumbo Glacier Alpine Resort for R.K. Heli-Ski Panorama Inc.’s Operations.
- Brent Harley and Associates 1999.pdf
- Response letter from Pheidias Project Mgmt.pdf
(#2764) Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Plan Executive Summary
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2010 60.pdf
(#2762) Jumbo Glacier Resort Project Assessment Report with respect to an Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate pursuant to the Environmental Assessment Act S.B.C 2002, c. 43
(#2760) Jumbo Glacier Alpine Resort Application – Volume 2 Project Planning and Operations.
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 1995.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 1995 58.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 1995 116.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 1995 675.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 1995 53.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 1995 484.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 1995 945.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 1995 165.pdf
(#2758) Jumbo Glacier Resort Project Report Volume 1: Introduction. Part A: General Reporting Requirements
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 2.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 76.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 270.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 161.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 519.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 329.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 404.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 728.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 157.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 94.pdf
- Pheidias Project Management Corporation 2003 301.pdf
(#2756) Proposed Jumbo Glacier Alpine Resort Project Glacier Resorts Ltd. Final Project Report Specifications. Volume 1 Reporting Requirements
- Jumbo Glacier Project Committee 1998.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Project Committee 1998 223.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Project Committee 1998 476.pdf
- Jumbo Glacier Project Committee 1998 611.pdf
(#2754) Wildlife Surveys Proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort Development. September 1992- July 1993
- Norecol 1993 890.pdf
(#2752) Biophysical Habitat Mapping Jumbo Valley Expanded Legend
- Norecol 1994.pdf
- Norecol 1994 478.pdf
- Norecol 1994 917.pdf
- Norecol 1994.TIF
(#2750) Grizzly Bear Management Plan Jumbo Glacier Resort
- ENKON Environmental 2003.pdf
(#2748) Environmental Studies for the Fisheries, Water Quality, Hydrology and Waste Disposal Environmental Work Programs. Proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort Development.
- Norecol 1993.pdf
- Norecol 1993 868.pdf
- Norecol 1993 461.pdf
(#2746) Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of the Jumbo Creek Watershed
- Phillips 2002 134.pdf
- Phillips 2002 307.pdf
- Phillips 2002 321.pdf
- Phillips 2002 97.pdf
(#2744) Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of the Brewer Creek Watershed
- Hayward 2001.pdf
- Hayward 2001 220.pdf
- Hayward 2001 826.pdf
- Hayward 2001 14.pdf
(#2742) Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of the Albert River Watershed
- McElligott 1999.pdf
(#2740) Reconnaissance Fish and Fish Habitat of West Bench Study Area
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 148.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 438.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 907.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 729.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 868.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 982.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 740.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 904.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 90.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 449.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 156.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 955.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 935.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 377.pdf
(#2738) Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of Steamboat Mountain Watersheds
- Urban 1999.pdf
(#2736) Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of McMurdo Bench Watersheds
- Amos et al 2003.pdf
(#2734) Reconnaissance Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of Horsethief Creek
- Petrovcic 2000 915.pdf
- Petrovcic 2000 438.pdf
- Petrovcic 2000 51.pdf
- Petrovcic 2000 298.pdf
- Petrovcic 2000 590.pdf
- Petrovcic 2000 335.pdf
- Petrovcic 2000 347.pdf
- Petrovcic 2000 916.pdf
- Petrovcic 2000 530.pdf
- Petrovcic 2000 382.pdf
(#2732) Reconnaissance Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of East White River Watershed
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 213.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 270.pdf
- Shurgot & Petrovcic 2001 625.pdf
(#2730) Reconnaissance (1:20 000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of the Ravenshead Project Area (Tributary to the Kootenay River)
- Kurtz 2001.pdf
- Kurtz 2001 569.pdf
- Kurtz 2001 7.pdf
- Kurtz 2001 689.pdf
- Kurtz 2001 15.pdf
- Kurtz 2001 969.pdf
- Kurtz 2001 922.pdf
- Kurtz 2001 887.pdf
- Kurtz 2001 739.pdf
(#2728) Reconnaissance (1:20 000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory (Phase 4-6) of The Harrogate/Pinnacle Creek Study Area
- Merriman 2001 377.pdf
- Merriman 2001 28.pdf
- Merriman 2001 283.pdf
- Merriman 2001 979.pdf
- Merriman 2001 284.pdf
- Merriman 2001 951.pdf
- Merriman 2001 692.pdf
- Merriman 2001 415.pdf
- Merriman 2001 277.pdf
- Merriman 2001 747.pdf
- Merriman 2001 902.pdf
- Merriman 2001 392.pdf
- Merriman 2001 883.pdf
- Merriman 2001 250.pdf
- Merriman 2001 780.pdf
- Merriman 2001 139.pdf
- Merriman 2001 311.pdf
- Merriman 2001 240.pdf
(#2726) Reconnaissance (1:20 000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory (Phase 4-6) of The Findlay Creek Watershed
- Merriman 2001.pdf
- Merriman 2001 652.pdf
- Merriman 2001 177.pdf
- Merriman 2001 448.pdf
- Merriman 2001 684.pdf
- Merriman 2001 850.pdf
- Merriman 2001 262.pdf
- Merriman 2001 735.pdf
- Merriman 2001 462.pdf
- Merriman 2001 49.pdf
- Merriman 2001 810.pdf
- Merriman 2001 927.pdf
- Merriman 2001 326.pdf
- Merriman 2001 438.pdf
(#2724) Reconnaissance (1:20 000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of Forster Creek
- Radridge 2001.pdf
- Radridge 2001 355.pdf
- Radridge 2001 369.pdf
- Radridge 2001 246.pdf
- Radridge 2001 885.pdf
- Radridge 2001 233.pdf
- Radridge 2001 876.pdf
- Radridge 2001 525.pdf
(#2722) Radium Bighorn Sheep Herd Cooperative Management Plan
- Stelfox 1990.pdf
(#2720) Preliminary Assessment of Groundwater Prospects for the Upper Columbia Strategic Plan
- Ministry of Environment Groundwater Section Waste Water Management Branch 1983.pdf
(#2718) Preliminary calculation of excess forest ingrowth and resulting forage impact in the Rocky Mountain Trench
- Gayton 1995.pdf
(#2716) History of transplanting Mountain Goats and Mountain Sheep – British Columbia.
- Hatter & Blower 1996.pdf
(#2714) Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Habitat and Population Assessment for the East Kootenay Trench
- Kinley et al 2007.pdf
(#2712) A Population Review of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in the Kootenay Region
- Stent et al 2013.pdf
(#2710) A Partial Survey of Paddy Ryan Lake
- Maher 1957.pdf
(#2708) Food habits of wolverine Gulo gulo in montane ecosystems of British Columbia, Canada.
- Lofroth et al 2007.pdf
(#2706) A Partial Reconnaissance Survey of Mitten Lake
- Sparrow 1961.pdf
(#2704) A Partial Reconnaissance Survey Of Cub Lake
- Parkin & Gunville 1974 503.pdf
(#2702) A Partial Reconnaissance Survey of Cartwright Lake
- Harding & Offin 1970.pdf
(#2698) Land Use Inventory Report Columbia Valley East Kootenay Summer 2011
- Ministry of Agriculture 2013.pdf
(#2696) CSRD Pest Management Plan. Mosquito Control Management Plan for Golden, Revelstoke & Scotch Creek
- Columbia-Shuswap Regional District 2016.pdf
(#2694) Columbia-Shuswap Electoral Area ‘A’; Town of Golden Mosquito Control Program 2015 Final Report
- Sternberg 2015.pdf
(#2692) Columbia-Shuswap Regional District, Mosquito Control Program for Electoral Area ‘A’/Town of Golden, B.C. 2016 Final Report
- Sternberg & Kassa 2016.PDF
(#2690) Columbia-Shuswap Electoral Area ‘A’; Town of Golden Mosquito Control Program 2014 Final Report
- Lewis 2014.pdf
(#2688) Columbia-Shuswap Electoral Area ‘A’; Town of Golden Mosquito Control Program 2013 Final Report
- Lewis 2013.pdf
(#2686) Columbia‐Shuswap Electoral Area ‘A’; Town of Golden Mosquito Control Program 2012 Final Report
- Lewis 2.pdf
(#2684) A Reconnaissance Survey of Big Fish (Dunbar) Lake, 24 August 1965
- unknown 1965.pdf
(#2682) Partial lake and stream inventory data for Dunbar Creek, 1974
- Harrison 1974.pdf
(#2680) Overview Fish Habitat Assessment of the Windermere Creek Watershed, British Columbia
- Boag 1997.pdf
(#2678) Observation Well Site Field Investigations – Golden, B.C.
- Hodge 1989.pdf
(#2676) Nine Bay Lake Stock Assessment 2000
- unknown.pdf
(#2674) The Nature Trust of BC / BC Conservation Corps Ecological Baseline and Monitoring Team Vancouver Island, Kootenay and Okanagan Completion Report
- Leslie & Warman 2007.pdf
(#2672) Nature Conservancy Canada (NCC) Land Stewardship Activities
- Klafki 2016.pdf
(#2670) Safe Havens, Safe Passages for Vulnerable Fish and Wildlife: Critical Landscapes in the Southern Canadian Rockies, British Columbia and Montana. Wildlife Conservation Society Canada Conservation Report No. 6.
- Weaver 2013.pdf
(#2668) Mineral Lick Use by GPS Radio-Collared Mountain Goats in Southeastern British Columbia
- Poole.pdf
(#2666) Mountain goats in the East Kootenay: evaluation of habitat use, wintering strategies, and potential impacts of high-elevation logging. Interim progress report 2004–05
- Poole et al 2005.pdf
(#2664) Terrain Survey Intensity Level (TSIL) D Mapping Ebon and Breaker Creek Basins Near Golden, British Columbia
- Workman 1997.pdf
(#2662) Terrain Survey Intensity Level (TSIL) D Mapping Canyon Creek and Twelve Mile Creek Basins Near Golden, BC
- AGRA Earth & Environmental Limited 1996.pdf
(#2660) Abundance and Distribution of Wolverine in the Kootenay Region
2016 Field Season Report: Central Purcell Mountains
- Hausleitner & Kortello 2014.pdf
(#2658) Assessment of the Sustainability of Wolverine Harvest in British Columbia, Canada
- Lofroth & Ott 2007.pdf
(#2656) The Abundance and Distribution of Wolverines in British Columbia, Canada
- Lofroth & Krebs 2007.pdf
(#2654) Middle Fork of the White River, Maiyuk, Klookuh, and Windermere Creeks – Routine Monitoring Near Canal Flats, British Columbia
- Applied Aquatic Research Ltd. 2001 319.pdf
(#2652) Mica Reservoir Study Fisheries
- Unknown 1973.pdf
(#2650) Mica reservoir Region Resource Study
- Ministry of Environment 1974.pdf
(#2648) 2015 Kootenay Region Angling Management Plan
- BC Ministry of Forests 2015.pdf
(#2646) McNeil Substrate Sampling Program: 2003-2008 Summary Report
- Heidt 2008 902.pdf
(#2644) Monitor and Protect Wigwam River Bull Trout for Koocanusa Reservoir. White River Bull Trout Enumeration Project Summary Progress Report 2003
- Cope 2004.pdf
(#2642) Monitor and Protect Wigwam River Bull Trout for Koocanusa Reservoir Middlefork White River and Blackfoot Creek Juvenile Bull Trout and Fish Habitat Monitoring Program. 2004 Annual Report
- Cope & Morris 2005.pdf
(#2640) Upper Kootenay River Juvenile Bull Trout and Fish Habitat Monitoring Program: 2000-2005 Summary
- Cope 2007.pdf
(#2638) Monitor and Protect Wigwam River Bull Trout for Koocanusa Reservoir. Middlefork White River and Blackfoot Creek Juvenile Bull Trout and Fish Habitat Monitoring Program. Annual Report 2004-2005
- Cope 2006.pdf
(#2636) Summary of the White River Bull Trout Enumeration Project (2003)
- Cope & Morris 2003.pdf
(#2634) Upper Kootenay River Bull Trout Radio Telemetry Project (2000-2003)
- Westover & Heidt 2004.pdf
(#2632) McNeil Substrate Sampling Program 2015 Summary Report
- Strong 2015.pdf
(#2630) Space-use, diet, demographics, and topographic associations of lynx in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Apps 1999.pdf
(#2628) Lynx Ecology and Conservation Requirements in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains Annual Summary Report Year 4 1999-2000
- Apps 2000 997.pdf
(#2626) Little Elk Creek Stream Restoration and Major Works: “As-Built” Report Near Radium Hot Springs, British Columbia
- Applied Aquatic Research Ltd. 2001.pdf
(#2624) Life History and Habitat Data Summary for Bull Trout Populations from the Pine and Upper Kootenay Watersheds
- Pollard 2001.pdf
(#2622) Bull Trout Metapopulation Structure in the Upper Kootenay River: Fish and Fish Habitat Summary Data
- Baxter & Oliver.pdf
(#2620) Lake Windermere 2015 Water Quality Monitoring Results
- Peloso 2016.pdf
(#2618) Lake Survey of Botts Lake
- Parkin & Gunville 1974.pdf
- Parkin & Gunville 1974 916.pdf
(#2616) Kootenay Water Quality Survey Final Report
- Angus Reid Group 2000.pdf
(#2614) Kootenay River Project Work Summary from 1968
- Andrusak & Williams 1968.pdf
(#2612) Floodplain Mapping Program Kootenay River at Canal Flats and Columbia Lake
- Sellars 1990.pdf
(#2610) Kootenay Region Small Lakes Stocking Assessment: 2002
- Oliver 2003.pdf
(#2608) Kootenay Region Small Lakes Stocking Assessment: 2003
- Oliver 2004 960.pdf
(#2606) Kootenay Region Small Lake Inventory Upper Mitten Lake
- Gebhart 1997 740.pdf
- Gebhart 1997 202.pdf
(#2604) Kootenay Region Small Lake Inventory Joyce Lake
- Gebhart 1997.pdf
- Gebhart 1997 116.pdf
- Gebhart 1997 593.pdf
(#2602) Kootenay Region Small Lake Assessments. Helicopter Stocked Lake Angler Effort Assessments
- Lamson & Evans.pdf
(#2600) Kootenay Region Small Lake Assessments
- Lamson.pdf
(#2598) River Guardian Compliance Monitoring and Angler Survey on East Kootenay Classified Waters – 2007 (River Guardian Program)
- Heidt 2008.pdf
(#2596) River Guardian Compliance Monitoring and Angler Survey on the Upper Kootenay River – Winter 2008 (River Guardian Program)
- Heidt 2009 463.pdf
(#2594) River Guardian Compliance Monitoring and Angler Survey on 7 East Kootenay Classified Waters – 2006 Quality Waters Strategy (River Guardian Program)
- Heidt 2007.pdf
(#2592) River Guardian Compliance Monitoring and Angler Survey on East Kootenay Classified Waters – 2008 (River Guardian Program)
- Heidt 2009.pdf
(#2590) Kootenay Region River Guardian Westslope Cutthroat Trout Population Assessments (2010-2015 five year project summary)
- Heidt 2015.pdf
(#2588) Kootenay Region 2014 Small Lake Assessments
- Lamson et al 2015.pdf
(#2586) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Mitten Lake
- Tepper 2013.pdf
(#2582) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report McClain Lake
- Tepper & Lamson 2013.pdf
(#2580) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Gavia #3 Lake
- Tepper.pdf
(#2578) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Cedar Lake #1
- Phillips & Lamson 2012.pdf
(#2576) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Cartwright Lake
- Tepper 2006 271.pdf
(#2574) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Botts Lake Assessment
- Tepper 2009.pdf
(#2572) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Bittern Lake
- Tepper 2006.pdf
(#2570) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Abetibie Lake
- Tepper 2008 681.pdf
(#2568) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report “Dryer” Lake
- Tepper 2008.pdf
(#2566) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Nine Bay Lake
- Tepper 2005 232.pdf
- Tepper 2005 573.pdf
(#2562) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Loon Lake
- Tepper 2005 41.pdf
(#2560) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Little Mitten Lake
- Tepper 2005 888.pdf
(#2558) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Jubilee Lake
- Tepper 2005 833.pdf
(#2556) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Jade Lake
- Tepper 2005 406.pdf
(#2554) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Cub Lake
- Tepper 2005.pdf
(#2552) Kootenay Fisheries Report Cleland Lake
- Tepper & Heidt.pdf
(#2550) Kootenay Elk Management Plan 2014 Public Survey
- Szkorupa & Phillips 2015.pdf
(#2548) Kootenay Conservation Crew 2014-2015 Year End Report
- The Nature Trust of British Columbia 2015.pdf
(#2546) Kootenay Air and Water Quality Study Phase 2. Water Quality in the Kootenay River Basin
- Rocchini 1981.pdf
(#2544) Kootenay Air and Water Quality Study Phase 1. Water Quality in Region 3, the Upper Kootenay River Basin
- Rocchini RJ 1976.pdf
(#2542) Kokanee Enumeration Manual Kootenay Region
- Fleck 1992.pdf
(#2540) Kinbasket Lake Kokanee Enumeration 2003
- Westover 2003.pdf
(#2538) Kinbasket Lake Kokanee Enumeration 2001
- Westover 2001.pdf
(#2536) Kinbasket Lake Kokanee Enumeration Upper Columbia River 2000
- Westover 2000.pdf
(#2534) Kinbasket Kokanee Enumeration Upper Columbia River 1998
- Westover 1999.pdf
(#2532) Kinbasket Kokanee Enumeration 1996
- Westover 1996.pdf
(#2530) Kinbasket Lake Kokanee Enumeration
- Westover 2002.pdf
(#2528) Classification and detailed mapping of soil and terrain features in two mountainous watersheds of southeastern British Columbia
- Utzig 1978.pdf
(#2526) International Biological Programme Application: Septet Range Alpine Glaciers
- Utzig.pdf
(#2524) Impacts of dam construction in the upper Columbia Basin, British Columbia, on bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) production, fisheries, and conservation status
- Hagen 2008.pdf
(#2522) I Love My Lake – Columbia Basin
- Leschied.pdf
(#2520) Hoodoo East Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring Report 2013
- Tyrrell & Houston 2013.pdf
(#2518) Hofert Control Site Monitoring Site Establishment and Summary Report
- Page 2007 15.pdf
(#2516) Habitat Modeling for American Badgers in the East Kootenay Region of British Columbia
- Apps & Newhouse 2000.pdf
(#2514) Guide to Peak Flow Estimation for Ungauged Watersheds in the Kootenay Region
- Reksten 1987.pdf
(#2512) Groundwater Investigation Shuswap I.R. Invermere, British Columbia
- Erdman 1976.pdf
(#2510) Groundwater Development Shuswap Indian Reserve Invermere, British Columbia
- Erdman et al 1976.pdf
(#2508) Golden Forest District Small Business Forest Enterprise Program. Terrain Stability Mapping. Terrain Survey Intensity Level (TSIL) D. Maps and Reports
- Blown 1995.pdf
(#2506) Freshwater mussel surveys (target species Gonidea angulata) in the Okanagan and Kootenay regions, summer 2007. Internal Working Report
- Moore & Machial 2007.pdf
(#2504) Frenchman’s Ridge Habitat Enhancement Project: Habitat Use by Deer in Relation to Manipulation of Deciduous Forest Stands
- Klafki 2001.pdf
(#2502) Forest Renewal British Columbia Operational Inventory Project – Kootenay Region
- R.L. & L. Environmental Services Ltd. 1996.pdf
(#2500) Footprint Impacts of BC Hydro Dams on Rainbow Trout in the Columbia River Basin, British Columbia
- Arndt 2009 198.pdf
(#2498) Footprint Impacts of BC Hydro Dams on Kokanee Populations in the Columbia River Basin, British Columbia
- Arndt 2009.pdf
(#2496) A Fisheries Investigation of Cleland Lake
- Larsen & Cole 1993 550.pdf
(#2494) A Fisheries Investigation of Steamboat Lake
- Larsen & Cole 1993 67.pdf
(#2492) A Fisheries Investigation of Upper Brady Lake
- Larsen & Cole 1993 322.pdf
(#2490) A Fisheries Investigation of Three Island Lake
- Hildebrand & Hvenegaard 1991 566.pdf
(#2488) A Fisheries Investigation of Sunburst Lake
- Larsen & Cole 1993 265.pdf
(#2486) A Fisheries Investigation of Silent Lake
- Larsen & Cole 1993 753.pdf
(#2484) A Fisheries Investigation of Sam’s Follies Lake
- RL & L Environmental Services Ltd 1993 623.pdf
(#2482) A Fisheries Investigation of Redcliff Lake
- Hildebrand & Hvenegaard 1991 577.pdf
(#2480) A Fisheries Investigation of McLain Lake
- Hildebrand & Hvenegaard 1991 211.pdf
(#2478) A Fisheries Investigation of Marion Lake
- Hildebrand & Hvenegaard 1991 259.pdf
(#2476) A Fisheries Investigation of Lower Halgrave Lake
- Hildebrand & Hvenegaard 1991 315.pdf
(#2474) A Fisheries Investigation of Lang Lake
- HIldebrand & Hvenegaard 1991 123.pdf
(#2472) A Fisheries Investigation of Jeb Lake
- Hildebrand & Hvenegaard 1991 932.pdf
(#2470) A Fisheries Investigation of Halfway Lake
- Larsen 1992.pdf
(#2466) A Fisheries Investigation of Brady Lake
- Larsen & Cole 1993.pdf
(#2464) A Fisheries Investigation of Botts Lake
- Hildebrand & Hvenegaard 1991.pdf
(#2462) Fish-Stream Identification within Selected Streams of the Invermere Forest District
- Oliver.pdf
- Oliver 1996 appendix.pdf
(#2460) Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Invasive Plant Management in the East Kootenay
- East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council 2015.pdf
(#2458) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of Palliser Creek
- Columbia Environmental Services 1997.pdf
- Columbia Environmental Services Appendix.pdf
(#2456) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory in Selected Tributaries of the Upper Kootenay River
- Pennington & Cope 1997.pdf
(#2454) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory For Canal Flats Division
- Cope & Oliver 1997.pdf
(#2452) Fish Stomach Content Analysis – Columbia River
- unknown 1976.pdf
(#2450) Fish Passage activity – Culvert Replacement, TFL 14 FIA# 8175002
- Dascher.pdf
- Dascher 2011.pdf
(#2448) Fish Passage Restoration At Culverts in 2000: As-Built Report
- Naito 2001 762.pdf
(#2446) Fish Passage Restoration Sites: 38km North Fork Spillimacheen FSR and Driftwood 02A, Driftwood River Road 41km FIA# 9156001
- Bernat 2010.pdf
(#2444) Fish Passage Culvert Inspections. Review of TFL 14
- Beswick 2009.pdf
(#2442) Fish Passage Culvert Inspection in 2000: Methods Report
- Naito 2001.pdf
- Naito 2001 281.pdf
- Naito 2001 765.pdf
- Naito 2001 804.pdf
- Naito 2001 566.pdf
- Naito 2001 507.pdf
- Naito 2001 81.pdf
- Naito 2001 282.pdf
- Naito 2001 497.pdf
- Naito 2001.mdb
(#2440) Fish Inventory of Kicking Horse River, Glenogle Creek, Cedar Creek, Cedar Lake, Stephen Creek, and Illecillewaet River
- ENKON Environmental.pdf
(#2438) Fish Habitat Assessments for Fish Passage Restoration in the Kootenay Business Area
- Vast Resource Solutions Inc. 2013.pdf
(#2436) Economics and Distribution of the British Columbia Kootenay Sport Fishing Resource
- Gee 1958.pdf
(#2434) Ecological Risk Assessment For Proposed White Sturgeon Stocking of Kinbasket Reservoir, B.C.
- Westslope Fisheries 2005.pdf
(#2432) East Kootenay Youth Crew Final Report – 2002
- Radridge 2002.pdf
(#2430) Strategic Environmental Management Plan Upper Columbia Planning Unit Kootenay Region (draft)
- Staff of Kootenay Region and the Planning and Assessment Branch Ministry of Environment 1984.pdf
(#2428) Development of a Trophy Fishery at Whitetail Lake (1980-92)
- Westover 1992.pdf
(#2426) Creel Census Summary Kootenay District
- Sparrow 1964.pdf
(#2424) Columbia Lake Burbot 2001 Data Summary, 2002 Observations, and Feasibility of Using Night Counts to Index Spawner Abundance
- Arndt 2002.pdf
(#2422) The Status of Bull Trout in British Columbia: A Synthesis of Available Distribution, Abundance, Trend, and Threat Information
- Hagen & Decker 2011.pdf
(#2420) Kootenay Region Fisheries Management Statement
- Andrusak & Brown 1984.pdf
(#2418) Columbia Kootenay Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Initiating Consultation and communications (Proposed)
- Cornerstone Planning Group Limited 1994.pdf
(#2416) Columbia Basin Fish Passage Data Analysis
- Masse Environmental Consultants Ltd 2016.pdf
(#2414) Canal Flats Operating Area PEM (Predictive Ecosystem Mapping)
- Ketcheson et al 2001.pdf
- Ketcheson et al 2001.xls
- Ketcheson et al 2001 156.xls
- Ketcheson et al 2001 79.xls
- Ketcheson et al 2001 861.xls
- Ketcheson et al 2001 340.xls
- Ketcheson et al 2001 884.xls
- Ketcheson et al 2001 99.xls
(#2412) Biophysical Resources of the East Kootenay Area: Vegetation
- Lea 1984.pdf
(#2410) A Briefing on the Potential for Introduction and Establishment of Zebra Mussels in British Columbia – Case Study of the Columbia River Basin
- Truelson 1992.pdf
(#2408) Brewer Creek Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping
- Kernaghan et al 2003.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2003 227.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 2003.mdb
- Kernaghan et al 2003.e00
(#2406) Brewer Creek Landscape Unit Fisheries Inventory
- Cheong et al 1996.pdf
(#2404) Bear Lake Creek and Tributaries – Fisheries Assessments
- Irvine 2013.pdf
(#2402) Backflood Weir Design Summit A/01 Crossing, Whiskey Creek 20.5 Kilometre on Summit “A” Road North Fork, TFL #14 Parson, BC
- Askey 2000.pdf
(#2400) Backflood Weir Construction for Fish Passage Summit A/01 Crossing, Unnamed Tributary to Spillimacheen River
- Peebles & Askey.pdf
(#2398) Windermere Creek – Instream Restoration
- Crowley 1998 454.pdf
(#2396) Aspects of Water Quality in Lillian Lake, British Columbia
- Buchanan & Baillie 1974 754.pdf
- Buchanan & Baillie 1974.pdf
(#2394) Aquatic Biophysical Inventory of Bugaboo Creek and Major Tributaries
- Hunter & Norris 1983.pdf
(#2392) Angling Data Covering West Kootenay Districts
- Fleck 1989.pdf
(#2390) Angler Creel Census Kootenay District
- Sparrow 1962.pdf
(#2388) Akisqnuk First Nation Invasive Plant Management Plan
- Kaisner 2016.pdf
(#2386) Akisqnuk Habitat Restoration Activities Final Report – 2013
- Rockafellow et al 2013.pdf
(#2384) Advancing Wetland Stewardship and Restoration in the East & West Kootenays
- Fletcher & Jobin 2016.pdf
(#2382) Columbia Lake:Seine Net Catch Records and Set Gill Net Catch Records (1975-1976)
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1975.pdf
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1976.pdf
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1976 982.pdf
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1976 540.pdf
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1976 654.pdf
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1976 107.pdf
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1976 611.pdf
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1976 116.pdf
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1976 953.pdf
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1976 285.pdf
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1976 216.pdf
(#2380) 2015 Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring: Hoodoo East Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program
- Whyte 2015 328.pdf
(#2378) 2015 Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring: Hofert Control: Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program
- Whyte 2015.pdf
(#2376) The 2014-2015 Hoodoo Ecosystem Restoration Project Final Report
- The Nature Trust of BC 2015.pdf
(#2374) 2011 Stream Assessments in the Kain and Chalice Creeks within the Bugaboo Creek Watershed
- Jedrzejczyk 2012.pdf
- Jedrzejczyk 2012 40.pdf
- Jedrzejczyk 2012 394.pdf
- Jedrzejczyk 2012.xls
(#2372) Kootenay Conservation Crew 2011 Year End Report
- Tyrrell 2011.pdf
(#2370) Kootenay Conservation Crew 2010 Year End Report
- Tyrrell 2010.pdf
(#2368) The 2011 Hoodoo Ecosystem Restoration Final Report
- The Nature Trust of BC 2011.pdf
(#2366) 2008 East Kootenay Conservation Property Operation and Maintenance Project: Final Report
- The Nature Trust of BC 2009.pdf
(#2364) 2006 East Kootenay Conservation Property Operation and Maintenance Project
- The Nature Trust of BC 2007.pdf
(#2362) 2002·2003 Communications Update for the East Kootenay Badger Project
- Newhouse 2003.pdf
(#2360) Mica Compensation Program – Wildlife and Fisheries – Summary Consultation Brief October, 1992 to April, 1993
- Cornerstone Planning Group Limited.pdf
(#2358) Mica Compensation Program Public Consultation Program Initial Phase Report (draft)
- Cornerstone Planning Group Limited 1992 977.pdf
(#2354) Trans Canada Highway Corridor (Kamloops to Alberta Border) Environmental Overview Assessment
- Hanna 1998.pdf
(#2352) Mountain Goats in the Kicking Horse Canyon, Trans Canada Highway
- Poole & Walker 2000.pdf
(#2350) Trans Canada Highway Wildlife Habitat Mapping Glacier National Park to Yoho National Park. Section 2: Donald to Roth Creek
- Chytyk et al 2000.pdf
- Chytyk et al 2000 839.pdf
- Chytyk et al 2000 919.pdf
- Chytyk et al 2000 183.pdf
- Chytyk et al 2000 702.pdf
- Chytyk et al 2000 595.pdf
- Chytyk et al 2000 87.pdf
- Chytyk et al 2000 17.pdf
(#2348) Mitigation of Impacts to Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat for Advanced Construction Candidate Package 1 (SNC-Lavalin Ltd, Donald to Roth Creek Segment of Cache Creek to the Rockies Program)
- Cooper 1999.pdf
(#2346) Cache Creek to Rockies Highway Improvement Program Fish Collection Report: 1999 Field Program
- Coast River Environmental Services Ltd. 1999.pdf
- Coast River Environmental Services Ltd. 1999 922.pdf
- Coast River Environmental Services Ltd. 1999 455.pdf
(#2344) Inventory of Breeding Birds, Kicking Horse Canyon Project, Phase III (2005)
- Ferguson 2005 268.pdf
(#2342) Wildlife exclusion fencing in urban areas – Issues and solutions
- Harper & Morley 2012.pdf
(#2340) Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat Mapping Kicking Horse Canyon Project, Phase Three East and West Trans Canada Highway Golden to Yoho Bridge and Brake Check to Yoho National Park
- Ketcheson 2006.pdf
(#2338) Monitoring Harvest Activity Across Mountain Pine Beetle Impacted Management Units
- Chen & Walton 2015.pdf
(#2334) KBHLPO Variance 4 (Objective 3 Caribou) Implementation Policy
- Ministry of Forests 2004.pdf
(#2332) Kootenay-Boundary Higher Level Plan Order
- Ministry of Forests 2002.pdf
(#2330) Kootenay Boundary Land Use Plan Implementation Strategy
- Kootenay Inter-agency Management Committee 1997.pdf
- Kootenay Inter-agency Management Committee 1997 306.pdf
(#2328) Candidate High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Assessment in the Invermere Timber Supply Area (HCV 1-3)
- Wells 2005.pdf
(#2326) Natural Regeneration under Partially Cut Stands in the ICH Zone
- Delong & Butt 1994.pdf
(#2324) Shelterwoods in Root Disease Infected Stands Preliminary Results
- Delong.pdf
(#2322) Using Partial Cutting to Reduce Susceptibility of Mature Lodgepole Pine Stands to Mountain Pine Beetle Attack-Beetle Proofing
- Forest Service British Columbia 1999.pdf
(#2320) Retrospective Evaluation of Log Landing Rehabilitation on Coarser Textured Soils in Southeastern British Columbia.
- Bulmer & Curran.pdf
(#2318) Tree growth on and adjacent to contour skid roads in the Subalpine Zone, southeastern British Columbia
- Smith & Wass 1979.pdf
(#2316) Skid Road Recontouring in Southeastern British Columbia: 7-year Tree Growth Results
- Dykstra & Curran 2002.pdf
(#2314) Stumping & Pushover Logging in the Nelson Forest Region 1992 & 1993 Soil Disturbance Surveys
- Davis & Wells 1994.pdf
(#2312) Shelterwood Harvesting in Root Disease Infected Stands in Southeastern British Columbia: Three-Year Results
- DeLong et al 2000 404.pdf
(#2310) Effects of Harvesting Methods on Soil Properties and Forest Productivity in Interior British Columbia
- Senyk & Craigdallie 1997.pdf
(#2308) Soil Disturbance and Quantification of Machine Traffic Soil Compaction Associated with Pushover Logging
- Redfern 1992.pdf
(#2306) Shelterwood Harvesting in Root Disease Infected Forests in Southeastern British Columbia:
Post-Harvest Soil Compaction
- Quesnel & Curran 2000.pdf
(#2304) Shelterwood Harvesting in Root Disease Infected Stands in Southeastern British Columbia: Post-Harvest Soil Disturbance
- Quesnel & Curran 1999.pdf
(#2302) Water Quality Monitoring Associated with Community Pasture Development in Southeastern British Columbia
- Gluns & Berg 1998.pdf
- Gluns & Berg 1998 299.pdf
(#2300) Fertilization of lodgepole pine in western Canada
- Brockley 2001.pdf
(#2298) Forest Biology Survey East Nelson District
- Andrews 1960.pdf
(#2296) Forest Insect and Disease Survey East Nelson District
- Geistlinger 1962.pdf
(#2290) A proud tradition: history of the Nelson Forest Region, 1897-2003
- Gayton & Wrangler 2003.pdf
(#2288) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions. Nelson Forest Region 1981
- Koot & Garbutt 1982.pdf
(#2286) Forest Insect & Disease Conditions 1979 Nelson Forest Region
- Erickson & Wood 1979 334.pdf
(#2284) Tree Growth on Rehabilitated Skid Roads in Southeastern British Columbia
- Dykstra & Curran 1996.pdf
(#2282) Logging and soil disturbance in southeast British Columbia
- Krag et al 1986.pdf
(#2280) A study of lifting date and storage time on the early growth performance of interior spruce seedlings planted in the summer on a range of sites in the Nelson Forest Region Progress Reports
- Thompson 1992.pdf
- Thompson & Vyse 1992.pdf
(#2278) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions British Columbia and Yukon 1980
- Fiddick & Van Sickle 1980.pdf
(#2276) Tent Caterpillars in the East Kootenay Area
- Cottrell 1976.pdf
(#2274) Snow Damage and Blowdown in the East Kootenay. Forest Insect and Disease Survey
- Unger 1991 72.pdf
(#2272) History of Population Fluctuations and Infestations of Important Forest Insects in the Nelson Forest Region 1923-1991.
Forest Insect and Disease Survey
- Unger 1991 785.pdf
- Unger 1991 965.pdf
(#2270) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region 1990
- Unger & Vallentgoed 1990.pdf
(#2268) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region 1989
- Unger & Vallentgoed 1989.pdf
(#2266) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region 1988
- Unger & Vallentgoed 1988.pdf
(#2264) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region 1995
- Unger & Stewart 1995.pdf
- Unger & Stewart 1995 71.pdf
- Unger & Stewart 1995 563.pdf
(#2262) Summary of Forest Pest Conditions in the East Nelson Region. Forest Insect and Disease Survey
- Unger 1992 8.pdf
(#2260) Larch Sawfly in British Columbia. Forest Insect and Disease Survey
- Unger 1992.pdf
(#2258) Pest Summary East Kootenay – 1991
- Unger 1991.pdf
- Unger 1991 778.pdf
(#2256) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest District, British Columbia, 1977
- Cottrell & Erickson 1977.pdf
(#2254) History of Aviation in the BC Forest Service. A pictorial account for the BCFS Centennial. Part 3: Helicopters
- Forest Service British Columbia 2012.pdf
(#2252) The Vernon Laboratory and federal entomology in British Columbia
- Rajala 2001.pdf
(#2250) Western False Hemlock Looper
- Ferris 1992.pdf
(#2248) Status of Spruce Beetle Nelson Forest District 1970
- Fiddick & Ross 1970.pdf
(#2246) Annual District Report Forest Insect and Disease Survey British Columbia 1971. Part V, Nelson Forest District
- Morris & Monts 1972.pdf
(#2244) Annual District Report Forest Insect and Disease Survey British Columbia, 1978. Part V – Nelson Forest District
- Erickson & Wood 1979.pdf
(#2242) Commercial Thinning of Mature Lodgepole Pine. Results of “Beetle Proofing” Research in the East Kootenays
- Whitehead 2001.pdf
(#2240) Bark beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) diversity in spaced and unmanaged mature lodgepole pine (Pinaceae) in southeastern British Columbia
- Safranyik et al 2004.pdf
(#2238) Change in Resistance of Lodgepole Pine to Mountain Pine Beetle Between 1965 and 1972
- Shrimpton & Reid 1973.pdf
(#2236) Microfungi Collected in 1969 in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and the Adjacent Trench
- Gremmen & Parmelee 1972.pdf
(#2234) British Columbia’s Southern Interior: Badger Wildlife Habitat Decision Aid
- Weir & Almuedo 2010.pdf
(#2232) Native and non-native plant species in grazed grasslands of British Columbia’s southern interior
- Gayton 2004.pdf
(#2230) Badger Resource Selection in the Rocky Mountain Trench of British Columbia
- Kinley et al 2013.pdf
(#2228) Commercial development of non-timber forest resources: A case study of morels in the East Kootenay, British Columbia
- Keefer et al 2010.pdf
(#2226) Southern Interior Area Forest Health Program Pest Management Plan 2013-2017
- Maclauchlan 2013.pdf
(#2224) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region
- Unger & Stewart 1994.pdf
(#2216) Invermere TSA Forest Health Strategy 2009
- Wideski 2009.pdf
(#2214) Summary Report for the B.C. Ministry of Forests Nelson Forest Region For Invermere, Columbia, Arrow, Boundary, Kootenay Lake, and Cranbrook Forest Districts Aerial Overview Survey 2000
- Duthie-Holt 2000.pdf
(#2212) 2001 Summary of Forest Health Conditions in British Columbia
- Westfall 2001.pdf
(#2210) 2002 Summary of Forest Health Conditions in British Columbia
- Westfall 2002.pdf
(#2208) 2003 Overview of Forest Health in the Southern Interior Forest Region
- Maclauchlan et al 2003.pdf
(#2206) 2004 Overview of Forest Health in the Southern Interior Forest Region
- Maclauchlan et al 2004.pdf
(#2202) 2006 Overview of Forest Health in the Southern Interior Forest Region
- Maclauchlan et al 2006.pdf
(#2204) 2005 Overview of Forest Health in the Southern Interior Forest Region
- Maclauchlan et al 2005.pdf
(#2200) 2007 Overview of Forest Health in the Southern Interior Forest Region
- Maclauchlan et al 2007.pdf
(#2198) 2008 Overview of Forest Health in the Southern Interior Forest Region
- Maclauchlan et al 2008.pdf
(#2194) 2010 Overview of Forest Health for Southern British Columbia
- Buxton et al 2010.pdf
(#2196) 2009 Overview of Forest Health in the Southern Interior Forest Region
- Maclauchlan et al 2009.pdf
(#2190) 2013 Overview of Forest Health Conditions in Southern B.C.
- Buxton & Maclauchlan 2013.pdf
(#2192) 2011 Overview of Forest Health for Southern British Columbia
- Buxton et al 2011.pdf
(#2188) 2014 Overview of Forest Health Conditions in Southern B.C.
- Buxton & MacLauchlan 2014.pdf
(#2186) Calcareous Soils, Their Properties and Potential Limitations to Conifer Growth in Southeastern British Columbia and Western Alberta: A Literature Review
- Kishchuk 2000.pdf
(#2184) Calcareous Soils
- Kishchuk et al 1999.pdf
(#2182) 2015 Overview of Forest Health Conditions in Southern British Columbia
- MacLauchlan & Buxton.pdf
(#2180) Effects of selective cutting on the epidemiology of armillaria root disease in the southern interior of British Columbia
- Morrison et al 2001.pdf
(#2178) Relationship of Growth Reduction in Douglas-fir to Infection by Armillaria Root Disease in Southeastern British Columbia
- Bloomberg & Morrison 1989.pdf
(#2176) 2012 Overview of Forest Health Conditions in Southern British Columbia
- Buxton & Maclauchlan 2012.pdf
(#2174) Armillaria Root Disease in Timber Types and Ecosystems in the Invermere Timber Supply Area
- Begin & Muir 2002.pdf
(#2172) Using Hypholoma fasciculare Inoculation as a Means to Control Armillaria Root Disease on Calcareous Soils: Trial Establishment and Monitoring
- Chapman et al 2000.pdf
(#2170) Effects of Harvest Season and Root Rot Treatment on Sensitive Soils in the Rocky Mountains:
Trial Establishment.
- Curran et al 2000.pdf
(#2168) East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council 2015 Annual Report
- East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council 2015.docx
(#2166) East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council 2014 Annual Report
- East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council 2014.docx
(#2164) EKIPC 2013 Annual Operating Plan
- East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council 2013.pdf
(#2162) EKISC 2016 Annual Operating Plan (AOP)
- East Kootenay Invasive Species Council 2016.docx
(#2160) East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council 2013-2018 Regional Strategic Plan
- East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council 2013.docx
(#2158) East Kootenay Invasive Species Council (EKISC)
Priority Plant Species Lists
- East Kootenay Invasive Species Council 2016.pdf
(#2156) Columbia Lake Shoreline Management Guidelines for Fish and Wildlife Habitats
- McPherson & Hlushak 2010.pdf
(#2154) Official Community Plan Village of Canal Flats 2005
- OCP Village of Canal Flats 2005.pdf
(#2152) Columbia Lake Sensitive Habitat Inventory and Mapping
- columbiashimreport_august242010_a.pdf
(#2150) The Response of Young Lodgepole Pine to Spring and Fall Applications of Urea and Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer
- Brockley 1989.pdf
- Canal Flats area.pdf
(#2148) Big Game Inventory Fund Annual Report 2014/15
- K. Brunt Wildlife Consulting Services 2015.pdf
(#2146) White-tailed Deer in British Columbia. Ecology, Conservation and Management
- Blood 2000 41.pdf
(#2144) Mule and Black-tailed Deer in British Columbia. Ecology, Conservation and Management
- Blood 2000 645.pdf
(#2142) Mountain Goat in British Columbia. Ecology, Conservation and Management
- Blood 2000 361.pdf
(#2140) 2008 Grizzly Bear Population Estimate for British Columbia
- Hamilton 2008.pdf
(#2138) Elk in British Columbia. Ecology, Conservation and Management
- Blood 2000 774.pdf
(#2136) Bighorn Sheep in British Columbia. Ecology, Conservation and Management
- Blood 2000.pdf
(#2134) Kootenay Elk Management Plan 2010 to 2014
- BC Ministry of Environment 2010 981.pdf
(#2132) Provincial Framework for Moose Management in British Columbia
- Ministry of Forests 2015.pdf
(#2130) Kootenay-Boundary Mule Deer Management Plan 2014-2018
- Ministry of Forests 2014.pdf
(#2128) Kootenay Mule Deer Composition Surveys: Winter 2009/10
- Stent 2010.PDF
(#2126) Kootenay Mule Deer Composition Surveys: Winter 2010
- Stent 2011.PDF
(#2124) Kootenay Mule Deer Composition Surveys: Winter 2011-12
- Stent & Szkorupa 2012 541.PDF
(#2122) Kootenay Mule Deer Composition Surveys: Winter 2012‐13
- Stent & Szkorupa 2012.PDF
(#2120) Second Nature at Canadian Mountain Holidays. Moving Towards Sustainability
- Canadian Mountain Holidays 2004.pdf
(#2118) Second Nature at Canadian Mountain Holidays. Moving Towards Sustainability Volume II
- Canadian Mountain Holidays 2010.pdf
(#2116) Moving Towards Sustainability. Volume 3 – Winter 2010
- Aspire Communications 2010.pdf
(#2114) The CMH Applying Backcountry Landscape Evaluations (ABLE) Project. An Initiative of Canadian Mountain Holidays, Land Resources. Volume I: An assessment of interactions between heli-hiking and alpine/subalpine environments in the Purcell, Selkirk, Cariboo and Monashee Mountains of British Columbia.
- Wasylyk & Fawcett 2004.pdf
(#2112) Trampling Study 2004 Canadian Mountain Holidays
- Fawcett 2006.pdf
(#2110) Mountain goat monitoring in Canadian Mountain Holidays’ Bugaboo and Bobbie Burns heli-hiking areas, East Kootenay, September 2002
- Poole & Adams 2002.pdf
(#2108) Mountain goat survey in Canadian Mountain Holidays’ Bobbie Burns and Bugaboo summer operating areas, Kootenay region, British Columbia, September 2008
- Poole 2008.pdf
(#2106) Unique Collaboration to Recover Mountain Caribou
- Bicknell 2007.pdf
- Bicknell 2007 528.pdf
- Bicknell 2007 659.pdf
(#2104) The Status and Management of Caribou in British Columbia
- Bergerud 1978.pdf
(#2102) Woodland Caribou and Their Habitat in Southern and Central British Columbia Volume 1
- Stevenson & Hatler 1985.pdf
(#2100) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Caribou Rangifer tarandus: Northern Mountain population, Central Mountain population, Southern Mountain population in Canada
- Cichowski 2014.pdf
(#2098) Designatable Units for Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in Canada
- Finnegan et al 2011.pdf
(#2096) Update COSEWIC Status Report on the Woodland Caribou Rangifer tarandus caribou in Canada
- Thomas & Gray 2002.pdf
(#2094) A Conservation Status Assessment of the Mountain Caribou Ecotype Based on IUCN Red List Criteria
- Hatter et al 2004.pdf
(#2092) Mountain Caribou in Managed Forests: Preliminary Recommendations for Managers
- Stevenson et al 1994.pdf
(#2090) Mountain Caribou in Managed Forests: Recommendations for Managers. Second Edition
- Stevenson et al 2001.pdf
(#2088) A Strategy for the Recovery of Mountain Caribou in British Columbia
- Mountain Caribou Technical Advisory Committee 2002.pdf
(#2086) Mountain Caribou 2006 Survey Results, Subpopulation Trends and Extinction Risk. Draft for Technical Review
- Hatter 2006.pdf
(#2084) Management Options and Related Actions for Mountain Caribou in British Columbia
- Mountain Caribou Science Team.pdf
(#2082) Preliminary Calibration of a Habitat Supply Model for Mountain Caribou in British Columbia Interim Progress Report
- McNay 2006.pdf
(#2080) Use of Habitat Supply Models to Establish Herd-based Recovery Targets for Threatened Mountain Caribou in British Columbia. Year 2 Progress Report
- McNay et al 2006.pdf
(#2078) Mountain Caribou in British Columbia: A Situation Analysis
- Mountain Caribou Science Team 2005.pdf
(#2076) Mountain Caribou. Wildlife at Risk in British Columbia
- Kinley & A. Van Woudenberg.pdf
(#2074) A Review of Management Actions to Recover Mountain Caribou in British Columbia
- Ritchie 2009.pdf
(#2072) Southern Mountain Caribou Interim Review of Recovery Plan Progress
- Harding 2008.pdf
(#2070) The BC Species at Risk Coordination Office’s Draft Mountain Caribou Recovery Strategy: Analysis of Habitat Options for Forest Industry Stakeholders
- Valdal et al 2007.pdf
(#2068) Monitoring the Effectiveness of Mountain Goat Habitat Management
- Wilson 2005.pdf
(#2066) Estimating the Short‐term Benefit of Wolf Management to Mountain Caribou Herds
- Wilson 2010.pdf
(#2064) Backcountry recreation and Mountain Goats: a proposed research and adaptive management plan
- Wilson & Shackleton 2001.pdf
(#2062) Recommendations for Predator-Prey Management to Benefit the Recovery of Mountain Caribou in British Columbia
- Wilson 2009.pdf
(#2060) Inventory Methods for Wolf and Cougar. Standards for Components of British Columbia’s Biodiversity No. 34
- Ministry of Environment 1998.pdf
(#2058) Management Plan for the Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) in British Columbia
- B.C. Ministry of Forests 2014.pdf
(#2056) Moose Calving Strategies in Interior Montane Ecosystems
- Poole et al 2007.pdf
(#2054) Winter habitat selection by moose in the East Kootenay, British Columbia, 2002–2003 interim progress report
- Poole & Stuart-Smith 2003.PDF
(#2052) Sustainable Forest Management Plan Tembec Forest Industries Inc. Forest Resource Management – BC Division Kootenay North Region, Canal Flats, B.C.
- Hromadnik 2005.pdf
(#2050) Invermere Timber Supply Area Socio-Economic Analysis
- Swetlishoff & Coyne 1995.pdf
(#2048) Invermere TSA Timber Supply Analysis
- BC Ministry of Forests 1995 594.pdf
(#2046) Invermere Timber Supply Area. Timber Supply Review Discussion Paper
- BC Ministry of Forests 1995.pdf
(#2044) Invermere Timber Supply Area. Timber Supply Review. Summary of Public Input
- Ministry of Forests undated.pdf
(#2042) Timber Supply Review. Invermere Timber Supply Area Public Discussion Paper
- BC Ministry of Forests 2000 584.pdf
(#2040) Invermere Timber Supply Area Rationale for allowable annual cut (AAC) determination
- Pedersen 2001.pdf
(#2038) Invermere Timber Supply Area. Rationale for Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) Determination
- Snetsinger 2005.pdf
(#2032) Invermere Timber Supply Area Southern Interior Beetle Action Coalition Forest Sector Trend Analysis – Fact Sheet
- Forest Ecosystem Solutions Ltd.pdf
(#2034) Invermere Timber Supply Area Timber Supply Review. Summary of Public Input
- BC Ministry of Forests 2001.pdf
(#2028) Timber Supply Review. Invermere Timber Supply Area Information Report
- BC Ministry of Forests 2000.pdf
(#2030) Invermere Timber Supply Area Analysis Report
- BC Ministry of Forests 2000 693.pdf
(#2024) Invermere Timber Supply Area Timber Supply Review Updated Data Package
- BC Ministry of Forests 2016.pdf
(#2026) Invermere Timber Supply Area Timber Supply Review #3 Analysis Report. Version 3.0
- Forsite Consultants Ltd. 2004.pdf
(#2022) Mixed-Severity Fire Regimes: Regional Analysis of the Impacts of Climate on Fire Frequency in the Rocky Mountain Forest District
- Daniels et al 2007 485.pdf
(#2016) A Comparison of Historic, Current, and Future Nesting Habitat for the Northern Goshawk in the East Kootenay Region of British Columbia. Final Report
- Stuart-Smith et al 2011.pdf
(#2018) Stand Structure and Seral Stage Projections for the Invermere TSA
- Davis 2006.pdf
(#2010) Fine-Scale Winter Habitat Selection by Moose in Interior Montane Forests
- Poole & Stuart-Smith 2005.pdf
(#2012) A Field Guide for Site Identification and Interpretation for the Nelson Forest Region. Land Management Handbook Number 20
- Braumandi Part 1.pdf
- Braumandi Part 2.pdf
- Braumandi Supplement.pdf
(#2014) Are northern goshawks and forest harvesting compatible? An examination of the effects of different harvest practices on northern goshawk nest productivity. Year Two Executive Summary
- Stuart-Smith et al 2010.pdf
(#2006) A Scientific Basis for Managing Northern Goshawk Breeding Areas in the Interior of British Columbia: Best Management Practices
- Stuart-Smith et al 2012.pdf
- Stuart-Smith et al 2012 733.pdf
(#2008) Sustainable Forest Management Plan Canfor Kootenay Operations Version 4.0 April 2016
- CANFOR 2016.pdf
(#2002) 1966-67 Classified Big Game Counts in the East Kootenay
- Demarchi 1967.PDF
(#2004) Mountain goat monitoring in Canadian Mountain Holidays’ Bobbie Burns summer operating area, East Kootenay, September 2003
- Poole 2003.pdf
(#1998) 1976-1977 Classified Big Game Counts in the East Kootenay
- Warkentin 1978.PDF
(#2000) 1977-1978 Classified Big Game Counts in the East Kootenays
- Warkentin 1978 40.PDF
(#1994) Fire in the Dry Interior Forests of British Columbia
- Daigle 1996.pdf
(#1996) Results of Fungal Inoculation Treatments as a Habitat Enhancement Tool in the East Kootenay Region of British Columbia: 2007–2013
- Manning & Manley 2014.pdf
(#1988) Thinning Lodgepole Pine in Southeastern British Columbia: 46-year Results
- Johnstone 2002.pdf
(#1990) Genetics of Interior Spruce in British Columbia: Performance and Variability of Open-pollinated Families in the East Kootenays
- Xie et al 1998.pdf
(#1992) Partial cutting in root disease infected stands in the Interior Cedar–Hemlock biogeoclimatic zone
- Delong et al 2000 771.pdf
(#1984) Enhancing Biodiversity Through Partial Cutting
- Steeger et al 1999.pdf
(#1986) Invermere Forest District Enhanced Forest Management Pilot Project Business Plan for 2002/03
- Invermere Forest District 2003.doc
(#1978) Sustainable Forest Management Plan Radium Defined Forest Area Version 2.0
- Tamelin & Pollard 2007.pdf
(#1980) Certification Report Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Radium Defined Forest Area
- CANFOR 2006.pdf
(#1982) Impacts of Partial Cutting on Old-Growth Forests in the Rocky Mountain Trench, British Columbia
- Steeger & Quesnel 2003.pdf
(#1974) Sustainable Forest Management Plan. 2013 Annual Performance Report. Radium Defined Forest Area
- CANFOR 2014.pdf
(#1976) Sustainable Forest Management Plan. 2014 Annual Performance Report. Radium Defined Forest Area
- CANFOR 2015.pdf
(#1970) Sustainable Forest Management Plan. 2011 Annual Performance Report. Radium Defined Forest Area
- CANFOR 2012.pdf
(#1972) Sustainable Forest Management Plan. 2012 Annual Performance Report. Radium Defined Forest Area
- CANFOR 2013.pdf
(#1966) Sustainable Forest Management Plan. 2009 Annual Performance Report. Radium Defined Forest Area
- CANFOR & BC Timber Sales 2010.pdf
(#1968) Sustainable Forest Management Plan. 2010 Annual Performance Report. Radium Defined Forest Area
- CANFOR 2011.pdf
(#1962) Sustainable Forest Management Plan: 2007 Annual Performance Report. Radium Defined Forest Area
- CANFOR & BC Timber Sales 2008.pdf
(#1964) Sustainable Forest Management Plan. 2008 Annual Performance Report. Radium Defined Forest Area
- CANFOR & BC Timber Sales 2009.pdf
(#1960) River connectivity and road crossing effects on floodplain vegetation of the upper Columbia River, Canada
- Carli & Bayley 2015.pdf
(#1956) Elk in the East Kootenay Trench: An Analysis of Radio Telemetry Data 1986-1993
- Jalkotzy 1994.PDF
(#1958) Evaluation of Elk Numbers and Distribution on Private Land in the East Kootenay. Part 1 Technical Report
- Simpson 1988.PDF
(#1950) Elk Capture and Monitoring in the East Kootenay Trench in 1991-92
- Jamieson & Hebert 1992.PDF
(#1952) Elk Capture and Monitoring in the East Kootenay Trench: 1991-1993
- Jamieson & Hebert 1993.PDF
(#1954) Elk Capture in the East Kootenay Trench in 1991
- Jamieson & Hebert 1991.PDF
(#1946) East Kootenay Range Issues. Public Report No. 1
- Friedmann 1981.PDF
(#1948) Wildlife Damage on Private Agricultural Land in the East Kootenay
- Bowden 1985.PDF
(#1942) East Kootenay Ungulate Aerial Survey Data: 1978-1998
- Jalkotzy & Warkentin 2002.PDF
(#1944) East Kootenay Problem Analysis. The Interactions Among Grass, Trees, Elk and Cattle
- Pitt 1982.PDF
(#1940) Elk Management in the Kootenays: (1) A Management History, 1900-1975 (2) A Management Plan, 1975-1985 – Draft
- Jamieson & Demarchi 1976.PDF
(#1936) Status of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in the East Kootenay
- Teske 2015.pdf
(#1938) Incorporating Uncertainty and Risk into Ungulate Population Assessments. Case Study: The East Kootenay Trench Elk Population – Draft
- Hatter 1995.pdf
(#1934) Estimating the Size of the East Kootenay Elk Population
- Simpson 1993.PDF
(#1930) Columbia Lake Rocky Mountain Elk Radio Collar Monitoring Report
- Hebert 1993.PDF
(#1932) East Kootenay Elk Population Fluctuations, 1975-97
- Unknown unknown.PDF
(#1926) Level 1 Fish Habitat Assessment of Caribou and McMurdo Creek: A Watershed Restoration Project
- Mirkwood Ecological Consultants Ltd.pdf
(#1928) Management and Planning of Recreation Access on Crown Land in British Columbia
- Matthews 1999.pdf
(#1922) Trends and trajectories of forest bird populations in Tembec Tree Farm Licence #14:An examination of spatial scale and analytical approach
- Bayne unknown.PDF
(#1924) TFL 14 Owl, Woodpecker, and Wildlife Tree Inventory 1996, Progress Report
- Bennett & Corbett 1997.PDF
(#1918) Environmental Monitoring in Tree Farm Licence 14, Rocky Mountain Forest District, British Columbia:Breeding Bird Surveys, Year Seven (2005)
(#1920) Evaluating the Potential of the Tembec Bird Monitoring and Forest Inventory System for Identifying Ecological Indicators & Developing Avian Resource Selection Functions
- Bayne.PDF
(#1914) Environmental Monitoring in Tembec’s Tree Farm Licence No. 14: Breeding Bird Surveys, Year Four (2002)
- Ferguson 2002 143.PDF
- Ferguson 2002 550.xls
- Ferguson 2002 549.xls
(#1916) Environmental Monitoring in Tree Farm Licence 14, Rocky Mountain Forest District, British Columbia: Breeding Bird Surveys, Year Six (2004)
- Ferguson 2004 344.PDF
(#1910) Breeding Bird Survey Program in Tree Farm Licence # 14, Invermere Forest District, British Columbia, 2000
- Ferguson 2001.PDF
- Ferguson 2001.xls
(#1912) Breeding Bird Survey Program in Tree Farm Licence # 14, Invermere Forest District, British Columbia, 1999
- Ferguson 1999 860.PDF
(#1906) Inventory of Flammulated Owls Breeding in the East Kootenay 2004
- Manley 2005 429.PDF
- Manley 2005 432.XLS
(#1908) Long-Billed Curlew Nesting Area Survey: Progress Report
- Ohanjanian & Beaucher 2002.PDF
(#1902) Voles and Forest Plantations Phase 3 Grass Seeding, Habitat, and Vole Populations in Forest Plantations
- Sullivan 2009.PDF
- Sullivan 2009.xls
(#1904) Forecasting vole population outbreaks in forest plantations: The rise and fall of a major mammalian pest
- Sullivan & Sullivan 2010.pdf
(#1896) 2012-13 South Trench Elk Inventory
- Stent & Phillips 2013.PDF
(#1898) Surveys for terrestrial gastropods at risk in southeastern British Columbia, July – September 2007
- Ovaska & Sopuck 2007.PDF
- Ovaska & Sopuck 2007.xls
(#1890) 2008 Forest Songbird and Woodpecker Monitoring in the Rocky Mountain Forest District
- Bachmann & Bitton 2008.PDF
- Bachmann & Bitton 2008.xls
(#1892) 2007 Forest Songbird and Woodpecker Monitoring in the Radium Forest District
- Christie & Bachmann 2007.PDF
(#1894) Sustainable Forest Management 2006 Annual Report. Invermere British Columbia Timber Supply Area. Radium Defined Forest Area
- CANFOR & BC Timber Sales 2006.pdf
(#1884) Lewis’s Woodpecker Nesting Surveys in Ktunaxa First Nation Reserves of the East Kootenay Region
- Harrison 2014.PDF
(#1886) Northern Rocky Mountain Trench Elk Inventory 2011
- Szkorupa & Thornton 2011.PDF
(#1888) Stand-level Habitat Relationships for Songbirds in the Radium Defined Forest Area – Final Report
- Preston 2009.PDF
(#1880) 1965-66 Post Season Late Winter and Early Spring Counts of Big Game in the East Kootenay
- Demarchi 1966.PDF
(#1882) Identifying wolverine populations and fracture zones in the Columbia region: Year 1 report
- Weir 2015.PDF
(#1876) Investigations of white sturgeon populations in Revelstoke and Kinbasket reservoirs 1995 data report
- RL & L Environmental Services Ltd 1996.pdf
(#1878) East Kootenay Road Checks
- Demarchi 1965.PDF
(#1870) Notes on the distribution of the chipmunks (Eutamias) in southern British Columbia and the Rocky Mountain region of southern Alberta with descriptions of two new races.
- Cowan 1946.pdf
(#1872) Notes on some mammals of the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Crowe 1943.pdf
(#1874) Summary of historic and contemporary water temperatures for the Columbia River and the potential effects of impoundment
- McAdam 2001.pdf
(#1864) The Wolverine in British Columbia: Distribution, Methods of Determining Age and Status of Gulo Gulo Vancouverensis
- Banci 1982.pdf
(#1866) A population review of moose in the Kootenay Region
- Poole 2007.pdf
(#1868) Status of the Least Chipmunk (Tamias minimus) subspecies T. m. oreocetes and T. m. selkirki in British Columbia
- Nagorsen 2010.pdf
(#1862) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Grizzly Bear Ursus arctos Western population in Canada
- McLoughlin 2012.pdf
(#1854) CLBMON-2 Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Kokanee Population Monitoring – Progress Report Year 6
- Sebastian & Weir 2014.pdf
(#1856) CLBMON-2 Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Kokanee Population Monitoring – Year 7 (2014)
- Sebastian & Weir 2015.pdf
(#1858) CLBMON-26 Kinbasket Reservoir Sturgeon Recolonization Habitat Assessment
- Price 2012.pdf
(#1848) CLBMON-2 Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Kokanee Population Monitoring. Progress Report Year 3 (2010)
- Sebastian & Johner 2011.pdf
(#1850) CLBMON-2 Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Kokanee Population Monitoring – Year 4 (2011)
- Johner & Weir 2012.pdf
(#1852) CLBMON-2 Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Kokanee Population Monitoring – Progress Report Year 5
- Sebastian & Weir 2013.pdf
(#1844) CLBMON-2 Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Kokanee Population Monitoring. Progress Report Year 1 (2008)
- Sebastian 2009.pdf
(#1846) CLBMON-2 Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Kokanee Population Monitoring. Progress Report Year 2 (2009)
- Sebastian 2010.pdf
(#1840) CLBMON-4 Kinbasket Reservoir Fish Stranding Assessment Implementation Year 1 Final Technical Memo
- Hanson & Nadeau 2010.pdf
(#1842) CLBMON-2 Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs Kokanee Population Monitoring
- BC Hydro 2007 478.pdf
- BC Hydro 2007 334.pdf
(#1836) CLBMON-5 Kinbasket Reservoir Burbot Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
- BC Hydro 2007 345.pdf
(#1838) CLBMON-4 Kinbasket Reservoir Fish Stranding Assessment
- BC Hydro 2007 686.pdf
- BC Hydro 2007 104.pdf
(#1830) CLBMON-19 Kinbasket Reservoir White Sturgeon Inventory and Habitat Use Assessment (Final Report)
- Prince 2011.pdf
(#1832) CLBMON-7 Kinbasket Reservoir Rainbow Trout Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
- BC Hydro 2007 325.pdf
- BC Hydro 2007 984.pdf
(#1834) CLBMON-6 Kinbasket Reservoir Bull Trout Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
- BC Hydro 2007 158.pdf
(#1824) CLBMON-19 Kinbasket Reservoir White Sturgeon Inventory and Habitat Use Assessment. Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan
- BC Hydro 2008 143.pdf
(#1828) CLBMON-19 Kinbasket Reservoir White Sturgeon Inventory and Habitat Use Assessment
- Prince 2010.pdf
(#1818) Columbia Basin Large Lakes Action Plan Draft
- Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program 2012 723.pdf
(#1820) BC Hydro Dam Impact Footprint Review – Whitefish, Westslope Cutthroat Trout, Cottids, Cyprinids & Catostomids
- Ladell et al undated.pdf
(#1822) Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan. Monitoring Program and Physical Works Annual Report: 2015
- BC Hydro 2015.pdf
(#1814) CLBMON-26 Kinbasket Reservoir Sturgeon Recolonization Risk Assessment. Columbia River White Sturgeon Management Plan
- BC Hydro 2009 456.pdf
(#1816) Recovery Strategy for White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in Canada. In Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series.
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2014.pdf
(#1808) WLR Monitoring Study No. CLBMON-05 (Year 1) Kinbasket Reservoir Burbot Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
- Warnock et al 2014.pdf
(#1810) CLBMON-26 Kinbasket Reservoir Sturgeon Recolonization Habitat Assessment 2012 (Year 2)
- Prince 2013.pdf
(#1812) WLR Monitoring Study No. CLBMON-06 (Year 1) Kinbasket Reservoir Juvenile Bull Trout Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
- Kang & Warnock 2016.pdf
(#1802) Summer climate of the upper Columbia River Valley near Invermere, British Columbia
- Powell 1970.pdf
(#1804) CLBWORKS-23 Columbia River Project Water Use Plan. Physical Works Terms of Reference. Kinbasket and Arrow Lakes Reservoirs Recreational Management Plan. CLBWORKS-23 Kinbasket and Arrow Lakes Reservoirs Debris Removal Environmental Review
- BC Hydro 2007 168.pdf
(#1806) WLR Monitoring Study CLBMON-05 (Year 2) Kinbasket Reservoir Burbot Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
- Kang et al 2015.pdf
(#1798) Northern Leopard Frog
- Government of British Columbia 2016.pdf
(#1800) Columbia National Wildlife Area
- Environment Canada 2016 68.pdf
(#1792) Impacts of Backcountry Recreation Activities on Mountain Caribou
- Simpson & Terry 2000.pdf
(#1794) Mechanisms Underlying the Decline of Mountain Caribou in British Columbia
- Wittmer 2004.pdf
(#1796) Toward a Mountain Caribou Management Strategy for British Columbia – Habitat Requirements and Sub-Population Status
- Simpson et al 1997.pdf
(#1786) Development of a Northern Goshawk Habitat Suitability Index for Forest Types of the Kootenay Region
- Machmer et al 1999.pdf
(#1788) The Yellowstone to Yukon Initiative: A New Conservation Paradigm to Protect the Heart of North America
- Aengst 1999.pdf
(#1790) Caribou in British Columbia. Ecology, Conservation and Management
- Paquet 2000.pdf
(#1780) Going, Gone, and Missing in Action: The Extinct, Extirpated, and Historic Wildlife of British Columbia
- Fraser.pdf
(#1784) Tracking Rare Native Vascular Plants in British Columbia
- Penny & Douglas 1999.pdf
(#1774) The role of predation in the decline and extirpation of woodland caribou
- Wittmer et al 2004.pdf
(#1776) Population dynamics of the endangered mountain ecotype of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in British Columbia, Canada
- Wittmer et al 2005 428.pdf
(#1778) Components of a Mountain Caribou Conservation Strategy for British Columbia
- Hatter 2000.pdf
(#1768) Rearing Rana pipiens for Conservation: Two Approaches to Captive Rearing
- Adama & Kendell 2004.pdf
(#1770) COSEWIC Assessment and Update Status Report on the Northern Leopard Frog Lithobates pipiens Rocky Mountain population in Canada
- Taylor 2009.pdf
(#1772) The Early History of Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in British Columbia
- Spalding 2000 171.pdf
(#1762) Recovery Strategy for the Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens), Rocky Mountain Population in Canada
(#1764) Recovery Plan for the Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens) in British Columbia
- Northern Leopard Frog Recovery Team 2012 587.pdf
(#1766) Endangered Frog Takes a Leap Forward
- Halverson 2014.pdf
(#1758) Recovery Strategy for the Woodland Caribou, Southern Mountain population (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Canada (proposed)
- Environment Canada 2014.pdf
(#1760) Vancouver Aquarium Successfully Breeds Endangered B.C. Northern Leopard Frogs for Release into the Wild
- Vancouver Aquarium 2014.pdf
(#1750) Caribou in British Columbia: A 1996 status report
- Heard & Vagt 1996.pdf
(#1752) Population Status and Mortality of Mountain Caribou in the Southern Purcell Mountains, British Columbia
- Kinley & Apps 1999.pdf
(#1754) Mortality patterns in a subpopulation of endangered mountain caribou
- Kinley & Apps 2001.pdf
(#1746) Simulated effects of forest management options on timber and caribou habitat in the Northern Columbia Mountains. Assessing the application of multivariable habitat models in landscape simulation
- Fall et al 2001.pdf
(#1748) Factors influencing the dispersion and fragmentation of endangered mountain caribou populations
- Apps & McLellan 2005.pdf
(#1740) Mica Compensation Program Public Consultation Five Year Plan
- Cornerstone Planning Group Limited 1992.pdf
(#1742) Pretreatment Analysis of Coliform Input into Stoddart Creek From Ungulate Winter Range
(#1744) Scale-Dependent Habitat Selection by Mountain Caribou, Columbia Mountains, British Columbia
- Apps.pdf
(#1734) Flora and fauna of the Paradise Mine area, British Columbia.
- Carl & Hardy 1945.pdf
(#1736) Integrating Forestry and Wildlife Management Through Forest Management Planning in British Columbia
- Niezen 1989.pdf
(#1738) Bedding sites of Grizzly Bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) and Black Bears (Ursus americans) in avalanche chutes and adjacent timber
- Wenzelides.pdf
(#1730) Southern Canadian Rockies Lynx Project. Lynx Ecology and Conservation Requirements in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains Annual Summary Report Year 4 1999-2000
- Apps 2000.pdf
(#1732) Translocation as a Promising Tool to Aid Recovery of Badger Populations
- Newhouse et al 2004 192.pdf
(#1724) Mapping the Wolverine Way. Understanding landscape and human effects on wolverine abundance, distribution and connectivity in the Canadian Crown of the Continent (CCoC) ecosystem. 2016 Summary Report
- Clevenger et al 2016.pdf
(#1726) Wildlife Mortalities on Railways: Monitoring Methods and Mitigation Strategies
- Wells et al.pdf
(#1718) COSEWIC Assessment and Update Status Report on the Wolverine (Gulo gulo) Eastern population, Western Population in Canada
- Slough 2003.pdf
(#1720) Trans-Canada Highway Wildlife and Monitoring Research, Final Report
- Clevenger & Sawaya 2014.pdf
(#1722) Mapping the Wolverine Way: Identifying conservation corridors and transboundary linkages in the Canadian Crown of the Continent. 2015 Summary Report
- Clevenger et al 2015.pdf
(#1714) Noninvasive genetic survey of wolverines and their response to the Banff-Yoho transportation corridor. Annual report: Year 1, 2010-11
- Clevenger et al 2011.pdf
(#1716) Carnivores in the Southern Canadian Rockies: Core Areas and Connectivity Across the Crowsnest Highway
- Apps et al 2007.pdf
(#1710) Maintaining viability of brown bears along the southern fringe of their distribution
- McLellan 1998.pdf
(#1712) Trapping and transplanting mountain goats in British Columbia and Alberta
- Hebert et al 1980.pdf
(#1708) British Columbia Grizzly Bear Population Estimate for 2012
- Ministry of Forests 2012.pdf
(#1706) Predicting Spatial Variation in Grizzly Bear Abundance to Inform Conservation
- Apps et al 2016.pdf
(#1704) Estimating Grizzly Bear Distribution and Abundance Relative to Habitat and Human Influence
- Apps et al 2004.pdf
(#1702) Grizzly Bear Monitoring in the Bow River Watershed: 2002 Progress Report
- Gibeau & Stevens 2003.pdf
(#1700) Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project: Brief Update, April 2003
- Herrero et al 2003.pdf
(#1698) Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project: A Progress Report for 2001
- Gibeau & Herrero 2002.pdf
(#1696) Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project: A Progress Report for 2000
- Gibeau & Herrero 2001.pdf
(#1694) Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project: A Progress Report for 1999
- Gibeau & Herrero 2000.pdf
(#1692) Eastern slopes grizzly bear project: A progress report for 1998
- Gibeau & Herrero 1999.pdf
(#1690) Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project: A Progress Report for 1997
- Gibeau & Herrero 1998.pdf
(#1688) Gender-specific dispersal distances of grizzly bears estimated by genetic analysis
- Proctor et al 2004.pdf
(#1680) Highway Effects on Gray Wolves within the Golden Canyon, British Columbia
- Callaghan et al 1998.pdf
- Callaghan et al 1998 45.pdf
(#1682) Biology, Demography, Ecology and Management of Grizzly Bears in and around Banff National Park and Kananaskis Country. Final Report of the Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project
- Herrerim 2005.pdf
(#1684) Managing for Grizzly Bear Security Areas in Banff National Park and the Central Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Gibeau et al.pdf
(#1686) Implications of Preliminary Genetic Findings for Grizzly Bear Conservation in the Central Canadian Rockies. Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project Report 1995
- Gibeau 1995.pdf
(#1672) Recovery Strategy for the Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) in Canada
- Environment Canada 2016 887.pdf
(#1674) Upland/Dryland Action Plan – Draft
- Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program 2012.pdf
(#1676) Winter habitat selection by moose in the East Kootenay, British Columbia, final report
- Poole & Stuart-Smith 2004.PDF
(#1678) A Cartographic Model-Based Cumulative Effects Assessment of the Proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort Development on Grizzly Bears in the Central Purcell Mountains, British Columbia
- Apps 2003.pdf
(#1664) Reproductive maturation and senescence in the female brown bear
- Schwartz et al 2003.pdf
(#1666) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Flammulated Owl Otus flammeolus in Canada
- Cannings 2010.pdf
(#1668) Management Plan for the Northern Rubber Boa (Charina bottae) in British Columbia
- Gregory 2015.pdf
(#1670) Incidental Take and Protecting Habitat for Migratory Birds in the East Kootenay Region, British Columbia Final Report – November 2009
- Wells et al 2009.pdf
(#1658) Progress Report: 2000 Flammulated Owl Inventory of the Rocky Mountain Trench
- van Woudenberg et al 2000.PDF
(#1660) Inventory of Flammulated Owls Breeding in the East Kootenay 2003
- Manley et al 2004.PDF
- Manley et al 2004 723.PDF
- Manley et al 2004.XLS
(#1662) Management Plan for the Flammulated Owl (Otus flammeolus) in Canada and in British Columbia
- Environment Canada 2013.pdf
(#1650) Spillimacheen Water Use Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2009
- BC Hydro 2009.pdf
(#1652) Spillimacheen Project Water Use Plan Assessment of Rampdown Duration to Minimize River Stage Change During Full Plant Outages
- McArthur et al 2010.pdf
(#1654) Spillimacheen Project Water Use Plan Monitoring Program Terms of Reference
- BC Hydro 2005 873.pdf
(#1656) Assessment of Harvest Strategies for Rocky Mountain Elk
- Raedeke & Raedeke 1998.PDF
(#1642) Consultative Committee Report Spillimacheen Water Use Plan
- BC Hydro 2003.pdf
(#1644) Spillimacheen Water Use Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2012
- BC Hydro 2012 609.pdf
(#1646) Spillimacheen Water Use Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2011
- BC Hydro 2011.pdf
(#1648) Spillimacheen Water Use Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2010
- BC Hydro 2010.pdf
(#1634) Annual British Columbia Conservation Areas Summary Report 2015 – British Columbia NGO Conservation Areas Technical Working Group
- British Columbia Nongovernmental Organization (BC NGO) Conservation Areas Database Working Group 201.pdf
(#1636) Implementation Plan: Wetlands and Associated Species
- Harrison.pdf
(#1638) Sustainable Forest Management Plan Radium Defined Forest Area Version 3.1
- Neville 2012.pdf
(#1640) Spillimacheen Project Water Use Plan. Monitoring of Habitat Maintenance Flows within Spillimacheen Canyon. Implementation Year 2
- BC Hydro.pdf
(#1632) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Lewis’s Woodpecker Melanerpes lewis in Canada
- Beauchesne 2010.pdf
(#1628) Featured Species – Common Nighthawk
- Campbell et al 2006.pdf
(#1626) Common Nighthawks in the Columbia Basin – A Summary of Sightings Submitted by the Public
- Manley 2008.pdf
(#1624) Species at Risk in BC Field Guide 2016
- Environment Canada and Climate Change - Canadian Wildlife Service 2016.pdf
(#1622) Status of the Sandhill Crane in British Columbia
- Cooper 1996.pdf
(#1620) Management Plan for the Western Toad (Anaxyrus boreas) in British Columbia
- Provincial Western Toad Working Group 2014.pdf
(#1618) Status of the Flammulated Owl in British Columbia
- van Woudenberg 1999.pdf
(#1616) Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Losses in the East Kootenay Region of B.C. 1965-1967
- Bandy 1968.pdf
(#1614) Grizzly Bears in British Columbia. Ecology, Conservation and Management
- Blood 2002.pdf
(#1612) Priority Setting for Implementation of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation under the Government Actions Regulation
- BC Ministry of Environment 2011.pdf
(#1610) Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife, Southern Interior Forest Region. Identified Wildlife Management Strategy
- BC Ministry of Water 2004.pdf
(#1608) Towards an Environmental Mitigation and Offsetting Policy for British Columbia: A Discussion Paper – Draft
- BC Ministry of Environment 2010 56.pdf
(#1606) Ecosystems Program Plan Conserving British Columbia’s Species, Habitats and Ecosystems
- BC Ministry of Environment 2010.pdf
(#1604) Conservation Framework. Conservation Priorities for Species and Ecosystems Primer
- BC Ministry of Environment 2009.pdf
(#1602) Columbia Basin Plan – Draft
- BC Hydro 2012 363.pdf
(#1600) Conserving Wetlands in British Columbia
- Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology 2009.pdf
(#1598) Wetland Ways: Interim Guidelines for Wetland Protection and Conservation in British Columbia
- Cox Introduction.pdf
- Cox guidelines.pdf
- Cox agriculture.pdf
- cox grazing.pdf
- Cox forests.pdf
- Cox mining.pdf
- Cox oil and gas.pdf
- Cox recreation.pdf
- Cox corridors.pdf
- Cox development.pdf
- Cox enhancement.pdf
- Cox monitoring.pdf
- Cox glossary.pdf
(#1596) Development and Implementation of the Provincial Identified Wildlife Management Strategy in British Columbia, Canada
- Erickson et al.pdf
(#1594) A Summary of Terrestrial and Freshwater Invertebrate Conservation in British Columbia
- Heron 2004.pdf
(#1592) Antelope-brush ecosystems. Ecosystems at risk in British Columbia
- Schluter et al 1995.pdf
(#1590) Invasive Plants in British Columbia Protected Lands: A Strategic Plan
- Wikeem & Miller 2006.pdf
(#1588) Whitebark Pine Bulletin
- Ministry of Forests 2011.pdf
(#1586) Silvicultural operations for the endangered whitebark pine
- Murray 2013.pdf
(#1584) Whitebark Pine and Forest Health in SE British Columbia
- Murray.pdf
(#1582) Blister Rust Screening for Whitebark Pine in BC
- Murray 2012.pdf
(#1580) Management Plan for the Columbia National Wildlife Area (Proposed)
- Gebauer & Huntley 2016.pdf
(#1578) Response of bighorn sheep to restoration of winter range
- Dibb & Quinn 2006.pdf
(#1576) “Ghost River” The Columbia
- Gayton 2001 372.pdf
(#1574) A Classification Framework for Wetlands and Related Ecosystems in British Columbia: Third Approximation Draft
- Mackenzie & Banner 2001.pdf
(#1572) Sensitive Habitat Inventory and Mapping Network, Vancouver, British Columbia
- Mason & Knight 2001.pdf
(#1570) Rich Wildlife, Poor Protection: The urgent need for strong legal protection of British Columbia’s biodiversity
- Moola 2007.pdf
(#1568) Protecting British Columbia’s Wetlands: A Citizen’s Guide
- Nowlan & Jeffries 1996 750.pdf
(#1566) Conservation Offsets: A Revenue Tool to Conserve Natural Areas, Watersheds and Community Resilience
- Penn 2009.pdf
(#1562) Recovery Strategy for the southern maiden-hair fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) in British Columbia
- Smith.pdf
(#1564) Ecosystems of British Columbia
- Meidinger & Pojar 1991.pdf
(#1560) Develop with Care: Environmental Guidelines for Urban and Rural Land – Kootenay Boundary Region
- BC Ministry of Forests & Ministry of Environment 2014.pdf
(#1558) Working together to protect species at risk on local government and private lands: strategies recommended by local government to improve conservation on municipal, regional and private lands in British Columbia
- Species At Risk Local Government Working & Group 2011.pdf
(#1556) Study to provide recommendations regarding the development of a national conservation plan
- Warawa 2012.pdf
(#1554) A Review of the Impacts of Climate Change on BC’s Freshwater Fish Resources and Possible Management Responses
- Tyedmers & Ward 2001.pdf
(#1552) Species Ranking in British Columbia. About More than Just Numbers.
- Vennesland et al 2002.pdf
(#1550) Major Impacts: Climate Change
- Compass Resource Management 2007.pdf
(#1548) Major Impacts to Biodiversity in British Columbia (Excluding Climate Change)
- Gayton 2007.pdf
(#1546) Biodiversity Safety Net Gap Analysis – Technical Subcommittee Component Report
- Long 2007.pdf
(#1544) The Biodiversity Atlas of British Columbia
- Austin & Ericksson 2009.pdf
(#1542) Taking Nature’s Pulse: The Status of Biodiversity in British Columbia
- Austin 2008.pdf
(#1540) Ecological Concepts, Principles and Applications to Conservation
- Vold 2008.pdf
(#1538) Regulations Amending the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations
- Transport Canada 2016 821.pdf
(#1536) Genetic Tagging of Free-Ranging Black and Brown Bears
- Woods et al 1999.pdf
(#1534) Hydraulic and sedimentary processes causing anastomosing morphology of the upper Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada
- Makaske et al 2009.pdf
(#1532) Predicting Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) densities in British Columbia using a multiple regression model
- Mowat 2004.pdf
(#1530) Estimating Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) Population Size in British Columbia Using an Expert-Based Approach
- Hamilton.pdf
(#1528) A meta-analysis of grizzly bear DNA mark-recapture projects in British Columbia, Canada
- Boulanger et al 2002.pdf
(#1526) Village of Radium Hot Springs Official Community Plan
- Radium Hot Springs Council 2002.pdf
(#1524) 1996 Elk Survey for the Bull River, Premier Ridge, and Findlay/Dutch Winter Ranges in the East Kootenay
- Fontana 1996.PDF
(#1522) Kinbasket Reservoir & Upper Columbia River Kokanee Spawner Index – 2005
- Manson & Porto 2006.pdf
(#1520) Field Collection of Bear Scat as a Census Method and Food Habits Data of Bears in the West Slopes Study Area
- Lewis 1997.pdf
(#1518) Vegetation Zones and their Relationship to the Soils and Climate of the Upper Columbia Valley
- McLEAN & Holland 1958.pdf
(#1516) River Connectivity Affects Submerged and Floating Aquatic Vegetation in Floodplain Wetlands
- Rooney et al 2013 900.pdf
(#1514) Great Blue Heron and Bald Eagle Inventory & Stewardship in the Columbia Basin (2008-2009)
- Machmer 2009.pdf
(#1512) West Slopes Bear Research Project First Progress Report
- Woods & McLellan 1995.PDF
(#1510) The Impacts of Transportation Corridors on Grizzly and Black Bear Habitat Use Patterns Near Golden, B.C.
- Munro 1999.pdf
(#1508) Grizzly Bear Harvest Management in British Columbia: Background Report
- Hamilton & Austin.pdf
(#1506) Large carnivore population review for the Kootenay Region
- Mowat 2007.pdf
(#1504) Rates and Causes of Grizzly Bear Mortality in the Interior Mountains of Western North America
- Hovey & Woods 1999.pdf
(#1502) Using stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes to infer trophic relationships among black and grizzly bears in the upper Columbia River basin, British Columbia
- Hobson et al 2000.pdf
(#1500) A Review of Grizzly Bear Habitat Use and Habitat Management Options for the Kootenay Region of British Columbia
- Mowat & Ramcharita 1999.pdf
(#1498) Grizzly Bear Use of Avalanche Chutes in the Columbia Mountains, British Columbia
- Ramcharita 2000.pdf
(#1496) Sampling Design and Bias in DNA-Based Capture-Mark-Recapture Population and Density Estimates of Grizzly Bears
- Boulanger et al.pdf
(#1494) Grizzly Bear Population Survey in the Central Purcell Mountains, British Columbia
- Proctor & Boulanger 1999.pdf
(#1492) Grizzly Bear Population Inventory & Monitoring Strategy For British Columbia
Version 1.2
- Apps 2010.pdf
(#1490) Grizzly Bear Mortality in the Central Rockies Ecosystem, Canada
- Benn 1998.pdf
(#1488) Upper Columbia River region Black bears(Ursus americans) – A DNA mark recapture study
- Reynolds 2002.pdf
(#1486) West Slopes Bear Research Project Second Progress Report
- Woods et al 1997.PDF
(#1484) Abundance and density of Central Purcell, South Purcell, Yahk, and south Selkirk Grizzly Bear Population Units in southeast British Columbia
- Proctor et al 2007.pdf
(#1482) Wildlife Tracking Project: Golden to West Boundary of Yoho National Park
- Demarchi & Searing 1997.pdf
(#1480) Managing for Bears in Forested Environments
- Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology 2000.pdf
(#1478) Resource Roads and Wetlands: A Guide for Planning, Construction and Maintenance
- Partington et al.pdf
(#1476) Some aspects of the ecology of the Columbia National Wildlife Area With emphasis on Species at Risk
- Dawe et al 2012.pdf
(#1474) COSEWIC Status Report on the Western Toad
- western toad 2013.pdf
(#1472) Origin of anastomosis, upper Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada
- lavooi 2010.pdf
(#1470) Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Plan
- Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative 2002.pdf
(#1468) Desired Conditions for Mule Deer, Elk, and Moose Winter Range in the Southern Interior of British Columbia
- Ungulate winter range 2005.pdf
(#1466) Windermere Lake Shoreline Management Guidelines for Fish and Wildlife Habitats
- Mcpherson et al 2009 159.pdf
(#1464) Columbia Lake Foreshore Inventory and Mapping
- McPherson et al 2009.pdf
(#1462) An Adaptive Science Strategy for the Columbia Wetlands System
- Science Committee Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners 2010.pdf
(#1460) Lake Windermere Project Final Report
- Leschied 2011.pdf
(#1458) Upper Columbia Water Quality Monitoring Report 2009 – 2012
- Lotic Environmental Ltd. 2014.pdf
(#1456) Windermere Lake Water Quality Status Report
- Neufeld & Raggett 2010.pdf
(#1454) Water Quality Assessment and Objectives for Windermere Lake. Overview Report. 1st Update.
- Neufeld 2010 technical report.pdf
(#1452) Lake Windermere Management Plan
- LWMP 2011.pdf
(#1450) Ecosystem Maintenance Demonstration Burns Monitoring Project
(#1448) Ecosystem Maintenance Burning Evaluation and Research (EMBER) Pilot Project
Nelson Forest Region 1993-1997. Problem Analysis and Working Plan
- Braumandl et al 1994.pdf
(#1446) Invermere TSA Forest Health Strategy 2010
- Wideski 2010.pdf
(#1444) Ecosystem Restoration Program Rocky Mountain Trench. Forest Stewardship Plan 2013-2018
- Harris 2013.pdf
(#1442) (EMBER) Ecosystem Maintenance Burning Evaluation and Research Pilot Project Nelson Forest Region 1993-1997 Problem Analysis and Working Plans
- Gayton & Braumandl 1995.pdf
(#1440) Ecology and Translocation-Aided Recovery of an Endangered Badger Population
- Kinley 2006.pdf
(#1438) East Kootenay Wildlife Tree Creation Project-Dutch Findlay Restoration Unit
- Manning 2010.pdf
(#1436) East Kootenay Trench Stand Reconstruction and Fire History Study Workplan
- Gray 1998.pdf
(#1434) East Kootenay Grassland Ecosystem Restoration
- Crowley 2011.pdf
(#1432) East Kootenay Elk Management Plan 2005-9
- Wilson & Morley 2004 783.pdf
(#1430) East Kootenay Badger Project: 1996/97 Year-end Summary Report
- Newhouse 1997.pdf
(#1428) East Kootenay Badger Project 2004-2005 Update: Ecology, Translocation, Sightings and Communications March, 2005
- Kinley & Newhouse 2005.pdf
(#1426) Landscape Level Conservation Priorities in the Invermere TSA
- Wells 2007.pdf
- Wells 2007 547.pdf
(#1424) East Kootenay Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Inventory: Winter 2001 and 2002
- Teske & Forbes 2002.pdf
(#1422) Status of the Radium bighorn sheep herd and its ranges: 1984-1985
- Stelfox et al 1985.pdf
(#1420) Whitebark Pine and White Pine Blister Rust in the Rocky Mountains of Canada and Northern Montana
- Smith et al 2008.pdf
(#1418) Kootenay Air and Water Quality Study, Phase 1. Water Quality in Region Seven, The Upper Columbia River Basin
- Rocchini RJ et al 1976.pdf
(#1416) Carnivores as Focal Species for Conservation Planning in the Rocky Mountain Region
- Carroll et al 2001.pdf
(#1414) Mountain goat survey in Management Units 4-35 and 4-16, Kootenay region, British Columbia, August-September 2006
- Poole 2006 462.pdf
(#1412) A population review of mountain goats in the Kootenay Region
- Poole 2006.pdf
(#1410) Monitoring ecosystem restoration treatments at North Stoddart Creek and Bull River
- Page 2010.pdf
(#1408) Monitoring ecosystem restoration treatments at North Stoddart Creek and North Fontaine
- Page 2004.pdf
(#1406) Columbia Basin Biodiversity Atlas Project Phase One Final Report
(#1404) East Kootenay Badger Project 2003-2004 Update: Population Ecology, Translocation, Sightings and Communication
- Newhouse 2004.pdf
(#1402) East Kootenay Badger Project Summary: June 1996 – June 2006
- Newhouse 2006.pdf
(#1400) Radium-Stoddart Bighorn Sheep GPS and VHF Telemetry 2001-2002
- Kinley 2002.pdf
(#1398) The Ecology and Economy of Morels in British Columbia’s East Kootenay
- Keefer 2005.pdf
(#1396) Historical Wildlife Observations in the Canadian Rockies: Implications for Ecological Integrity
- Kay et al.pdf
(#1394) Update for Wildlife-Vehicle Collision and Crossing Mitigation Plan for Hwy 93S in Kootenay and Banff National Park Final Report
- Huijser 2010.pdf
(#1392) Wildlife-Vehicle Collision and Crossing Mitigation Plan for Hwy 93S in Kootenay and Banff National Park and the Roads in and Around Radium Hot Springs
- Huijser et al 2008.pdf
(#1390) Bighorn In Our Backyard Communities Working for Wildlife Radium-Stoddart Bighorn Winter Range Monitoring and Restoration Program Results 2000 – 2001
- Osprey Communications.pdf
(#1388) The Effects of Stand Structure and Fire Regime Alterations on Bighorn Sheep Habitat
- Gray 2001.pdf
(#1386) Stoddart Creek Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring Site Establishment and Summary Report
- Page 2007.pdf
(#1384) Bighorn in Our Backyard: A Cooperative Ecosystem-Based Education, Research, and Management Project
- Dubois et al 2004.pdf
(#1382) Ecosystem Restoration Program Rocky Mountain Trench Forest Stewardship Plan 2012-2017 Companion Document
- Harris 2011.pdf
- Harris 2011 827.pdf
(#1380) Restoration of Bighorn Sheep Habitat and Associated Open Forest and Grassland Ecosystems at Radium Hot Springs, B.C.
- Dibb.pdf
(#1378) Habitat Linkages for Species at Risk in the Upper Columbia Valley, BC: Background Information
- Adams 2009.pdf
(#1376) Modelling and Management of Bighorn Sheep Movement Corridors
- Modelling and Management of Bighorn Sheep Movement Corridors.pdf
(#1374) Status of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in British Columbia
- Demarchi et al 2000.pdf
(#1370) Ecology of Big Game Winter Ranges in the Southern Rocky Mountain Trench, East Kootenay Region
- Demarchi 1971.pdf
(#1372) East Kootenay Bighorn Sheep Enhancement Project Draft
- Davidson 1991.pdf
(#1368) Observations on the Flora of the Southern Rocky Mountain Trench in British Columbia
- Eastham.pdf
(#1366) An ecological study of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep winter ranges in the East Kootenay Region of British Columbia
(#1364) The Dragonflies of the Columbia Basin, British Columbia: Field Surveys, Collections Development and Public Education
- Cannings 2001.pdf
(#1362) Bobcat (Lynx rufus) habitat selection and suitability assessment in southeast British Columbia
(#1360) Lynx ecology in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: preliminary results and conservation implications
- Apps et al 2000.pdf
(#1358) Connecting the Upper Columbia Valley II: Identifying Critical Areas for Species at Risk Habitat Linkages
(#1356) Columbia Basin Rare Plant Guide
- Nature Conservancy of Canada 2008.pdf
(#1354) Columbia Lake East Forest Ingrowth Management Strategy
- Columbia Lake East Forest Ingrowth Management Strategy.doc
(#1352) Promoting Whitebark Pine Recovery in British Columbia
- Promoting Whitebark Pine Recovery in British Columbia.pdf
(#1350) Seasonal Habitat Use and Movement Corridor Selection of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis), near Radium Hot Springs, British Columbia. 2002-04 Progress Report
- Dibb 2006.pdf
(#1348) Climate Change, Wildfire, and Landscape Homogenization in Western Canada
- Greene et al.pdf
(#1346) CBFWCP-Habitat Enhancement Monitoring Strategy-Final Report
- Mowat et al 1998.pdf
(#1344) Calculation of Forest Ingrowth and Resulting Forage impact in BC’s Rocky Mountain Trench
- Gayton 1997.pdf
(#1342) Blueprint for Action Update 2006-2009
- Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program 2009.pdf
(#1340) Blueprint for action 2006: Fire-maintained Ecosystem Restoration in BC’s Rocky Mountain Trench, principles, strategies, progress
- Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Steering Committee 2006.pdf
(#1338) Fire-Maintained Ecosystem Restoration in the Rocky Mountain Trench. “A Blueprint for Action”
- Ecosystem Restoration Steering Committee 2000.pdf
(#1336) Biophysical Habitat Analysis and Treatment Options for East Columbia Lake
- Enns & Ryder 1994.pdf
(#1334) Beyond the Trench Wars: Resolving Elk-Cattle Conflicts in the Canadian Rockies
- Gayton 2002.pdf
(#1332) BC Grasslands Mapping Project: A conservation risk assessment
- BC Grasslands Mapping Project A conservation risk assessment 2004.pdf
(#1330) Ecosystem Restoration Program Rocky Mountain Trench Five Year Plan 2010-2015
- Harris 2010.pdf
(#1322) Floodplain Ecology of the Upper Columbia River
(#1324) The Northern Leopard Frog: An assessment of potential reintroduction sites in the Columbia marshes
- Ohanjanian & Carli 2010.pdf
(#1326) Dam Footprint Impact Summary: BC Hydro Dams in the Columbia Basin
- Utzig & Schmidt 2011.pdf
(#1328) An Update of Vegetation Change Following Burning and/or Thinning 1995-2005
- Berg 2005.pdf
(#1314) East Kootenay Badger Project: 1998/99 Year-End Summary Report
- Newhouse NJ 1999.pdf
(#1316) Analysis of East Kootenay Rocky Mountain Bighorn Ram Harvest 1975-1987
- Davidson 1988.pdf
(#1320) A Population Review for Elk in the Kootenay Region
- Szkorupa & Mowat 2010.pdf
(#1306) An Assessment of Carrying Capacity in the Dutch-Findlay Range Unit
- carrying-capacity-dutch-findlay.pdf
(#1308) An Assessment of Grazing Capacity in Findlay and Whitetail Pastures
(#1312) An Effectiveness Monitoring Plan for NDT4 Ecosystem Restoration in the East Kootenay Trench
- trench-er-monitoring-plan.pdf
(#1296) A Review of Grasslands Ecosystems in the Mica Wildlife Compensation Area
- Ohanjanian 1993.pdf
(#1298) A Review of Ranching/Wildlife Conflicts in the East Kootenay Region of BC
- Closkey 1988.pdf
- Closkey Map 1988.pdf
(#1300) A Survey of Firefly Presence in the East Kootenays
- fire-fly-survey.pdf
(#1302) Addendum to: Elk Inventory in the East Kootenay Trench, 1992 by Keith Simpson, March 1992
and A Population Assessment of Rocky Mountain Elk
in the East Kootenay Trench, 1980-92 by Ian Hatter, Anna Fontana, and Keith Simpson
Draft Report, 21 February 1994
- addendum-elk-1992-1980-92.pdf
(#1304) An Assessment of the Carrying Capacity in the Bugaboo-Spillimacheen, Bryanton and Sunny Bench – Fish Lakes Range Units
- Smyth & Poriz 1998.pdf
(#1288) 1998 Elk Inventory – East Kootenay Trench
- Halko & Hebert 1998.pdf
(#1290) 2001 Elk inventory – East Kootenay Trench
- Halko & Hebert 2001.pdf
(#1292) 2008 East Kootenay Trench Elk Inventory
- Phillips et al 2008.pdf
- Phillips et al 2008 658.PDF
(#1294) A Population assessment of Rocky Mountain elk in the East Kootenay Trench, 1980-93
- Hatter et al 1994.pdf
(#1280) Ecology of badgers near a range limit in British Columbia
- Newhouse & Kinley 2001.pdf
(#1282) Enhancing Forest Structure – Wildlife Trees
- Manning 1 2010.pdf
(#1284) Ecosystem Restoration: It’s For the Birds!
- Ecosystem Restoration Program 2010.pdf
(#1286) 1997 Elk Inventory – East Kootenay Trench
- Halko & Hebert 1997.pdf
(#1270) Habitat Associations of American Badgers in Southeastern British Columbia
- Apps & Newhouse… 2002.pdf
(#1272) East Kootenay Badger Project 2007-2008 Progress Report
- Kinley 2008.pdf
(#1274) Badgers: Can We Dig Them out of this Hole?
- Newhouse & Kinley 2002.crdownload
(#1276) Translocation of Badgers to the Upper Columbia Valley 2002/03 Progress Report
- Newhouse & Kinley 2003.pdf
(#1278) East Kootenay Badger Project 2005-2006 progress report: Ecology, translocation, communication, sightings and habitat use.
- Newhouse & Kinley 2006.pdf
(#1262) Kinsman Beach Restoration – Phase 3
- Lake Windermere Ambassadors Society 2013.pdf
(#1264) Lake Windermere Water Quality Monitoring Results 2011-2015
(#1266) Kinsmen Beach Restoration Project
- Kinsmen_Story_2012.pdf
(#1268) Genetic structure of sensitive and endangered northwestern badger populations (Taxidea taxus taxus and T. t. jeffersonii)
- Newhouse et al 2004.pdf
(#1254) The Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) of British Columbia, with special emphasis on the light-flashing species and their distribution, status and biology
- Cannings & Branham… 2010.pdf
(#1256) Lake Windermere Aquatic Invasive Plant Sampling
- Darvill 2015.pdf
(#1258) Special Elements of Biodiversity in British Columbia
- Holt & LTD 2007.pdf
(#1260) Applying the Concept of Stewardship Responsibility in British Columbia
- BUNNELL et al 2006.pdf
(#1246) Transcript of Chief Martin Morigeau
- Greenwood 1964.pdf
(#1248) A Wetland Action Plan for British Columbia
- Wetland Stewardship Partnership 2010.pdf
(#1250) The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Resolution IX.4 Annex: The Ramsar Convention and Conservation, Production and Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources
- Mandel.pdf
(#1252) Wetlands in British Columbia – a Primer for Local Governements
- Wetland Stewardship Partnership 2010 961.pdf
(#1238) Canadian Intermountain Joint Venture
- Robinson 2004.pdf
(#1240) Wildlife Viewing in the Kootenay Region
- Adams BC Naturalist.pdf
(#1242) Columbia River Project Water Use Plan Columbia White Sturgeon Management Plan. Kinbasket Sturgeon Recolonization Risk Assessment and Habitat Suitability
- Guest 2005.pdf
(#1244) Pygmy Waterlily: New Location
- Halverson 2004.pdf
(#1228) Rubber Boas in Radium Hot Springs: Habitat, Inventory, and Management Strategies
- St. Clair & Dibb 2004.pdf
(#1230) Winter Bird Report 1982/83, Headwaters Area of the Columbia River
- Halverson 1983.pdf
(#1232) Columbia Wetlands a Haven for Wildlife
- Zimmerman 2009.pdf
(#1234) Hoodoo/Hofert Property Wildlife Tree Creation
- Manning 2008.pdf
(#1236) Land and Water Use in Recreational Development – Business and Corporate Social Responsibility for Water Ecosystems
- Zimmerman 2004.pdf
(#1220) The Discovery of the Source of the Columbia River
(#1222) Columbia Wetlands Environmental Stewardship Management Workshop
- Halverson 2007.pdf
(#1224) Reproductive success of great blue herons in British Columbia
- Forbes et al 1985 262.pdf
(#1226) Northern leopard frog southern mountain population draft recovery strategy
(#1210) Effects of Climate Change on Hydrology and Water Resource Objectives in the Columbia River Basin
- Hamlet & Lettenmaier 1999 7.pdf
(#1212) Dying and Dead Hardwoods: Their Implications to Management
- Bunnell et al 2002.pdf
(#1214) Managing to sustain vertebrate richness in forests of the Pacific Northwest: relationships within stands
- Bunnell et al 1999.pdf
(#1216) How Dead Trees Sustain Live Organisms in Western Forests
- Bunnell et al 2002.pdf
(#1218) Thresholds and Targets for Representation and OGMA Indicators in the Invermere TSA
- Wells 2004.pdf
(#1202) A Habitat Restoration Strategy for the Upper Columbia Basin
- Jamieson & Worgan 2004.pdf
- Jamieson & Worgan 2004 470.pdf
(#1204) Interpretation Strategy for the Columbia River Valley – Invermere to Donald
- Oliver & Cernenoks 2004.pdf
(#1206) Wildlife Habitat Mapping, Trans canada Highway Corridor Golden to Yoho National Park, BC
- Harvey 1994.pdf
(#1208) A management strategy for species at risk in a semi-urban landscape on the Shuswap Reserve at Invermere, B.C.
- Jamieson et al 2009.pdf
(#1194) The long-billed Curlew in the East Kootenay
- Ohanjanian 2001.pdf
(#1196) Lewis’s Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis) Survey in the East Kootenay Trench, British Columbia
- Beauchesne & Cooper 2007.PDF
(#1198) Terrestrial and Freshwater Invertebrates of British Columbia: Priorities for Inventory and Descriptive Research
- Scudder 1996.pdf
(#1186) East Kootenay Mussel Survey (September 8-12, 2008)
- Gelling et al 2008.pdf
(#1188) COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Western Painted Turtle
- COSEWIC 2006.pdf
(#1190) Rare Amphibians, Reptiles and Mammals of British Columbia
(#1192) National Recovery Strategy for American Badger, jeffersonii subspecies ( Taxidea taxus jeffersonii) draft paper
- The Jeffersonii Badger Recovery Team 2003.pdf
(#1178) A bibliography of environmental literature pertinent to the East Kootenay region of British Columbia
(#1180) Columbia-Kootenay Valley and its resources and capabilities
(#1182) Windermere District Rod and Gun: A brief history of the organization from 1919 to 1938
(#1184) Overview Fish Habitat Assessment for the Shuswap Creek Watershed
(#1170) Interim Report on a Waterfowl Investigation in the Upper Columbia Valley of British Columbia in 1948
(#1172) An Examination of Past and Present land Use Practice on Range Lands in the East Kootenays
- Paish 1970.pdf
(#1174) Big Game Hunting in the East Kootenay, A Statistical Analysis
- Pearse & Bowden 1966.pdf
(#1176) Bibliography: Historic status and distribution of Wildlife in the East Kootenay
- Newhouse & Kinley 1994.pdf
(#1162) East Kootenay Aerial Late Winter Waterfowl Counts
(#1164) Ornithological notes from Columbia Lake
(#1166) Wilmer National Wildlife Area property map
(#1168) Osprey Nesting Survey in British Columbia, Canada
- Kemper & Eastman 1970.pdf
(#1154) Preliminary studies of Great Blue Heron colonies 1977
(#1156) A Summary of Background Information on National Wildllfe Areas in the Pacific and Yukon Region
- Retfalvi 1986.pdf
(#1158) Some effects of a controlled burn in the Wilmer NWA
(#1160) Invertebrate food species of migratory waterfowl in the Columbia Valley study area
(#1144) Trapping Muskrats at Moberly
(#1146) The Columbia River Treaty and protocol, a presentation
- Government of Canada 1964.pdf
(#1148) An outline of the wildlife resources of the Columbia and Kootenay valleys in British Columbia
(#1150) Mica Dam Wildlife Compensation Project – Avian Concerns
- Ohanjanian 1991.pdf
(#1152) The Columbia Sharp-tailed Grouse in the east Kootenay ; a report on their status and options for reintroduction
(#1136) Thunderhill Ranch
- The Nature Conservancy of Canada 2004.pdf
(#1138) East Kootenay Elk Management Plan 2000-2004
- Bircher et al 2001.pdf
(#1140) Relationships of Riparian Reserve Zone Width to Bird Density and Diversity in Southern British Columbia
- Kinley & Newhouse 1997.pdf
(#1142) 1969 Spring Waterfowl Survey of the Columbia River basin of the East Kootenay
(#1128) Canadian Rocky Mountains Ecoregion Conservation Assessment Volume 1: Report
- Rumsey et al 2003 673.pdf
(#1130) Canadian Rocky Mountains Ecoregion Conservation Assessment Volume 2: Appendices
- Rumsey et al 2003 27.pdf
(#1132) Canadian Rocky Mountains Ecoregion Conservation Assessment Volume 3: Conservation Areas Descriptions
- Rumsey et al 2003.pdf
(#1118) Assessment of Waterfowl Populations and Important Waterfowl Habitats of the Upper Columbia Valley and East Kootenay Trench Ecosections from Aerial Surveys.
(#1120) Steamboat Mountain Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping Project
- Kernaghan et al 1998.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 1998 601.pdf
- Kernaghan et al 1998 499.pdf
(#1122) Expanded Ecosystem Legend for Stoddart Creek Study Area. Unpublished report
(#1124) Painted Turtle. Wildlife at Risk In British Columbia
- Blood & Macartney 1998.pdf
(#1126) Canada Names New Ramsar site in British Columbia
- Zimmerman 2005.pdf
- Zimmerman 2005.doc
(#1110) Species at Risk Assessment Report for the Rocky Mountain and Kootenay Lake Forest Districts, British Columbia, Canada
- Ferguson 2004.pdf
(#1112) Assessment and Update Status Report on the Long-billed Curlew Numenius americanus
- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada 2002.pdf
(#1114) 2001 Flammulated Owl Inventory of the Rocky Mountain Trench. Final Report Year 2
- Addison & Christie 2002.PDF
- Addison & Christie 2002.XLSX
(#1116) An annotated list of the birds of the East Kootenay, British Columbia
(#1102) Aquatic biophysical assessment of the Spillimacheen River, September 20-21, 1995: Data Report.
(#1104) Columbia River Bibliography
(#1106) 1999 elk inventory – East Kootenay Trench
- Halko & Hebert 1999.pdf
(#1108) Land Development Guidelines: For the Protection of Aquatic Habitat
- Chilibeck et al 1993.pdf
(#1094) A Summary of Field Notes Made During the Summer of 1976 in the Columbia River Valley Between Edgewater and Canal Flats
(#1096) Fish and Fish Habitat Resources in the lower Bull, Elk, and Spillimacheen Rivers (between dam and powerhouse) during the non-spill period, 2002.
- Bisset & Cope 2002.pdf
(#1098) Spillimacheen Water Use Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2007
- BC Hydro 2007 809.pdf
(#1100) Lower Spillimacheen River fish and fish habitat study
(#1086) Fish and Wildlife Habitat Assessment Maps Lake Windermere
- Hlushak 2008.pdf
- Hlushak 2008 110.pdf
- Hlushak 2008 982.pdf
- Hlushak 2008 658.pdf
(#1088) Discover a Watershed: The Columbia Reference and Activity Guide- Field Test Copy Draft 29
(#1090) Wetlands of British Columbia. A Guide to Identification
- MacKenzie & Moran 2004.pdf
(#1092) Effect of cattle grazing near streams, lakes and wetlands: a results-based assessment of range practices under the Forest Practices Code in maintaining riparian values: special report
- Forest Practices Board 2002.pdf
(#1078) A Natural History of Columbia River Fisheries in British Columbia, Canada
(#1080) High Conservation Value (HCV) Fisheries Watersheds in the Rocky Mountain and Kootenay Lake Forest Districts
- Chirico 2005.pdf
(#1082) Kokanee Spawner Distribution Survey and Stock-Monitoring Plan for the Upper Columbia Basin.
- Oliver 1995.pdf
(#1084) Lake Survey Data, Windermere Lake
(#1070) Use of motorboats on the Upper Columbia River
- Hennan 2002.pdf
(#1072) Caring for our precious wetlands
- Jamieson 2007.pdf
(#1074) Recommendations for Developing a Management Partnership for the Columbia Wetlands
- Galbraith & Jamieson 2007.pdf
(#1076) Windermere Lake Foreshore Fish and Wildlife Habitat Assessment
- McPherson & Hlushak 2008.pdf
- McPherson Windermere Lk South.pdf
- McPherson Windermere Lk North.pdf
(#1060) Lake Windermere Management Strategy
(#1062) Archaeological Research at the Salmon Beds Invermere, BC
- Heitzmann 1999.pdf
(#1064) Kootenay Air and Water Quality Study Phase II. Water Quality in the Upper Columbia River Basin
- BC Ministry of Environment 1981.pdf
(#1066) The Importance of Protecting Levee Forming Processes within the Columbia Wetlands – In Relation to the Impacts of Boat Wakes -: A Review conducted at the request of the Columbia Wetland Stewardship Committee June 19, 2007
- Bayley & Galbraith 2007.pdf
(#1068) The Conservation Rationale for Regulating the Use of Navigable Water in British Columbia’s Columbia Wetlands
- Hammond 2007.pdf
(#1052) Study of the current status of navigation protection of the Canadian waterways including their governance and use and the operation of the current Navigable Waters Protection Act
- House of Commons 2008.pdf
(#1054) BC Lake Stewardship and Monitoring Program Windermere Lake 2005 – 2007
- Johns 2008.pdf
(#1056) Windermere Lake: Water Quality Changes Over the Past 300 Years as determined from a Bottom Sediment Core
- McDonald 2000.pdf
(#1058) Upper Columbia Planning Unit Water Quality Assessment: Volume 1, Columbia and Windermere Lakes, Columbia River Between and Lakes and Windermere Creek
(#1044) Spillimacheen Water Use Plan Monitoring Programs Annual Report: 2008
- BC Hydro 2008.pdf
(#1046) Columbia River Water Use Plan Update for Kinbasket Reservoir
- BC Hydro 2007 430.pdf
(#1048) New Boating Regulations to Protect the Upper Columbia River Wetlands
- Rooney 2008.pdf
(#1050) Oceans to Alpine A British Columbia Nature Guide
(#1036) Riparian Assessment of the Lentic Wetlands in the Rocky Mountain Trench
(#1038) Wildlife-habitat relationships in the Columbia River Basin: a British Columbia database for terrestrial vertebrate species
(#1040) Channel hydraulics, sediments transport and floodplain sedimentation in a temperate humid anastomosing river system (upper Columbia River, western Canada)
(#1042) Spillimacheen Project Water Use Plan Revised for Acceptance by the Comptroller of Water Rights
- BC Hydro 2005.pdf
(#1028) Understanding Wetlands
(#1030) The Canadian Wetland Classification System
- National Wetlands Working Group 1997.pdf
(#1032) 2005 Windermere Lake Water Quality Monitoring Program and Literature Review
- Masse & McGregor 2005.pdf
(#1034) The Wetlandkeepers Handbook: a practical guide to wetland care
- Curran 1996.pdf
(#1024) Columbia Valley EKES should let it go
- Kupchanco 2004.pdf
(#1026) Wetlands assessment for James Chabot Provincial Park.
- Kinley 2000.pdf
(#1020) Abbott joins fight for horsepower regulation on Columbia Wetlands
- Starr 2006.pdf
(#1022) BC court of appeal 2002 decision on the boating restriction.
- Kupchanco 2002.pdf
(#3347) Kupchanko re “Full speed ahead for Columbia Wetlands Power Boat Regulation”
- Kupchanko 2006.pdf
(#1016) Workshops for Boating Best Practices in the Columbia Wetlands Outcomes and Recommendations
- Tourism Action Society in the Kootenays 2006.pdf
(#1014) Wetlands Institute 2002 Glaciers to Goose Nests – Radium Hot Springs
- Mose 2002.pdf
(#1012) Conversation with Rob Cannings re Dragonflies Chabot Provincial Park
- Oliver 2004.pdf
(#1010) Dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) of James Chabot Provincial Park, Athalmer, B.C.
- Cannings 2000.pdf
(#1008) Public Consultation Form Proposed Boating Restriction Within the Columbia Wetlands Wildlife Management Area (CWWMA)
- Zimmerman 2002.pdf
(#1006) Electoral Area ‘A’ Parks Final Report
- Beardmore 2007 737.pdf
(#1004) An Inventory of Mature and Old Growth Stands in the Cranbrook and Invermere Timber Supply Areas, With Special Reference to Habitat Requirements of the Pileated Woodpecker
(#1002) Numbers, Distribution and Habitat Dynamics of Long-billed Curlews in the East Kootenay
(#1000) Columbia Wetlands Wildlife Management Area Proposal
(#998) Biophysical habitat analysis of the Columbia Lake Wildlife Area
(#996) Biophysical resources of the East Kootenay Area
(#994) A Land management Strategy for Wildlife in the East Kootenay Trench
(#992) Wetlands Change
(#990) Swamps
(#988) Shrub-carrs
(#986) Shallow Open Water
(#984) Wet Meadows
(#982) Marshes
(#980) Fens
(#978) Bogs
(#976) BC.’s Wetland Working Group
(#974) B.C. Priority Areas
(#972) Wetland Conservation Councils Flock to Cranbrook
- Arner 2007.pdf
(#970) Wetlands
- Intermountain Wetland Conservation Program undated 710.pdf
(#968) Soil Resources of the Lardeau Map Area (82K)
- Wittneben 1980.pdf
(#966) Biophysical Resources of the East Kootenay Area: Soils
- Lacelle 1990.pdf
(#964) Soil Survey of the Upper Kootenay and Elk Rver Valleys
- Kelley & Holland 1956.pdf
- Kelley & Holland 1956.jpg
(#962) Recent Range Expansion of Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) in southeastern British Columbia
- Leighton 2005.pdf
(#960) First Nesting Record of Say’s Phoebe ( Sayornis saya) in the East Kootenay, British Columbia
- Ferguson & Dascher 2005.pdf
(#958) Albino Raven
(#956) Barn Owl
(#954) Wanderings of a Radio-collared Female Bighorn Sheep
(#952) Rubber Ducky
(#950) Rusty Blackbird
(#948) Conservation Property “Blitzed” By Biologists
- Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program 2008.pdf
(#946) Overview of Present Water and Climate Monitoring in the East Kootenay
- Jamieson 2008.pdf
(#944) Digital Maps of the Columbia Wetlands Wildlife Management Area
- BC Ministry of Environment 2008.PDF
- BC Ministry of Environment 2008 213.pdf
- BC Ministry of Environment 2008 549.PDF
(#942) Salmon & the Upper Columbia River : Importance, Tradition, Survival
(#940) Columbia Lake Management Strategy
- Urban Systems 1997.pdf
(#938) 1999 Windermere Lake: Water quality monitoring program
(#936) Temperature, Development, and Behavior in the Early Life History of Burbot from Columbia Lake, British Columbia
(#934) Interm Report and Statement of Facts , Submission to the Canadian Coast Guard’s Office of Boating Safety Regarding the Upper Columbia River Valley
(#932) Fifteen Years Sport and Life in the Hunting Grounds of Western America and British Columbia
- Baillie-Grohamn 1900.pdf
(#930) Archaeological Investigations at the Columbia Lake Site, EbPw 1.
(#928) Archaeological Investigations of a Kutenai Indian Encampment, Heritage Site EbPw1, Columbia Lake.
(#924) The Columbia Valley
(#922) Hydrologic Implications of Climate Change for Western North America and the Columbia River Basin
- Hamlet et al 2008 617.pdf
(#920) The Grasslands of British Columbia
- Wikeem & Wikeem 2004.pdf
(#918) A General Report to Entech on the Bird populations of the Columbia River Valley between Edgewater and Canal Flats, BC – June 1976
(#916) Upper Columbia Strategic Plan Low Flow Estimates
(#914) Arsenic in Sinclair Creek Basin, Kootenay National Park
- Environment Canada 1979.pdf
(#912) Upper Columbia River Toby Creek, Sinclair Creek, the Columbia River from Toby Creek to Edgewater, and the Spillimacheen River Water Quality Assessment and Objectives. Technical Appendix
- Nijman 1985 722.pdf
- Nijman 1985 367.pdf
(#910) Field Key to the Freshwater Fishes of British Columbia, Region 3 – Columbia
- MacPhail & Carveth 1999.pdf
(#908) Windermere Creek: Restoration Success Through Partnerships in Stewardship
- Crowley 1998.pdf
(#906) Cottonwood stands in the Columbia marshes
(#904) Kootenay River Diversion Project Initial Environmental Evaluation: Volume 4 – Economic Environment
(#902) Kootenay River Diversion Project Initial Environmental Evaluation: Volume 3 – Biological Environment
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1978.pdf
- Entech Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1978 584.pdf
(#900) Kootenay River Diversion Project Initial Environmental Evaluation: Volume 2 – Physical Environment
(#898) Kootenay River Diversion Project Initial Environmental Evaluation: Volume 1- Summary Report
(#896) Fire in the Columbia Marshes
(#894) A bibliography of ecological information pertinent to the East Kootenay region of British Columbia
(#892) A proposal to acquire the Wilmer cooperative wildlife area in the Columbia Valley, British Columbia
(#890) The Kootenay River diversion controversy
(#888) Kootenay River Diversion Project, Recreation and Tourism Interim Report
(#886) Spring and Fall Waterfowl Surveys in the Columbia River Marshes of the East Kootenay
(#884) A Wildlife Management Plan for the Upper Columbia Strategic Planning Unit
(#882) Columbia-Windermere Lakes Tourism Settlement Strategy
(#880) Columbia-Windermere Lakes Land Use Study
- ELUC Secretariat 1978.pdf
(#878) Columbia River Wetlands: Maps
(#876) River Under Siege: B.C.’s Columbia Wetlands Face an Uncertain Future
(#874) The Upper Columbia
- Parker 1911.pdf
(#872) Tales of the Windermere
(#870) Elk Inventory in the East Kootenay Trench
- Simpson 1992.pdf
(#868) Kootenay River Diversion Environmental Impact Assessment Resource Atlas
(#866) Radium Hot Springs Sewage Treatment Study
(#864) Columbia River Marshes, British Columbia: Waterfowl Habitat Assessment
- Hennan 1975.pdf
(#862) Geological Hazards and Geology of the South Columbia River Valley ( Edgewater to Canal Flats) British Columbia
(#860) International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Directory of Wetlands of International Importance Questionnaire – Data Sheet: Columbia River marshes, British Columbia Canada
(#858) Columbia River wetlands Centre: Feasibility and Design
(#856) Columbia River Wetlands wildlife viewing feasibility and development plan
- Newhouse & Kinley 1991.pdf
(#854) The Wilmer National Wildlife Area; wildlife and habitats
- Simpson & Kelsall 1978.pdf
(#852) Observations of raptor nest in the Upper Columbia Valley
(#850) Opportunities for wildlife and recreation development in the Columbia River Wetlands
- Pedology 1983 Chapter 1.pdf
- Pedology 1983 Chapter 2.pdf
- Pedology 1983 Chapter 3.pdf
- Pedology 1983 Chapter 4.pdf
- Pedology 1983 Chapter 5.pdf
- Pedology 1983 Chapter 6.pdf
- Pedology 1983 Appendix 1.pdf
- Pedology 1983 Appendix 3.pdf
(#848) Geomorphology and botany of the Wilmer National Wildlife Area
(#846) Field note: Migratory birds in the Columbia Valley, 1978
- Kaiser et al 1978.pdf
(#844) Great Blue Heron Colonies in B.C.
- Forbes et al 1985.pdf
(#842) A preliminary report on the first set of aerial surveys to be conducted through the full annual cycle in the Columbia Valley between Libby reservoir and Golden, B.C. 1976-1977
(#840) Aerial Surveys in the Columbia Valley
(#838) Wetlands in the East Kootenay
(#836) Upper Columbia Basin Aerial Wildlife Survey
(#834) A Herpetological Survey of 87 Wetlands in the Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Compensation Area
- Ohanjanian & Teske 1996.pdf
- Ohanjanian & Teske 1996 523.pdf
- Ohanjanian & Teske 1996 570.pdf
- Ohanjanian & Teske 1996 385.pdf
(#832) Kootenay Small Mammals Inventory – Phase I
- Fraker & Ketcheson 1997.pdf
(#830) Badger Habitat and Ground Squirrel Survey Summary Report
- Newhouse 1999 773.pdf
(#826) Characteristics of Burbot Spawning in a Tributary of Columbia Lake, British Columbia, Over a Four-Year Period
- Arndt & Hutchinson 2000.pdf
(#828) Ecology of American Badgers Near Their Range Limit in Southeastern British Columbia
- Newhouse & Kinley 2000.pdf
(#822) Habitat Associations of American Badgers in Southeast British Columbia
- Apps et al 2001.pdf
(#824) The Conservation of Hardwoods and Associated Wildlife in the CBFWCP Area in Southeastern British Columbia
- Jamieson et al 2001 459.pdf
(#820) Field Surveys for the Dione Copper Butterfly
- Kondla 2002.pdf
(#818) Columbia Lake Burbot Population Estimate Program, Canal Flats, BC
- Bisset et al 2002.pdf
(#816) Short-eared Owl and American Bittern Inventory in the Columbia Basin, 2003
- Cooper & S. M. Beauchesene 2003.pdf
(#814) Breeding Inventory and Habitat Assessment of the Great Blue Herons in the Columbia River Basin
- Machmer & Chris Steeger 2003.pdf
(#812) Small Wetland Literature Review and Mapping
- Machmer 2004.pdf
(#810) Habitat Attribute Targets for Red and Blue Listed Wildlife Species and Plant Community Conservation
- Cooper et al 2004.pdf
(#808) Great Blue Heron Inventory and Stewardship in the Columbia Basin
- Machmer 2005.pdf
(#806) Hoodoo/Hofert Restoration Treatment Monitoring – Site Establishment Report
- Page 2005.pdf
(#804) Great Blue Heron and Bald Eagle Inventory and Stewardship in the Columbia Basin 2005-2006
- Great_Blue_Heron_and_Bald_Eagle_Inventory_and_Stewardship_in_the_Columbia_Basin_2006.pdf
(#802) Great Blue Heron and Bald Eagle Inventory and Stewardship in the Columbia Basin 2006-2007
- Machmer 2007.pdf
(#800) Great Blue Heron and Bald Eagle Inventory and Stewardship in the Columbia Basin 2007-2008
- Machmer 2008.pdf
(#798) Roosting habitat assessment and inventory of bats in the Mica wildlife compensation area
(#796) Wildlife Area Regulations
(#794) Studies of Birds in the Upper Columbia Valley, BC
(#792) Inventory of Lewis’ Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis) on Jubilee Mountain Tree Farm License # 14, Invermere Forest District
- Ferguson 1999.pdf
(#790) Great Blue Heron Breeding Inventory and Habitat Assessment in the Columbia Basin
- Machmer & C. Steeger 2004.pdf
(#788) Wildlife Management Areas in British Columbia A Discussion Paper – Draft
- Foubister 1985.pdf
(#786) Wetland Classification and Habitats at Risk in British Columbia
- MacKenzie & J. Shaw 2000.pdf
(#784) Status of the White-throated Swift in British Columbia
- Summers 1995.pdf
(#782) Status of the Western Grebe in British Columbia
- Burger 1997.pdf
(#780) Status of the Long-billed Curlew in British Columbia
- Cannings 1999.pdf
(#778) Status of the Lewis’s Woodpecker in British Columbia
- Cooper et al 1998.pdf
(#776) Status of the Great Blue Heron in British Columbia
- Gebauer & I. E. Moul 2001.pdf
(#774) Status of the Bald Eagle in British Columbia
- Blood et al 1994.pdf
(#772) Status of the Badger in British Columbia
- Rahme et al 1995.pdf
(#770) Research Priorities for the Management of the Western Toad (Bufo Boreas) in British Columbia
- Davis 2002.pdf
(#768) Rare Dragonflies of British Columbia
- BC Ministry of Environment 2002.pdf
(#766) Provisional Evaluation of the Status of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in Canada
- Mayhood 1999.pdf
(#764) Problem Analysis of Integrated Resource Management of Riparian Areas in British Columbia
- Bunnell et al 1995.pdf
(#762) Peregrine Falcon: British Columbia’s Wildlife at Risk
- BC Ministry of Environment 1998 279.pdf
(#760) Long-billed Curlew, British Columbia’s Wildlife at Risk
- BC Ministry of Environment 1998 597.pdf
(#758) Lewis’s Woodpecker, British Columbia’s Wildlife at Risk
- BC Ministry of Environment 1998.pdf
(#756) Indigenous fish species potentially at risk in BC with recommendations and prioritizations for conservation forestry/resource use, inventory and research
- Hass 1998.pdf
(#754) The Great Blue Heron: British Columbia’s Wildlife at Risk
- BC Ministry of Environment 1998 306.pdf
(#752) Cottonwood Riparian Ecosystems of the Southern Interior
- BC Ministry of Environment 1997.pdf
(#750) Bull trout – identifying strategies for conserving a fish at risk
- Hass & M. Porter 2001.pdf
(#748) Breeding Distribution of the Lewis’s Woodpecker in the East Kootenay Trench in Relation to Fire History
- Cooper & C. Gillies 1999.pdf
(#746) Wetlands of the Southern Interior Valleys
- BC Ministry of Water Lands and Air Protection 2004.pdf
(#744) Agencies, Organizations and Individuals Supporting Wetland Conservation in BC
- Wetland Working Group 2003.pdf
(#742) The East Kootenay Land-Use Plan
- Government of British Columbia 1995.pdf
(#740) Field Report: fall migration of waterbirds in the Columbia Valley
(#738) Burges and James Gadsen Provincial Park: Master Plan
(#736) Geomorphology of Glacial Lake Invermere, upper Columbia River Valley, British Columbia
(#734) Inventory and Habitat Assessment of Bats in the Mica Compensation Area
(#732) Hydrology and sediment transport in an anastomosing reach of the upper Columbia River, B.C.
(#730) Anastomosing rivers: a review of their classification, origin and sedimentary products
- Makaske 2001 785.pdf
(#728) Historical Streamflow Summary, British Columbia
(#726) Assessment of Species Diversity in the Montane Cordillera Ecozone
- Scudder & Smith 1998.pdf
(#724) Biological Foundation and Prospectus – Canadian Intermountain Joint Venure
(#722) Something Ventured Something Gained – Canadian Intermountain Joint Venture
- Canadian Intermountain Joint Venture 2004.pdf
(#720) Biophysical surveys and enhancement opportunities for tributaries of the upper Columbia River
- Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1992.pdf
(#718) A Fisheries Investigation of Columbia Lake
- RL & L Environmental Services Ltd 1993.pdf
(#716) The Fishes of the Central Canadian Rockies Ecosystem
- Mayhood 1995.pdf
(#714) Local Knowledge of Columbia River fisheries in British Columbia, Canada
- Prince 2001.pdf
(#712) Biological aspects of water level control in Windermere Lake, B.C.
(#710) Note on the Salmon Beds Athalmer, BC
- Heitzmann 2008.pdf
(#708) The Changing Times The Story of the Upper Columbia Valley as Lived by the Harrison Family
(#706) Brisco & Spillimacheen: A History
(#704) Dominion Government engineer’s report for Golden – Windermere Limited on the reclaiming of bottom lands on Columbia River in East Kootenay, B.C.
(#702) British Columbia’s Heritage Rivers Systems
- BC Provincial Government 1998.pdf
(#700) BC Field Ornithologists Annual General Meeting, Radium Hot Springs, June 20-22, 2003
- Sprague & Eadie 2003.pdf
(#698) The Upper Columbia Valley 1900-20: an Assessment of Boosterism and the Biography of Landscape
(#696) The Origin of Anastomosis in the Columbia River, British Columbia
- Abbado et al 2005.pdf
(#694) Restoring Upper Columbia River Salmon Populations: A Transboundary Management Issue
(#692) Soil Survey of the Upper Columbia River Valley in the East Kootenay District of British Columbia
- Kelley & Holland 1961.jpg
- Kelley & Holland 1961 703.jpg
- Kelley & Holland 1961 195.jpg
- Kelley & Holland 1961 555.jpg
- Kelley & Holland 1961.pdf
(#690) Columbia River Treaty History and 2014/2024 Review
- Columbia river treaty 2013.pdf
- Bonneville Power Administration US Army Corps of Engineers 2008.pdf
- Bonneville Power Administration US Army Corps of Engineers 2008 32.pdf
(#688) Pesticide Free Columbia Valley Growing greener communities in Golden and Invermere, BC
(#686) Avulsions, channel evolution and floodplain sedimentation rates of the anastomosing upper Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada
(#684) Interchannel hydraulic geometry and hydraulic efficiency of the anastomosing Columbia River, southeastern British Columbia, Canada
- Tabata & Hickin 2003.pdf
(#682) Dragonflies at Risk in British Columbia
- Ramsay & S. G. Canning 2000.pdf
(#680) Anastomosed River Deposits–Modern and Ancient Examples in Western Canada
- Smith & Putnam 1982.pdf
(#678) Geometry of Modern Anastomosed Channel Deposits and Potential Hydrocarbon Traps
- Smith 1982 104.pdf
(#676) Controls on natural levée development in the Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada
- Filgueira-Rivera & Slingerland 2007.pdf
(#674) Steamboats of the upper Columbia and Kootenay Rivers
(#672) Great Canadian Rivers – The Columbia River
(#670) David Thompson, Pathfinder and the Columbia River
(#668) Down the Columbia
- Freeman 1921.pdf
(#666) The Columbia Unveiled
(#664) Columbia Wetlands
- Harrison undated.pdf
(#662) Rowing the Undammed Columbia
- Harrison 2008.pdf
(#660) An amphibian inventory of the East Kootenays with an emphasis on Bufo boreas, 2005
- Ohanjanian et al 2006.pdf
(#658) Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands – Columbia Wetlands
- Zimmerman 2004 654.pdf
(#656) Motorized vessels regulation in the Columbia Wetlands, British Columbia
(#654) Windermere Lake Provincial Park Purpose Statement and Zoning Plan
- Stetski 2003.pdf
(#652) Management Direction Statement for Columbia Lake Provincial Park
- Stetski 2004 229.pdf
(#650) Management Direction Statement for James Chabot Provincial Park
- Stetski 2004.pdf
(#648) Burges and James Gadsden Provincial Park Purpose Statement and Zoning Plan
- Stetski 2003 995.pdf
(#646) Canal Flats Provincial Park Purpose Statement and Zoning Plan
- Stetski 2003 40.pdf
(#644) Wetland Evaluation Guide
- WEG_Oct2002_s.pdf
(#642) Green Bylaws Toolkit for Conserving Sensitive Ecosystems and Green Infrastructure
- Curran 2016.pdf
(#640) Inventory and Assessment of Bass in the Upper Columbia River Drainage
- Griffith 1994 163.pdf
(#638) Water Quality in British Columbia Objectives Attainment in 2003
- Phippen 2004.pdf
(#636) Windermere Lake Reservoir
(#634) Water Resources Inventory Report: Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Windermere Creek
- Westcott et al 2000.pdf
(#632) Progress Report for a Study on Larval and Juvenile Burbot in the upper Columbia (1997)
- Taylor 1998.pdf
(#630) The Ecology of Wetland Ecosystems.
- Banner & MacKenzie 2000.pdf
(#620) Juvenile Burbot Sampling in Columbia and Windermere Lakes, Summer 2002
- Taylor 2002.pdf
(#622) The Early Life History and Ecology of Columbia Lake Burbot
- Taylor 2001.pdf
(#624) Changes in Cohort Abundance at Different Life Stages for Burbot in Columbia Lake, British Columbia from 1991 to 1999
(#626) Summary of Winter Creel Surveys for Columbia and Windermere Lakes from 1995-2001
- Arndt 2001.pdf
(#628) Status of Chiselmouth (Acrocheilus alutaceus) in the Windermere and Columbia Lake Watersheds
- Chiselmouth 1995.pdf
(#612) Columbia River: Columbia to Windermere Lake – Floodplain Mapping
(#614) Columbia River: Windermere Lake – Radium Floodplain Mapping
(#616) East Kootenay Burbot Population Assessment
- Prince 2007.pdf
(#618) Environmental Impact Assessment on Jane Creek and Windermere Lake CB05-15138
- Burggraeve 2006.xls
(#604) An Inventory of Toby Creek and Tributaries
- Carswell & Andrew Witt 1979.pdf
(#606) Columbia River Wetlands: Summary Report
- hab_4213_rpt_1103840226986_eb3e6b0d0c6d468e855fe7d1115fbedb.pdf
(#608) Construction and Testing of Observation Well No. 309, Golden, B.C.
- Hodge 1993.pdf
(#610) Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Windermere Creek: Species Identification and Community Interpretation Fall 1998
- Westcott 1999.pdf
(#596) Upper Columbia River Area Columbia and Windermere Lakes Sub-basin Water Quality Assessment and Objectives Technical Appendix
- McKean & Richard N. Nordin 1985.pdf
- McKean & Richard N. Nordin 1985 726.pdf
(#598) Paleolimnological Analysis of Windermere Lake, B.C. – Final Report
- Cumming 1999.pdf
(#600) First Nations water rights in British Columbia: a historical summary of the rights of the Shuswap First Nation.
- Griffith et al 1999.pdf
(#602) Columbia-Windermere Lakes area: an overview study
- Environment and Land Use Committee Secretariat 1978.pdf
(#586) B.C. 1887, A Ramble in British Columbia
(#588) Sportfish Habitat use in Selected Small Streams of the Upper Columbia Watershed
- Hagen 1993.pdf
(#590) A Reconnaissance Survey of Unnamed Pond Near Edgewater (Known Locally as Moore’s Pond)
- Griffith 1994 865.pdf
(#592) Habitat Types and Terrain Evaluation of the Columbia River Marshes
- Clement & Maynard 1982.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 1.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 2.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 3.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 4.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 5.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 6.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 7.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 8.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 9.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 10.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 11.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 12.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 13.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 14.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 15.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 16.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 17.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 18.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 19.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 20.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 21.pdf
- Clement & Maynard 1982 595.pdf
(#594) A Literature Review of Aquatic Macrophytes with a Particular Reference to those Present in Windermere Lake, British Columbia
(#580) Kinbasket Kokanee Enumeration 1997
- Westover 1998.pdf
(#582) 1998 Progress Report for a Study of Juvenile Burbot in Columbia Lake, BC
- Taylor 1999.pdf
(#584) Columbia Basin, Large Mammal Monitoring: 1994-97 Aerial Surveys
- Tinker et al 1997.pdf
(#578) Summary of Juvenile Burbot Sampling in the Upper Columbia River Catchment, 1997
- Baxter 1998.pdf
(#576) Incidental Take and Protecting Habitat for Migratory Birds: An East Kootenay Pilot Project
- Wells et al 2008.pdf
(#574) Ecosystem Representation in the East Kootenay Conservation Program Study Area
- Wells et al 2004.pdf
(#572) Species of global, national and provincial concern occurring within and near the Radium DFA, and the actions undertaken to sustain and monitor them.
(#570) Vertebrate Species Accounting System for the Radium DFA
- Bunnell & P. Vernier 2007 51.pdf
(#568) Windermere Lake Foreshore Inventory and Mapping
- McPherson & David Michel 2007.pdf
(#566) Windermere and Luxor Creeks (Upper Columbia River Basin) Kokanee Spawning Survey 1998
- Wigle 1999.pdf
(#564) Fisheries Survey of Dutch, Toby and Horsethief Creeks
- Fielden et al 1993.pdf
(#562) Columbia Valley Bird Survey Summer/Fall 1993
- Leung & Keith Simpson 1993.pdf
(#560) Columbia River Chronicles a History of the Kootenay District in the 19th Century
(#558) Reflection Lake Wetland Assessment
- Ducks Unlimited Canada 1996.pdf
(#556) Observations of breeding bald eagles in southeastern British Columbia
- Forbes & Kaiser 1984.pdf
(#554) Modeling and Restoration of Bighorn Sheep Habitat within and Adjacent to Kootenay National Park, British Columbia
- Tremblay & Dibb 2004.pdf
(#552) Modeling and management of potential movement for elk (Cervus elaphus), bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) and grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) in the Radium Hot Springs area, British Columbia
- Tremblay 2001.pdf
(#548) Chipmunks (Tamias) of the Kootenay region, British Columbia: distribution, identification, taxonomy, conservation status
- Nagorsen 2002.pdf
(#546) East Kootenay Northern Leopard Frog Project
- Gillies 2000.pdf
(#544) Freshwater Fishes of the Columbia Basin in British Columbia
- Troffe 1999.pdf
(#534) Monitoring plan for biological diversity in the Radium DFA
- Bunnell et al 2007.pdf
(#536) Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of Horsethief Creek (300-971300)
- Petrovcic 2000.pdf
(#540) Flammulated Owl Management Plan For British Columbia – Draft
- Cooper et al 2005 727.pdf
(#542) The dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) of the Columbia Basin, British Columbia
- Cannings et al 2000.pdf
(#526) Plant Succession in the Rocky Mountain Trench: Influence of Historical Factors
- Wikeem & Ross 2002.pdf
(#528) Checklist of Birds of the Upper Columbia River Valley, British Columbia
(#530) Fire history of the southern Rocky Mountain Trench: 1540–2005
- Daniels et al 2007.pdf
(#532) Inventory of Lewis’s Woodpecker Breeding Population and Habitat in the East Kootenay
- Cooper & Beauchesne 2000.pdf
(#518) Progress Report: Conservation of Badgers in the East Kootenay of BC
- Newhouse 2002.pdf
(#520) Monitoring Birds for Sustainable Forest Management in the Invermere Timber Supply Area
- Preston et al 2007.pdf
(#522) East Kootenay Badger project: 1997/98 Year-end summary report
- Newhouse 1998.pdf
(#524) Biology and Conservation Challenges of Badgers in the East Kootenay region of British Columbia
- Newhouse & Kinley 1999.pdf
(#514) The Columbia Wetlands Wildlife Management Area: Operational Management Plan – 1998-2002
- Jamieson & Hennan 1998.pdf
- Jamieson & Hennan 1998.doc
(#516) Glacial Lake Invermere, upper Columbia River valley, British Columbia: a paleogeographic reconstruction
- Sawicki & Smith 1992.pdf
(#3062) White River, Middle Fork Water Resource Inventory
(#2964) A Reconnaissance Survey of Windermere Lake
(#2960) A Reconnaissance Survey of Wilmer Lake
(#2956) A Reconnaissance Survey of Wilbur Lake
(#2954) A Reconnaissance Survey of Wilbur Lake
(#2944) A Reconnaissance Survey of Topaz Lake
(#2930) A Reconnaissance Survey of Mitten Lake
(#2924) A Reconnaissance Survey of Loon Lake
(#2922) A Reconnaissance Survey of Loon Lake
(#2918) A Reconnaissance Survey of Lillian Lake
(#2916) A Reconnaissance Survey of Lillian Lake
(#2876) A Reconnaissance Survey of Dogsled Lake
(#2860) A Reconnaissance Survey of Cedar Lake #1
(#2700) A Partial Reconnaissance Survey of Cartwright Lake
(#2584) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report Mitten Lake
(#2564) Kootenay Fisheries Field Report McClain Lake
(#2468) A Fisheries Investigation of Cleland Lake
(#2356) A Reconnaissance Survey of Windermere Lake
(#2336) Golden Timber Supply Area Analysis Report
(#2294) Forest Insect and Disease Survey East Nelson District
(#2292) Forest Insect and Disease Survey East Nelson District
(#2218) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region
(#2220) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region
(#2222) Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Nelson Forest Region
(#2036) Invermere Timber Supply Area Rationale for allowable annual cut (AAC) determination
(#2020) Invermere Timber Supply Area Timber Supply Analysis Discussion Paper
(#1826) CLBMON-19 Kinbasket Reservoir White Sturgeon Inventory and Habitat Use Assessment
(#1782) Conserving Mammals at Risk: The Role of Taxonomy
(#1756) A Strategy for the Recovery of Mountain Caribou in British Columbia
(#1310) An Ecological Study of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Winter Ranges in the East Kootenay Region of British Columbia
(#1018) Kupchanko re “Full speed ahead for Columbia Wetlands Power Boat Regulation”
(#538) East Kootenay Land Use Plan